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Even if I'm walking under the falling slow, I know it's worth a journey!

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Even if I'm walking under the falling slow, I know it's worth a journey!


The world's such a small place. One can't stop wondering how things changed instinctively within the shortest period of time. Is one of the law of nature right? That change is inevitable!

Even if the sky looks so fresh and blue, one minute of storm-cloud will agitate the sky to change it serene nature into a turbulent one. It seemed something like that happened in Amin and Amirah's lives.

If life's the mixture of the feelings of happiness and admiration, sadness and hate, then they're in the second stage of it which Amin had never dreamt it will ever find their way, talk more of sheltering in their midst. But then, who are they when fate had already stumbled and crossed over to them. It seems destiny had already rolled the wheel of their marriage convulsively towards ruins, and up till now, it remains a shatter.

"What just happened you're not telling me anything?" Nasir asked Amin for the nth times.

After Amin had stormed off the building to meet Nasir that was waiting for him in the car with a stony gaze, Nasir had been asking him what had transpired when he excused himself to go see somebody as he had told him, but Amin remained reflectively quiet without uttering  a word, until they got back home.

Nasir had thought maybe is because they lose the contract that's why he's sulking.

"Bros just relax another chance will show-up soon Insha Allah. Allah had already written this isn't ours to begin with." Nasir gave the soothing words to Amin, and Amin charily turned to him.

"Is not because we lost the contract that I'm angry." Amin began placidly. "That lady that just voted us out, happens to be my ex-wife."

"You don't mean it!" Nasir exclaimed surprisingly. "Then why did she do that?"

"That's what I went to her office to confirm. When I left you, I went to ask after her office and they showed it me. To sum it up, we exchanged some hurtful words to each other. I can't believe she said all that to me." Amin sighed marvelously, his countenance sinking into the depth of despair, and his strength dwindling away gradually.

"I still don't get it. You mean she did voted us out on purpose for her own self reasons?"

"For revenge!" A pain throbbed in his heart recalling all she'd said to him. She mean to take revenge from him she'd said it.

Why don't she find out the reason for the divorce first before embarking on her revenge journey that's if she'll still be left with resources to go on the journey. He has sworn he will never tell her the reason and he'll likely not tell anyone, and that's for her own good. At least, to save her self-regard.

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