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Why can't I have just one night

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Why can't I have just one night.........a night not to remember all you've done to me!


One week after the incident in Amirah's office, Amin was browsing the net from his laptop in his room before going to bed when something caught attention.

Something about him!

'The real reason why the owner of  Bloom foods, mohammed Amin Jilpa decided to leave England to Nigeria'

That was the sub-heading. With trembling countenance, he delved into the message.

'Muhammad Amin jilpa, the owner of Bloom foods was in exile from England, his country of birth, because of some criminal acts which forced him to leave the palatial comfort of his home, on  a run away to his native country. It was reported and confirmed that he'd duped innocent citizens, that's where his money came from, and he had produced fake products that caused the lives of many and caused harm to many. And he also has a record of debauchery and bankruptcy in his file of misdeeds.'

"What the heck!" Amin caused under his breath as he finished reading the libelous news about him.

Who could have done this to him; to tarnish his image this way when he's just rising.

What a blatant lie!

All through his life he'd never been caught with any criminal act, so how can someone just fabricated such story and let it on net for the world to see. Even if some knows him and knows he can't do that, many doesn't know him in person and will start doubting his character. And the worst thing is that there isn't trace to the website that started the news. It was brilliantly untraceable.


Yes could be the one. She's so good in all those stuffs, hacking and hiding of ID. There's no even doubt about her because she'd threatened him obviously that she'll bring him down. What on earth is wrong with that girl? Has it come to this juncture? Why will she do this to him while she knows him more than anyone to taint his image that way!

For goodness sake it's been two and a half flowed-years already!

Why can't she just let it slide?!!!


In the morning, as he stepped out of his room in his suit, he met Nasir in the sitting room waiting for him to come out, his phone held firmly in his hand with a tilted demeanor.

"Have you seen it too?" Was the question Nasir greeted him with as soon as their eyes met.

"Yeah," Amin answered, fixing his cufflinks.

"Who could have done such a thing? It's a bad thing to your reputation especially now that you're beginning to rise here. This is a blow to the progress of the company."

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