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Though she's my little flower

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Though she's my little flower........ she's grown thorn in her bud!


Amirah walked into the house, with maryam carrying Layla behind her. This is the second time she's coming to jamila's house, but jamila had visited her more than a hundred times. It wasn't like she don't like visiting jami, but jamila never give her the opportunity to visit because she was always in their house, and Amirah's had always been busy, balancing her life cycle between her work, the charity house and her leisure at home. She do take off days from the weekdays to relax at home and do away with some stress, just like today's friday that she decided to rest at home.

Her wedding is snarling loud as it approaches so fast she was barely allowed the time to make preparations. Though she'd protested that there isn't going to be any program, but jami had succeeded in convincing her to have and a bridal night party. She was all draped with the realisation that time had eluded and she'd not done any preparation for the wedding. It's exactly three weeks from then, and she'd just taken her cloth to her tailor just yesterday. Well, it's an achievement that they've brought shopping to an end, and all thanks to jami. But still, she couldn't rest her mind fully because is as if they've just done one-tenth of the wedding preparation.

She swept aside the curtain to jami's room and shrothe into the room with salam. jamila was on her bed, sighting them, she quickly sprung up with a big smile on her face.

"I was just thinking of coming to your house now since you said you're not going to work today," her voice drifted towards them, holding emotion that she couldn't conceal.

Amirah padded to the bed and sat on it. "I made the task easy for you then." She smiled.

Maryam sat on the carpet and held Layla on her lap.

"Layla girl, come over here," jamila stretched her hands towards Layla, and the girl sprung from maryam's lap and skimmed towards Jamila. "How are you?" Jamila peered at Layla face and Layla grinned.


"Nice girl." She looked up towards Amirah. "Can you make it to the dinner tomorrow?"

"I guess so." Amirah answered, her eyes examining the pictures on jami's wall. There are so many pictures on her wall with tesselate designs of sleeky stones entwined in one another. Her gaze travelled to the shoe rack close to her closet. It held more than fifty pairs of shoe's with approximately about thirty bags. What could she be doing with too many shoes and bags like that? Amirah hated clumping clothes and wears like that. She always dash out excess to those that needed it much. It absolutely makes no sense to keep much clothes when you'll keep buying muh as time passes. Every time she sew new clothes, she'll dash out the old ones. She hadn't dreamt big to owe much in this world, because it's sounds useless to her to keep much, only the little you can use at that time. It looks so constricting to own so many things when you know you should be dashing it out because you don't know when you yourself will disappear from the world.

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