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I can do anything for money not to talk of throwing away my dignity!


Since it's already after four and the Sun had gone down a little, Amin called the agent and told him they're ready to go and check the houses they've discussed about.

He quickly dressed up in a blue jeans paired with milk-coloured t-shirt. He put on his wrist watch and brushed his hair. A final peek at the mirror gave him asurance that he's good to go as he looked smooth with a perky smile on his lips.

He picked up Amirah from her house  and they set on the road to the agent's.

After going from one house to another as Amirah complained of one thing or the other missing in the houses they visited, they finally settled on the last one.

"God, I thought we won't get over with it today." Amin sighed. "This is the fifth house but I'm glad you like it or we end up spending the whole night in search." He gave her a knowing glance, and she shrugged.

"I just realized that I love you so much, and I don't want to burden you that much so I want to share the love I have for you with the house I'm going to live in," she peeked at him and smiled. "So don't blame me for choosing the best."

Amin smiled. "You're making me jealous of the house already."

"Don't worry I still love you more than the house." She smirked.

Amin had to battle with his inner self not to hug her as she looked enchantingly charming. He seems to drink in every of her charm as his energy drained from inner battles that he'd been fighting alone. Two more days, he alerted himself and smiled.

They decided to prove around as the agent guided them around the mansion.

It's a big mansion with a garden and swimming pool attached to the relaxation centre. The walls of the house was higly furbished as it danced in layers of cream-coloured paint and caramel-stone decor. The inner interior designs is much to her liking too with a tesserae decor in the kitchen floor that stole her fancy

They decided to probe in the garden as the agent led them out to the surrounding of the house.

"Wow, I love this garden more," Amirah fessed animatedly. "This will be my relaxation place."

Amin smiled and lead her to a long chair under a canopied shade that was surrounded by beautiful roses. They sat down to rest a little after their arduous search as Amin had termed it. The agent left them and went for the ownership papers that were to be signed before it becomes completely theirs.

"I don't feel like leaving this garden anymore," Amirah joked and smiled widely.

"Then I'll  just go to your house and bring your things here already."

She glared at him. "That won't be necessary my love. Just take the garden back with me in to my house." She sucked in fresh air and smiled.

A mass of fresh air sways around, refreshing the rays of setting sunlight that was fading gradually into the atmosphere. The greneries in the garden glowed, burnished by the rays of the setting sun and sparkles with enthralling radiance. A gentle Gale rose and fanned their faces making them sot into the tranquil ambience.

Amirah stood up and treaded to the swimming pool side. The fresh clean water glared back at her as her reflection loomed over it putting a barrier between it and the sky. The water is colourful and inviting, making her want to just dive in and get lost into it's coolness.

She sighed, just as Amin got to her. "I'm falling more in love with the house," she confessed sincerely.

"And I'm getting more worried." Amin said and stood close to her at the bank of the pool. "I don't want you to exhaust all the love you have for me on our house." He smiled perkily.

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