53. Missing

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A state of agony and torment created by the sudden sight of one's own misery.


Yoongi's POV

Where the hell is she? I was on my second cup of coffee waiting for Autumn to show up. I check my phone for the tenth time since I'd arrived, still no messages. It had been an hour since we were supposed to meet, to say I was a little pissed off would be an understatement. It's probably Jimin's fault, he's like her dad, dictating where she can go and with whom. I got up from my seat leaving my half drank cup of coffee and exited the cafe. On the walk back home I tried calling her one last time but just like all the other times it went straight to voicemail.

"You're back early," Jungkook spoke out from the front room as I entered the front door, he was laying down on the couch his feet using the arm of the couch as a foot rest. It was strange to be back home again, even stranger to be back around Jungkook. We were on good terms again after I had tried everything to get him to forgive me. All it needed was takeaway and a good film to win my way back into Jungkook's heart.

"She didn't show," I deadpanned. I checked my phone again but to no surprise, nothing.

"That's not like Autumn." Jungkook lifted an eyebrow, studying my face. I ignored him focusing my attention on the TV screen. It was some shitty romance drama, the ones with the cliche ending you can predict from the beginning. It's built off fantasy, it doesn't work like that in the real world, if it did I would be huddled up next to Autumn right now, not my brother.

"Are you not worried?" Jungkook side glanced at me, a dubious look on his face.

"Should I be?" I wasn't necessarily worried about Autumn not showing up. There was a million and one reasons to why she might have not been able to make it. A heads up would have been nice though.

"I'm going to give Jimin a call, to see if she's with him." I'd been skeptical about Jungkook's relationship with Autumn, it felt like there was something I wasn't being told. He was extremely protective of her, making sure she was okay every second of the day. I hadn't missed the glances he gave her either, it was the same look I gave her and the same look I'd seen Jimin give her a hundred times. Jungkook left the room, his phone pressed up to his ear. I could hear his muffled voice from the other room but it was drowned out by the TV making it difficult to hear exactly what he was saying. His voice gradually got louder and louder until I couldn't hear it no more. Seconds later he came running back into the room.

"Jimin said she left to meet you 2 hours ago," Jungkook shouted out of breath. I jolted up from the couch, trying to control my breathing. Pacing up and down the room, my hands tangled in my hair I tried thinking of a logical explanation.

"Maybe she just got lost or her phone died so she went back to her apartment." Yes, that's what must of happened. She's fine, totally fine.

"What if it was Taehyung?" Jungkook was on the verge of tears now, his hands trembling out of fear.

"Shut up, don't be stupid. How would he have found her, it's too much of a coincidence." I thought if I tried denying what was likely the truth it would help, but it didn't.

"What if he's been tracking her and waiting for her to come back to Seoul, what if she's being held..." I didn't hear the last part of Jungkook's sentence, I had already put my shoes on and ran out the door. I promise you, Autumn, I will find you.


Jimin's POV

Shit. I knew I shouldn't have let her go out by herself. Any good boyfriend would have followed her, would have made sure she was okay, but that's the exact opposite of what I did. This is all my fault. I ran out onto the streets of Seoul making my way to the small cafe, tracing her last steps. I called her, reaching voicemail and then calling her again, I repeated this over and over again in hope I would finally get through to her. I reached the small cafe on the other side of town, I could see through the shop window it wasn't busy. Running into the shop, I startled a few customers as the door was flung open sending the small bell positioned on the top of it to ring in a frenzy. Behind the counter stood a young male currently drying a mug with a tea towel.

"Excuse me sir, have you seen a girl come into the cafe today? Brown hair, about 5ft 5, probably the most beautiful girl you will ever lay your eyes on." I rambled at such a high speed I was worried he wouldn't be able to keep up and by the look on his face that was the case.

"Erm no sorry. I don't think so." He glances to the side at all the customers now swivelled in their chair to check out the commotion. I ignored it though, asking more questions in hope it would remind him if he had seen something. "Autumn, her name is Autumn."

"I'm sorry sir but we've had no customers under that description or name come in today." Although his words were polite his eyes were clearly telling me to leave. It was evident he didn't know anything and I was just wasting my time here. I gave a modest bow at the male and the customers as I left the cafe, continuing my hunt for Autumn. Feeling my phone vibrate in my back pocket a sudden wash of relief fell over me. Without checking the caller id I answered the phone, but before I could say anything I was cut off.

"Don't say a fucking word, just answer me. Where are you?" My heart sank, it wasn't Autumn.

"You idiot! This is all your fault" I spat to Yoongi on the other side of the phone. I knew he couldn't be trusted, why on earth did he think it was perfectly fine to let Autumn meet him when he knew the danger she is in.

"Did you not listen to a word I just said." Yoongi was the last person I wanted to speak to, but if it meant getting Autumn back I would do anything. "I'm outside the cafe," I lowered my voice to a defeated tone, running a hand through my windswept hair.

"Don't move, I'm coming." With that he ended the call. I sat on the floor despite the ice and snow, no longer able to keep my weight up. What had I done to deserve this? I gave Autumn nothing but love and attention, why was the universe so against us? By the time Yoongi arrived I was on the verge of tears.

"I checked her apartment, she's not there, now get up and stop being a crybaby." I felt a pair of hands wrap under my arms and yank me up from the ground. Looking up I noticed it wasn't just Yoongi who had come, Jungkook was stood beside him, tear stains down his cheeks and his eyes the darkest shade of crimson. I'd expected to have been filled with rage the moment I set my eyes on Yoongi but despite the tough image I could tell he was just as broken as I was. For once we had something in common.

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