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What is a world without you!


Amin paced up and down outside the theatre room, rubbing his head with his hand uneasily as it seemed to him they're taking more time in there than required. He prayed silently for God to save his Amirah, because he don't know what the world will be to him if he'd lost her.

After she got shot, Khalid had quickly called an ambulance 'cos Amin was too flabergasted and disordered to know what to do next after she'd slumped on him. And luckily, the ambulance had reached them within the shortest time. Even as they took her into the ambulance, she was already unconscious because the bleeding was way too much.

After a short while, ummu and appa came running towards him. It was Amin that had called and alerted them of what had happened.

"What happened Amin?" Appa asked in tremulous as soon as they caught up with him. He didn't tell them exactly what had happened, he only told them that he's in the hospital with Amirah.

"She got shot by Haidar." Was all he could say before peeping into the theatre as if that will help his trembling heart to feel at ease. He sighted them all clustered around her while her unconscious body was on the operating desk, motionless.

"Innalillahi wa'inna ilayhi raji'in!" Appa kept exclaiming, and ummu was just crying noiselessly as she flopped on the desk next to the OR.

"So this is how this boy is?" Ummy said in between sobs. "I know and felt it that this Haidar is not a good boy at all, that's why I was against her marrying him even in the first place."

Amin was restless and a certain fear had gripped his heart tautly. The moment the bullet hit her at the back, she just collapsed on him completely and breathlessly. Since then, he was in palpitations. The longer the doctors stayed in the OR, the more his erratic heartbeat escalated.

He peepeed through the door for the nth times, huffing wearily as he looked towards her parent's perturbed faces.

"Amin I think you should just go home and change since we're here." Appa said, moving closer to him. "Your shirt is stained."

It was then Amin took notice of his blood smeared shirt. It had been dappled ruby from her blood when he held her after the bullet had penetrated her body. But what appa is insinuating can't happen. He can't just leave when he doesn't know the condition she's in.

His thought travelled back to the incident. That bullet was meant for him when Amirah quickly covered him and instead, took the bullet for him. How could she do such a frivolous thing? Just let her wake up and she'll get it from him. And now, he so much wished and prayed for her to wake up so that they'll have a little fight about it. His eyes became moist as he thought of what might happened to him if she didn't make it. He might die of heart attack and just follow her too. If not, the world will be a slum of misery for him afterward!

"Amin go home and change." Appa repeated his advice, but Amin shook his head.

"Appa I can't leave here until I'm certain she's alright. I can't even move in this condition."

Appa shook his head ruefully, and ummu that was still crying gave a long sigh out of her sobby sighs.

"In Sha Allah she's going to be okay," she said, hopefully.

"In Sha Allah." Both appa and Amin chorused.

In their palpitations, Kabir and barrister farida stormed the place hazedly.

"How's she? What really happened to her?" Kabir asked trepidly as he stood close to appa that was going up and down just like Amin, and bar. Farida too stared at appa in anticipation.

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