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You're the last man standing!

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You're the last man standing!


Amirah put up her head abruptly as the familiar voice rang into her ears. How can she ever forget the sound of that voice, so melodious like the singing of the nightly birds, and It mellowness that always sends ripples of excitement into her heart.

He was standing in front of her, one of his hand tucked in his trouser pocket, and his shoulder held his laptop bag. He looks so striking and breath taking than she'd ever noticed.

His eyes were charming and enthralling she was sure if she keeps looking into it she'll drown completely in their trepid waves that's making her drowsy already.

He looked up and down at her and grimaced, before repeating;

"What are you doing here?" His eyes was gruff and his voice held a tinge of annoyance, and that caused Amirah to stammer.

"I.........came here Amin." She fixed her gaze on her lap as she played with her fingers, nervousness building in her and all she could do was to keep quiet and listen to what he was going to say.

"You came to take your last revenge right? To torture my life for the last time before I leave is that?" He frowned deeply, his face darker with anger and a sullen countenance held the brightest features of his eyes.

Why is he even being gruff with her? But he can't help, because she's getting married in a week and had tortured his life seriously. But the worst torture is the one he's feeling right now remembering with every active fibre in his body that she's getting married to someone else. She'd put his life in a very parlous dungeon already.

Amirah blinked, her eyes already welling with tears and a strange bewilderment settled in her heart. How could she make him understand when he's being this gruff and callous? His demeanor had made her uneasy and crumbled. Everything was unnerving to her as a strange air of miserableness settled within her countenance.

She stole a glance at him, his eyes were unraveling and intense on her, and there wasn't anything encouraging in them. She looked everywhere around her, they're already garnering strange glances from the passerby.

"Can we go somewhere secluded and talk?"

Amin eyed her suspiciously, then sighed. "Okay." he shrugged.

He led her to an opening far away from people and the noise. There was a bench set there so he lounged on it and beckoned to her to do the same.

They both sat quietly and allow silence to engulf them. Unable to endure more torture from the silence and awkward situation surrounding them, Amirah sighed, intertwining her fingers nervously as she set her gaze on the floor.

"Nasir told me your flight is taking off by this time, I thought you've gone." she looked everywhere but not at him.

"I was suppose to be among the passengers that just took off, but mine was delayed for an hour because me and a lady had the same seat number, so I told her to go I'll wait for the next flight which is taking off in an hour." He narrated, looking slightly towards his right at a guard that was passing, and being well conscious of her gaze on him. He felt terrible for having to present an unwilling face to her though she contributed to everything going on in his life right now.

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