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Just say Yes.............because I need you right now.


Amin was on the road drive to Amirah's house to see Layla. Ever since he found out about her, there's no day he won't get her chocolate and snacks and visit her. It'd been a hobby for him to just go and cuddle the little girl on his chest, and watched her play with his shirt button or collar.

He wiped away the lingering smile on his face as his dexter eyes caught Amirah's car going through an isolated bush. He looked at the plate number through the window, and ascertained that he was right, it was definitely her car.

He craned his neck to see if he could figure out who she's with only the see the glasses being up.

What could she be doing inside that bush? He shrugged and turned the steering wheel to the road that will lead him to the high way. Let her move on if that's what she wants.

An instinct deep inside him told him to trace her and see what she's up to. Who knows, maybe she's having a secret meeting with those that are helping her bring him down. But wait, why must they go deep into an isolated bush? He knows she had changed obviously, but she hadn't given up her morals completely. She can never go deep into the forest to have meeting with her allies.

Something's wrong somewhere!

He was driving his car with a hunted spirit when suddenly he felt the urge to trail after her. If she's into something bad, then he'll take it out on her and tell her to resurface her wit and stop being foolish. She should for goodness sake bring back her pleasant characters that she'd hidden and scrape those awful things she'd smeared on her character all in the name of revenge.

He had reached the taking off alley to the bush then stopped the car again, contemplating whether to go or not. Will he be intruding on something or not? That bush is exactly where drug addict go and display their illegality, hiding from the world. What could Amirah be doing there? Will it be that she'd changed completely from whom he'd known her to be?


Could she do what he's just thinking of? God! Let it not be true. He was so enervated and unnerved by simply the thought of what she could be doing there when a car whizzed out of the alley. He peered at the car through the window, seeing it was two ladies chattering pleasantly and smiling at each, that made him liberated his fear and thought she wouldn't be doing what he was thinking.

Or is she up to smoking and drugs too?

Those ladies doesn't seem to be the nice type with the little glance he casted towards them. He was about to drive off to where he was going when the fretful side of his mind told him to follow her and see.

He must see for him self what she's up to!

He quickly started the car and zoomed into the bush. The closer he went into the bush, the more muffled cries he heard.

What's going on?!

He parked his car at the far end from where she parked hers and hurtled towards the forested area where he heard the cry coming from.

Stalking and hiding behind trees, he made it to the scene like a criminal.

Scuttling swiftly and waving off grasses from his way, he finally caught sight of a man standing, but what annoyed him most was that, the man was watching as the other one tore Amirah's cloth and was about to mount on her.

He doesn't know when he propelled forward leapingly like the super hero in an indian film on a mission to save his girl friend from the evil boss.

Before the guy could register what was going on, Amin had pounced on him and yanked him away from Amirah who was all trembling all over with fear. He didn't even Care to look at her as he was busy given the guy hard punches all over.

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