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I might falter, but I remain resolute!


Amin was arrested.

Between crushed and dejected, Amirah wandered in her room implacably as she sought after ideas to help Amin out of the mess Haidar had put him in. Amin is in detention without the police granting his bail.

Amirah had been at the police station through out yesterday, yet she couldn't do anything. They couldn't even let him go home first then continue with the investigation. She even went as far as to see the DPO her self maybe he might help and give him bail, but he refused saying is a murder case and that's serious. Besides, Haidar Ali said they shouldn't grant him bail.

The devil's incarnate!

The air that was puncturing through the window into her room seems to add tremor to her already ruffled self instead of mellowing her demeanor. Her breathing was clogged as she battled with the anxiety slatting all over her. Why will Haidar go to such extreme. Why will he try to crush her into pieces. Haidar is taking the case to court as he told the officers. He was solicitously pretending to be striken by what he claimed Amin did to his friend and pledged that justice must be taken.

She fell her head toward the window haplessly and breathed in and out with difficulty. What will happen to Amin now? What will happen if they could not find clue to acquit him? Haidar had decoyed him into this trap knowing that that's one simple way to crush him and stop their marriage. Five days to their wedding and this is happening. What kind of luck is that?!

Amirah got ready with her dwindled nerves and shuffled to the kitchen to take breakfast to Amin in the station. Thank goodness ummu had already prepared the breakfast for him least, it will be difficult for her as her energy had waned and her heart is dilapidated.

The early Sun rays kissed her in a warm welcoming coll as she stepped outside the house. Everywhere around her seems gloom as if they're sharing her anguish. She marched the ground sorrowfully towards her car with a dark cloud of despair looming over her.

Haidar is anomally among normal beings. How did he even kill the man and framed Amin? How did he schemed the whole thing meticulously without failing? How can Haidar kill someone just to frame Amin and stop their marriage? It means human life means nothing to him. She thanked her lucky star that God prevented her from marrying a murderer.

Amin is too veracious to be entangled in cases like this. It will paint him black before the world and only those little beings that knows him could testify his veracity; that's just little among thousands.

Getting to the station, she related to the constable on duty her purpose of visit. After asking her to taste the food she brought in case she put something inside, he later directed her to the visiting corner.

She sat down at the waiting desk, waiting impatiently to see Amin. The air was filled with the rustling of papers and the shuffling of feet as people trudged into the station in clusters, probably there for their loved ones that are in detention.

Amin finally showed up with a constable behind him. The constable pointed towards Amirah to him and then returned back to the counter. One glance at him, Amirah have to inhibit her emotions not to falter. Amin had losen weight already after spending a day in detention. He looked emaciated and out of perkiness.

Amin sat down opposite her and stared at her, an undefinable emotion wreaked with wistfulness and melancholy displayed on him. He smiled blearily dissipating his fatigue to the polluted air that sought after their surrounding. The atmosphere was charged with confusion and distrain.

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