Thorned Heart💛

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She was furious. She was beyond angry. How could he say that to her? How could he stood right in front of her and call her a betrayer? Has he forgotten what he had done to her already?

'Amin, I'll make sure I make you crumble to your feet. I will obliterate everything you ever wanted, and i will put more thorns into your heart than you've put in mine. Put that at the back of your mind, this is just the first stage to my revenge, when I'm done with you, even your enemy will cry for your pardon.'

He smiled. 'What a threat! But that won't shake me because I'm ready for all your hostilities. And put this at the back of your mind, you will regret what ever you're going to do.' With that, he walked out of her office stormily.

Yeah, we had a smooth journey back there in *Burgled heart*, but *Thorned heart* is a rough journey ahead of you.

And more thing!

In this book, I'll like to pinpoint some facts and factual, and ordeals our country is going through, through some character's behaviors.

Issa real fact!

Are you ready for the journey? Then dive in!


Thorned Heart (Her Revenge Journey)  Where stories live. Discover now