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Sometimes, running away from our trouble is the only solution to it

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Sometimes, running away from our trouble is the only solution to it.


Amin was in his office working on some papers to present the next week coming. Work had been arduous on him after Amirah's absence. He had to do everything on his own as the one handling the department. She's yet to recover from the shock and resume work. It seems she's trying to put meaning to her life again, maybe sensing the flaws in her and trying to rectify her obstinate self.

She should rather revise her revenge theory and subdue it fast!

Amin raised his head abruptly from the paper work in front of him as the door budged a little, and his eyes held Haidar.

Haidar walked up to him, pulled the chair opposite to him and poised on top. "Working hard huh?" He smirked.

Amin neither answered nor looked up at him again, but moved on with his work. He hated the guys gut even though he owns the company. He likes bossing all around and who else could dare to stand on his way, only his noxious fiancée. Even though Amin had been obviously dodging him, but he hardly could condone his arrogance whenever they met.

Haidar backspun the faro cap on Amin's desk with his fingers superciliously, a surly look on his face. "Amin my friend, I know you don't have time but I have a good news for you." He smirked. "Well," he shrugged. "to me is a good news but I don't know about you, whether is good or bad to you."

Amin looked up, a glower on his face and struck Haidar with his gaze. "What is it Haidar? Because I'm still working."

"I know," Haidar smirked again, biting his lower lip a little. "that's why I don't want to waste your time." He got up on his feet, brought out an envelope from his coat pocket, "I just want you to have this." He handed Amin the envelope as he smirked, and Amin collected it, casting a suspicious look towards Haidar.

Haidar walked away afterward, and Amin opened the envelope just to be met with a fancy invitation card.

When Amin read the invite, his breathing hitched, and for a moment, he couldn't tell if his lungs are still active or not.

What exactly is he seeing?!"

Amirah's getting married next week to this hunky-binky little snipe! Goodness! Can anything be worst than this news today?

Next week!

Just next week!

Oh maybe this is part of her revenge too. He knows that they're engaged but have no idea they'll be getting married soon.

Why didn't she tell him? Why didn't anyone tell him so he could prepare for it coming?

The news is like a hell of smoke let lose on him, so choky and cloggy that he finds it difficult to breath. He guessed this is part of her revenge too, to shatter his life this way.

How much more damage could she do to him?

She'd made him loose a lot already, and he'll definitely not let her make him lose his sanity too.

For witnessing her wedding is like losing his sanity to him.

For goodness sake why didn't anyone hinted him before now? Not even the parrot Haidar that cooed awful much.

He was so heart broken. He was so at the edge that he couldn't do anything anymore. Work should go to hell for all he care!

Amirah's getting married next week!

Amirah's getting married next damn-sloshing week.

He placed his ankle on the desk and supported his temple with his palm, his heart in tumultuous clamors. He was a moment away from losing his wit.

After being like that for a while, he sighed relentively, assuasively pacified.

He had decided. Yes, he had decided what to do. He'll go and see Layla later for the last time. He took a paper sharply and begin writing his resignation letter. This is the last friday for him in the country, and the last day for him in the company!

When he's done writing his resignation letter, he picked up his phone and called Collins.

"Hello Collins," Amin said warily as soon as collins picked up the call. "It seems I've to take your advice now, I'm coming back home to you guys tomorrow Insha Allah.............for good!"

Sometimes, running away from our problems is the only solution to it!

Yeah I know is a very short-one.  is one chapter I divided into three bcos I want each narration to be on  it's own.

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