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I will never fall a victim to distress...


A pair of waiters came to deliver their delicacies. The moment the foods were dropped, layla sidled on Amin's laps and sprung towards the desk to grab a shawarma. Amin held her meticulously with one hand and used his other hand to get the shawarma for her.

"There you go baby." He handed it to her as he unfolded the wrap gently.

"Too impetuous, like her ant khadijah," Amirah said with a mocking glance towards khadi that was sitting beside her.

"She took after me." Khadi bragged with a grin. "She's just like me when I was little."

"How did you know what you did when you're little?" Maryam countered, and khadi snickered and clapped her hands childishly.

"I was a born genius."

"You guys should have something to eat or we waste time here." Amin said. Adjusting Layla on his lap with one hand, he went for the steak with the other hand and nibbled it into his mouth, chaveling lightly.

Amirah took a crumb and chunk it into her mouth just as her sisters did the same. She shook her head as the  scrumptious aroma of the food touched her palate. Amin's eyes never strayed from her as he ate his food too, helping Layla with hers in some occasions.

"Wow! Wow!! Family dinner huh?"

A voice cut through the chattering noise of their cutleries. They all turned in time to catch the sinister smile pasted on haidar's face.

Haidar moved a little closer to them, his right hand in his jeans pocket, and all of them stared at him with layla flailing her hand to him in cognition.

"The atmosphere seems perky," he went on with that evil smirk still on his face. "Well, I guess you should enjoy it while it last........because nothing last forever." He tapped on Amin shoulder repeatedly. "Not even your moment of happiness." Still smirking, he turned hastily and sauntered away.

"Uncle Haidar sounds like a villain." Maryam blurted as soon as haidar left them.

"Yes, he sounds like the villain in a fairytale stories where the villain stole the princess from the prince." Khadijah sputtered, holding on tightly to her fork as she stared at the place haidar had just disappeared into.

"You two should keep quiet and eat you food. Don't call haidar a villain, because he isn't."

"Why are you defending him," Amin said irritatingly as he glared at her, mildly incensed by her contradiction.

"Being sensitive right?" She smirked, and that didn't help the look of anger on Amin's face.

"Why shouldn't I be?"

Amirah delved her spoon into her cole and tomatoes salad and brought up a spoonful of the creamy pulp salad close to her mouth. "You certainly know how to put someone at the edge." She chunk the spoon into her mouth and glared at him flagrantly, and that caused a light smile on Amin's face.

"That guy just gave a threat and you're telling me is okay to defend him. Do you know what he might do next time?"

"He can't do anything so eat you meal and keep quiet now." Amirah snapped at him, and the dinner went on silently afterwards.


Amirah was dressing up to go to the saloon when Jamila badged into her room. Ever since she'd told her about her plan of not marrying haidar, Jamila had cut her out. She never visited her to know how she's doing and didn't even care to call her. Amirah had called her once but she didn't pick the call and never bothered calling back. She looked one step ahead of pathetic as as Amirah stared at her closely. Is as if she'd been caught in a whirlwind.

Amirah treaded to her dressing mirror and took her powder to apply. "Why did you come?" She asked casually not even sparing Jamila a glance.

"I came to apologise." Was all Jamila said before taking a space on Amirah's bed and setting her self on.

"We've not been friends for a while if I may remember, so I don't think you owe me an apology."

Amirah left her mirror side and went in search of shoes to wear. Amin had persisted to come and take her to the saloon but she had flatly refused, principally because she doesn't want to stir anymore gossip from people. Besides, he said he has alot to do at the office, so he will be leaving late. Its just six more days, she reminded her self and mentally smiled.

"Amirah will you stop acting that way and stop shunning me away?" Jamila snapped. "I've been angry because I cared about you and that decision you made is drastic."

Amirah turned and stared at her wondrously. "Stop acting like a loyal friend will you? You're confusing me." She turned and took out a pair of shoes from her shoe rack and set her legs in.

"Fine," Jamila sighed. "I know what I did was terrible but please forgive me I promise not to do it again."

"Is it as terrible as telling haidar on me?" Amirah arrested her with her eyes. She couldn't miss the instant change of countenance on jamila as she blanched.

" saying?" Jamila managed to stutter out.

"You told haidar about me going to meet that guy that had been sending me message."

"No.....," Jamila shook her head. "I never did that. Did he said I told him?" Her eyes didn't stray from Amirah for even a minute.

"He didn't. Because you're the only one I told that's why I'm suspecting you."

"I didn't tell anyone, not even my family Amirah, believe me please."

"Is okay," Amirah shrugged. She took her veil and draped over her body. "I'm going out as you can see."

"Where to?"

"To the saloon."

"Well, since I have nothing doing at home, I'll just go with you."

They both entered into Amirah's car and they drove to the saloon.

As they were about entering into the salon, Amirah was startled when she almost bumped into beauty and her friend. One look Amirah gave to her and a certain compassion settled in her heart. The beauty she knows; the highly sophisticated aristocrat, is different from this one she's looking at. One side of her face looked burnt, and that made her very ugly to begin. She looked relentive, it seems life had thought her a lesson.

Sighting them, beauty scowled up and down, then hissed and walked away.

Amirah dragged jamila that was trying to gossip inside the salon.


It was late in the evening when Amin finally put work aside. Almost all the staffs have gone home, except few of them and the securities. Even nasir too had gone home.

He went to the main factory and conveyed some instructions to the operators before going back to his office to get his bag.

Amin came out of his office and headed to the exit. He stood at the hallway and was assessing his environment as he heard sound from a corner when something knocked him off from nowhere. All he see was darkness as he drowned into oblivion. He could feel someone dragging him and that's all he could remember before passing out completely.

How was it loveliest?!!!

Let's meet after Ramadan again In Sha Allah.

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