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I'm not a loser, so how can I accept defeat!

Haidar Ali_

Haidar's phone rang. He wanted to check for some documents in the storage regarding their next meeting but deemed it wise to let it be for now and answer his best ally, so he withdrew his hand from the doorknob and placed his phone on his ear.

"Hello Mark!"

The person answered from the opposite side. Haidar listened a little to his opponent as he walked towards his desk before chuckling.

"Well, you know I don't concede to defeat. I have arranged everything already just to present it to EFCC and they will be sued. And their company will no longer be a threat to our progress any more."

Haidar's friend praised him concisely and went ahead to apprise him of an impending threat to his plan but he said;

"Well, it doesn't make any difference. I can scarcely recall that myself so it won't butt in for our plan."

After he cut the call, he went towards the storage room again to accomplish his mission, but contemplated for a while then decided to go out first and carry out an important assignment which he left undone.


Amirah released the breath she held for a long time. She almost got caught by that vicious tiger.

As soon as the door closed behind, Amirah subjected her self to another task as she search for another proof to use against Haidar. She got some papers that were hidden professionally under the carpet that held some drawers after an arduous search. She doesn't know what it contains but just chunk it into her bag and went to the door of the office stalkingly.

By lucks charm, she went out of the office without anyone seeing her. She quickly left the building and went to the corner Khalid was waiting for her in his car.

"I got the disc." She said as soon as she got into the car. "But I almost got caught."

"I didn't see when he entered the building I only saw him exiting it I could have call you to withdraw." Khalid said as he was about to start the car. "Thankfully nothing happened."

"I got something too," she brought out the papers she seized from under the shelf and skimmed through."my goodness!" Amirah exclaimed as she popped her eyes wide. "They're slush fund receit. This guy is too dirty. Is that how he built the company, with unhonest means?"

Khalid craned his neck and peeked at the papers. "We can use that against him too." He enunciated.

"I'll definitely do that. I can't let him off that easily after what he did to Amin. I even heard him speaking on phone to someone about destroying another company. That squalid guy! What an unfortunate turn for the next victim of his viciousness." Amirah breathed all in once.

Khalid listen to her as he concentrated on the road. "You must have liked Amin alot."

"You're underestimating it. Is more than alot." She grinned happily. At least they've gotten the useless plot he's going to use to destroy Amin. And Khalid has another evidence to proof him innocent. Barrister farida is working hard for evidence too as she always visited Amin. "Now I can sleep with my eyes closed." She said that inaudibly as if she's talking to herself.

"I just hope he has not another copy of this." Khalid said fretfully.

"I thought so too, but it seems this is the only copy." She pondered. "Well, I'll let you go with it, and this papers too." She handed the disc and the slush fund papers to Khalid.

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