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As long as the leaves remain on the tree, they won't stop reacting to the gentle caresses of the breeze!


Haidar quickly picked his phone that was ringing close to him on the bed he was lying on. "Hello Mathew any news?"

"The jet's ready you can take off now!" Came the gruff voice of haidar's correspondent.

"Alright Mathew thanks alot we'll be on our way right now."

Haidar cut the call and flounced up happily. He'd asked his friend to help him arrange a private jet to take to Italy since he can't go to the airport as the news of his escape was everywhere in the news. He couldn't risk being caught. Finally everything's going to be okay; he'll leave the country with Amirah, get married to her and live happily-ever-after.

He went straight to Amirah's room from his little shabby room.

"Get ready we're leaving now." He announced as soon as he padded into the room, and Amirah quickly raised her head and peeked at him. She looked so tired and waned.

Amirah squirmed on the small bed, glaring everywhere but not at the monster. There was a bedlam of confusion screaming in her mind. If she follow Haidar, then that's the end of her. In that state of confusion and agitation, she sought after ease with a little prayer in her heart. She can't go with him and if she resist, he might kill her she knows that.

What will she do then?!

"I said get up we're leaving don't waste my time." Haidar said and turned to leave, another warning glance towards her confirm to her not to mess up with him.

So she quickly got up and followed him afterward.

They got into the car and one of Haidar's men drove them to where they're going to get on the PJ, while the others all dispersed to their daily businesses.


Amin and Khalid pushed into the bush, wondering how mortal will choose to live in a remote place like that, isolated from normal habitation. Khalid had asked for back-up from his men and they're a little bit behind them.

They kept pushing into the wilderness when they finally sighted the shabby building from afar.

"I think that's the house she described to me," Amin said while pointing a finger towards the building as he craned his neck forward to catch a clear view of the surrounding.

"I'll go from the back you stay in the car, it'll be safer for you." Khalid ordered in a professional way. He seemed to be sedulous in his profession and Amin admired him for that, but the thought of staying in the car, he refuted.

"No, I can't stay in the car when I don't know the state she's in. I'm going with you wherever you're stepping your legs in."

"Okay but you have to be careful and stay behind me," Khalid ceeded, glancing towards Amin as he drove to the back of the building meticulously. He knows trying to convince Amin to stay in the car is a waste of time as he won't even heed his advice. "We don't know how many they are and who is holding a gun among them, so we got to be careful."

Amin nodded in agreement, and so Khalid kept driving noiselessly through the bush camouflaged by trees and bushes. Their reaching the building was in accord to Khalid's plan of attacking silently from the rear, so just when he stopped the car, he waltzed out and headed towards the building in action, with Amin tailing behind him.

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