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True-loveI can't believe it happened!

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I can't believe it happened!


Her head swung to her right as the noise from her phone ringing woke her up from her morning sleep. As it was saturday, she usually have enough sleep before breakfast to wend off the stress of the weekdays.

Grunting, she put up her head and quickly scooped the phone in her hand. Peering at the screen, she smiled as her eyes read husnah's name. Among all her friends, the one who often call her all the time is Husnah. Hardly a week pass without she calling her and asking after her. Husnah now have her baby boy. When she gave birth last year, Amirah had to travel to Egypt to attend the aqiqah.

"Aasalamu alaikum husy!" Amirah exclaimed jubilantly, a smile clinging tight to her face.

"Wa'alaiki salam sweetheart." Husnah answered from the other side.

"How's Othman, because I won't ask of you."

Husnah laughed. "He's doing great and how's my darling layla doing?"

"Alhamdullilah she's doing great too."

"Masha Allah. So the wedding's next saturday. I'm so sorry I won't be able to come again uthman just got chicken pox."

"Oh My God! How's he? Hope is not that serious? May Allah grant him shifa."

"Alhamdullilah it isn't that serious because we've gotten fast medication for it, thanks."

"Just don't worry about coming I appreciate your concern dear."

Layla badged into the room as if someone was chasing her.

"Hey nour, come over and say salam to your aunt Husnah." Amirah beckoned to the girl to come forward, and layl scuttled to her and jumped up to her laps.

Amirah handed the phone to layla.

"Herro." Layla said in her lisping tone, and Amirah scolded.

"Say assalamu alaykum."

Layla looked towards her mother, clinging tightly to the phone then said salam.

"fwine." She answered and Amirah gave her a wink which caused her to laugh heartily.

She handed the phone back to Amirah after a short while and the two friends moved on with their conversation.

Amirah took her bath and hurtled down the stairs swiftly, her footsteps sounding on the crystal marble as she swirled to the dinning room. It was past eleven and she's yet to have her breakfast. It was hunger that made her rushed out as her body began shaking trepidly due to here ulcer.

In between her meal, khadijah scurried to the dinning room and announced to her the presence of Haidar Ali. She smiled and asked her to take him to the guest sitting room, then quickly rushed her meal. There's no way for her to enjoy her meal when Haidar is waiting for her. She'd already developed a dearing sensation towards the eccentric guy that's going to be her husband in seven days. She needed it, she needed at least a pinch of feelings for him to be able to sustain as his wife. Her heart breathed solicitude thinking of the idea of Haidar Ali being her husband.

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