49. For You

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A person who invents elaborate and dishonest stories.


Autumn's POV

"I had to leave Seoul because I wasn't safe there anymore," Yoongi explained as we were all crammed onto the top bunk of mine and Jimin's shared room. I was still unable to believe this was actually happening.

"Why?" Jungkook's frown hadn't left his face since the cafeteria. I could understand why he was so angry, so was I, but I wished he wouldn't be so cold hearted towards Yoongi, we didn't know the full story yet. Yoongi sighed heavily before glancing over at me cautiously. "Taehyung," he deadpanned.

"Fuck off," Jungkook spat out at the mention of his name. He had come to hate Taehyung more than any of us of did.

"You know him?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow, slightly taken aback that Jungkook was familiar with him. "Too well," Jungkook muttered looking out of the small window situated at the far end of the room.

"He's the reason we're here," I spoke up, managing to form words this time. I was sick and tired of Taehyung being the root cause to all my problems.

"What? I thought you broke up with him?" Yoongi's eyes widened, looking over to where I was sat. I knew he would be annoyed if I told him we had briefly gotten back together. He'd hated me dating Taehyung and always told me it would end badly, I wish I had taken his advice earlier.

"We kind of starting seeing each other again briefly." I avoided his eyes, not wanting to be met with the disappointment in them.

"This isn't about us," Jungkook spoke up before Yoongi could. "Why are you trying to avoid him?" Jungkook presses for further information.

"Me and Taehyung have a lot of bad blood between us," Yoongi fiddled with the sleeve of his jumper. "I got involved in something I shouldn't have. I wanted out and Taehyung wouldn't let me," Yoongi breathed out letting his head drop. "I knew Taehyung before you started dating him. We had been best friends since I can remember, but when his brother died he became someone else. He became violent and got caught up in all kinds of illegal shit. He threatened to hurt you if I put a stop to it all," Yoongi looks up at Jungkook with glossy eyes.

"In his eyes I had betrayed him, I was no longer a friend, I was an enemy. For both mine and your sake I had to leave. I knew if I told you you'd never let me do it so I had to come up with way of making sure you never came looking for me," Yoongi sighed.

"3 years. You pretended to be dead for 3 years," Jungkook cut in, the anger in his eyes now replaced with sadness. They glistened with tears that threatened to spill out at any second. His voice was weak and his body was hunched over like he didn't have the energy to keep himself upright.

"What would you have done Jungkook?" Yoongi reached out his hand to place it on Jungkooks knee but he retreated as Jungkook moved it away. I took hold of his rejected hand, clasping it inside my own. The warmth it radiated went straight to the rest of my body, sending fuzzy feelings throughout me.

"I don't know, but I certainly wouldn't have left my brother to believe I was dead. Do you realise what that did to me?" Jungkook muttered, looking down at mine and Yoongi's intertwined hands.

"I did this for you, not just for me," Yoongi raised his voice, startling Hobi who had been listening in silence for the past 5 minutes.

"I can't do this right now." Jungkook got up from the bed and left the room. He slammed the door behind him, leaving us in an awkward silence.

"I'll go make sure he's okay," Hobi got up following Jungkook out of the door.

"You understand why I did it, right?" Yoongi squeezed my hand that he was still holding, using the other to push a strand of hair behind my ear. I looked up at Jimin who was watching Yoongi carefully, clearly uncomfortable with how close he was to me.

"It's late, let's talk about this tomorrow when everyone has calmed down." I couldn't lie to Yoongi. I knew what Taehyung was like when you made an enemy of him, it was the same reason we are all currently in another city, but I don't know if I could forgive him so soon.

"I think you should go back to your room and get some sleep, it's clearly been a lot for Jungkook and Autumn to take in," Jimin added, still staring carefully at Yoongi. Yoongi nodded his head, releasing his hand from mine before climbing down from the bunk bed and exiting out of the door. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want him to stay but it was best to let everyone have some time to think for themselves for a while.

"Are you okay?" Jimin asked after everyone had finally left our shared room. He kissed the top of my head, resting his face into my hair.

"I think so." Honestly at this point I didn't even know if I was okay, it was like I could no longer feel emotions. Everything just felt so numb.

"What do we do now?" Jimin sat down on his bed with his legs crossed.

"I don't know Jimin, I really don't know." I moved to sit closer to him, wanting to be near him. Jimin had been my biggest emotional support this whole time and I couldn't thank him enough.

"It'll be okay, I promise." He traced circles on the back of my hand before pulling me into a hug, landing his lips on mine. Closing my eyes I allowed the thoughts of the past few months to disappear into thin air. Jimin had this crazy way of making me feel safe no matter how bad things got. "Can I sleep in your bed tonight?" I broke away from the kiss, keeping my forehead leaning against Jimin's.

"Come here." Jimin pulled me down to lay beside him, wrapped up in his arms. His body was moulded to mine as he shared his body heat with me. Nuzzling my face into his neck, breathing in the familiar smell I drifted into a well needed sleep.

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