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You're my life, you're my world, how can I move on without a world to live in and a life to live!


Is like his world came crashing down the moment appa called and alerted him that Amirah had been abducted. Amin drove on the high way like he's on a car race, wiggling and sifting in and out of cars on the road. He just spoke to her not more than twenty minutes ago and she told him that they're on their way to her tailor to collect her remaining clothes. How could that have happened? He could have stopped her from going and instead collect the clothes for her. Tomorrow is their wedding day.

What an ominous luck!

Amin reached appa's house in the shortest moment he'd ever done since he started going to that house.

He was permitted into the sitting room where everyone in the house is, including barrister farida. The house was cramped with the people that came from far and near to celebrate with them, as all faces show sombre mood and full of anxiety.

"Haidar has turned into something else." Amirah's paternal aunty had said as if soliloquizing. She's Haidar aunt too and she was the one that raised him when he was little. It was after he completed his primary school that he went back to his parent.

"What exactly happened?" Amin had turned to Jamila that was busy crying, her face enfolded in her palms as she kept sniffing.

Jamila told Amin all that has happened on the scene pertaining to the abduction.

"Do you know how the guys faces look like?" He stumbled another question towards her.

"The other one is masked, but the one that is not mask I've seen him Sometimes ago. He's Haidar's friend because Haidar had ever sent him to Amirah during the shambles of their supposed wedding."

Amin huffed uneasily as he walked up and down the sitting room in a chaotic state, more chaotic than all the chaos of everyone in the house put together.

He took his phone and called Khalid. They were about to arrest Haidar what happened?

"Asslamu alaikum Khalid!"

"Wa'alaikum Salam Amin how far?" Khalid answered. It seems he's on the way as Amin could detect the sound of vehicles through the phone.

"Amirah had been abducted by Haidar." Amin slushed as he rubbed his head queasily with the new feeling of being sick at that moment. He prayed Haidar should not lay his hands on Amirah or else, he'll defy all reasons, all laws and all morals and deal with the idiot himself. He sucked in a hot air as he laboured to steady his breathing.

"Oh my goodness!" Khalid exclaimed. "Relax bros. We're on our way to capture him. We've located his wareabout already so In Sha Allah we will return Amirah this night."

"Should I come with you," Amin made the profer, well, to his advantage because he can't stay still when Amirah is missing. There is no peace for him anymore until she have been discovered.

"No Amin is dangerous. Just stay at home and keep praying for us. I've to go now we're almost there."

Khalid ended the call and Amin huffed in annoyance as he clung tight to his phone causing his fist to ache from the pressure.


Music blared sonorously as the hall vibrated seeking protection from the loud Buzz of speakers and the hum of people's voices that resonated high on the air. Disco light flickered squarely in the hall and casted shadows of the dancers on the dancing floor to a glimmer.

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