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You're the morning dew I am the leaves!


They arrived Madrid and a cab took them to Amin's grand-uncle's chàteau at the countryside of Alcalà de Henares, a twenty minutes drive from Madrid airport.

Once they arrived the manor, they were welcome by Amin's uncle. There were orchards and green gardens all splattered around the manor. Grandma Leyla's brother is a farmer, Amin had told Amirah precisely. The door to the chateau was a massive wooden structure made of the giant oak, a frame work of antiques and paneling.

"Bienvenido hijo." Señor Eduardo, as he was being called by the villagers, had said to Amin as they headed through the passage of the chateau, and to Amirah he said; "hope you had a nice trip to our village here señorita?"

Amirah nodded with a smile.

He took them to the large sitting room in the mansion, where everyone in the house was waiting for them with curious eyes to know who their visitors are.

"Welcome mi amigo." A guy Amin's age quickly wrapped him in a brotherly hug, then turned to Amirah. "Welcome hermana." He said as he released Amin from the hug and casted his face her way with a warm smile.

"Diego, how have you been bro?" Amin said to the guy more in an affectionate way.

After all the pleasantries, they were lead to the dinner centre to have their prepared meals. Grandma Leyla brother, John appeared from the back of the house. He'd been in the orchard working when one of his grand children alerted him of the arrival of their visitors, and that made him left the work to come and welcome them.

He has four children, señor Eduardo being the eldest with three female siblings all married and in their husband's houses within the city with their large families.

Diego is señor Eduardo's eldest son, married too with a little boy of one. Eduardo has two girls being married off, one in the city of Alcalà de Henares and the other one in Madrid. And his last born, Philip, a boy of seventeen, all in the same Castillo.

"It's nice that you decided to bring your wife to us so that we'll be familiar with each other," Mr. John Bernard had said to Amin after they've had their meals and were surrounded by the family as they chatted in peace and tried to know each other more.

Amin smiled. "I've been wanting to come for a long time but haven't the opportunity due to work. The last time I was here was after my university degree, more than seven years ago now."

His grand uncle nodded. "That's precisely."

"Where's your nina?" Eduardo asked. "Why didn't you bring her along."

"She's with her grandparent in Nigeria." Amin alerted, looking slightly towards his wife with a perky smile. "Philips are you done with high school?" Amin looked towards the boy that was coying beside his granfather on a seat as he stole glances at them, and Philip nodded.

"I'll be going to college soon," he said.

"The last time I came he he was just a little boy, not upto ten summers, and now he's a big man." Amin said and smiled, and Phillip smiled too.

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