3. Park Jimin

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Recognised as one of the most beautiful words in the English language, serendipity is defined as the occurrence of making pleasant and desirable discoveries by pure accident.


I reach the vast art studio with just minutes to spare. Dozens of students roam the studio, it's signature smell of paint blanketing the room. Large, white canvases plant themselves on top of easels which were dotted around the spacious room, and bright, abstract paintings dominated the otherwise placid walls.

When I'd told my family I wanted to be an artist, they hadn't understood me. They didn't understand why I was so caught up with the way my hand moved so elegantly across the canvas as if my mind was controlling it unconsciously. With just a few brushstrokes I was able to build pictures of whimsical worlds I'd created in my mind. I'd never been good with words, so art was my way of writing an entire novel on just one page.

I wander over to my seat towards the centre of the studio, joining everyone else who'd began to take their seats. It isn't long before our lecturer, Mr Kang enters the room, a paint covered apron hung around his neck. "Morning class, I hope you're all in the creative spirit, we'll be trying something a little different today." There were a few murmurs around the room. Without waiting for the whispers to die down, Mr Kang reaches for a camera situated on his desk. He holds it up before continuing with his lecture, "each of you will be given a camera like the one currently in my hand. I'm sure you're all familiar with the art trip that will be taking place next week. Your project will be to go out and take a photo of something that captivates or inspires you while on the trip. At the end of the term, you will present this photo alongside a piece of artwork in your chosen medium."

To say I was confused would be an understatement. This wasn't on the syllabus, had I missed something? My mind went to Yoongi who loved photography, he wore his camera with pride around his neck whenever we went out together. He said...
"The camera always points both ways. In expressing your subject, you also express yourself."

But what would be my subject? Nothing captivated me. My thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the door of the studio being flung open by a boy with pink, chubby cheeks. His chest rose and fell quickly as he attempted to catch his breath.

"Sorry, I'm late." He gave a quick apology before heading towards the back of the room, hastily taking a seat. I hadn't seen him before. I discretely watch him as he pulled off the leather jacket from his arms before placing it on the back of his chair. He ran his fingers through his wild, dark hair, exposing a part of his forehead. His eyes were the colour of chocolate, equally as sweet and as inviting as the confectionary itself. His plump lips mirrored those of a Barbie doll. He gives a half smile revealing a slightly crooked front tooth. It was only until I accidentally drop the paintbrush in my grasp that I'm shaken out of my daze. I quickly bend down to pick it up, making eye contact with the unknown boy as he chuckles lightly. I turn to face Mr Kang again but his words drift over my head. He had to be new. I would have noticed him before.


The lecture ends and I make my way up to the front to collect my camera from Mr Kang. "Autumn, you seemed a little distracted today, is everything okay?" Mr Kang looks over me with a puzzled look as he hands over my camera and some worksheets. "I was just brainstorming some ideas for the project, Sir. Do you not think it's a little strange that we have to take photos for a fine art course?" I display a half-hearted smile, lying through my teeth as I carefully place the camera in my bag.

"Anyone can take a photo Autumn, but not everyone can tell a story using it." I give him a confused look. It wasn't quite the answer I was looking for. "I'm looking forward to seeing your project Autumn, you never fail to amaze me with your work." Mr Kang's words fill me with happiness. I loved receiving praise and attention for my work, it was the only thing that drove me to work harder.

"I won't let you down, Sir." I turn on my heel slowly making my way to the exit. I was trying my best to stall leaving the art studio, even though I knew I would end up being late for work. Out of the corner of my eye, I watch as the mystery boy finally made his way up to the front of the class to receive his camera. By now the majority of the students had left, meaning the studio was silent apart from the muffled sound of paint brushes clattering together and water flowing down the sink.

"Sorry I was late, Sir." The boy bows his head to the older man stood before him. Mr Kang leans back on his desk, folding his arms over one another. "I'll let it slide this one time, but I don't want it to happen again." Although his words were serious he smiles warmly at the boy.

"Thanks, Sir." He reaches out for his camera, stuffing it into his bag before making his way towards the door. I swiftly pick up my pace, pretending I hadn't just been listening in on their conversation. "Have a good day Jimin." Mr Kang calls after him. Jimin. His name was Jimin.

Maybe Yoongi was right after all. A fuck buddy was starting to sound like a good idea.

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