2. The Boy In The Striped Jumper

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The strong urge to avoid someone or something.


I was late. I was exceptionally and undeniably late.

I scrambled around my room throwing on a pair of frayed black jeans that were now a couple of sizes too big, along with a navy blue jumper and some unpolished boots. I bolt out of the door onto the bustling streets of my one-bed apartment. The cool autumn breeze hits me instantly, a subtle warning of the colder months to come. I immediately regret not bringing a coat and scarf, but my thoughts are cut short as I watch the bus pull up to the bus stop outside my apartment block.

I didn't usually take the bus to university, I opted for a more scenic route through the park on a more ordinary day, but if there was any chance of me getting to class on time I would have to take the metal contraption currently waiting in front of me. I hated the bus, it was always crammed full of other students making their way to class. It was also the epitome of small talk. Small talk annoyed me simply because I lacked the social skills to start it in the first place. If we are going to make the effort to talk let's talk about something at least mildly interesting, I have no time for pleasantries.

I stumbled on the bus heading towards KNUA (Korea National University of Arts) trying to make as little eye contact as possible with the other students already sat on the bus. I make my way to an empty seat situated towards the front of the bus, silently praying no one would sit next to me. I watch as the last student rushed onto the bus and headed towards the back. Letting out a breath I didn't even realise I was holding, I allow my muscles to relax. I'd survived.

"Is this seat taken?" I jump, swiftly turning to look in the direction the sound had come from. The owner of the voice was a boy of similar age wearing a colourful striped jumper with a pair of baggy, torn denim jeans. He had an adorable smile that showed off his full set of perfectly straight teeth. He was handsome, I had to admit. Possible fuck buddy material? I shake my head at the ludicrous thought. This was all Yoongi's fault for putting ideas into my head. I hadn't realised I had been staring at him until he cleared his throat, bringing me back to reality.

"Uh, no it's not taken, you can sit," I respond, pushing my bag off the seat and onto the cold, metal floor beside my feet. I allow my hair to fall in front of my face, blocking it from the boy's view. The engine of the bus roars to life, and we slowly begin to crawl our way down the street. "I've never seen you on this bus before, are you new?" the boy asks with a bright smile. The dreaded small talk had begun.

"I woke up late, I didn't have any choice but to take the bus." I push my hair back off my face that was still covering the majority of my profile, but now I could get a good look of the stranger. He laughs loudly, almost too loud that it sounds over exaggerated, but nonetheless, his laughter is contagious, and I find the corners of my mouth raise slightly in time with his.

"So you go to KNUA? What do you major in?" He was now facing me, his entire body turned towards me, making me feel a little uncomfortable as his knee pushed lightly into my inner thigh. I try to ignore it though, focusing on my response to his question. "I study fine art, what about you?" Normally I wouldn't try and carry the conversation on, but the boy intrigued me to say the least. There was something about him, a certain aura he exuded that made me want to find out more about him.

"Dance," he replies confidently, doing a small freestyle dance in his seat as if trying to prove he wasn't lying. I push down a laugh, finding humour in his exceptionally high energy levels. "Oh cool," I mumble, not knowing how else to respond. His smile falters for just a second, I would have missed it if I hadn't been paying close attention. He also struggles to continue our conversation, so instead the rest of the bus journey continued in silence.

Every 5 minutes or so I would wipe the condensation from the window, watching the passing greenery that became just a hazy blur. The bus lurched from side to side along familiar roads, while the rising voices of chattering friends blend together to create a cacophony of noise. Some immersed themselves in music, while others drifted off into a daydream that would erase itself upon arrival. The boy who had been sat next to me for the past 15 minutes would occasionally glance over from the corner of his eye, shifting in his seat. When the bus finally reaches KNUA, the students race out with their bags as they hurry off to their separate classes. I jump up from my seat, making a hasty dash towards the department of visual arts. I feel a hand on my shoulder pulling me back, causing me to nearly lose my footing. I just about regain balance, but I almost bump heads with the boy who had been beside me the entire bus journey.

"Sorry about that, I wanted to ask your name" he huffs out of breath, flashing his addictive smile, while ignoring the small distance between our faces. I feel myself become flustered as the taller stranger looks down at me. "Autumn," I respond quietly, backing away slightly to increase the distance between us.

"Nice to meet you, Autumn." He stuck his hand out for me to shake. I gave a half-smile before cautiously reciprocating the handshake. "I'm Hoseok, but my friends call me Hobi."

Autumn Leaves / Park Jimin fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now