17. Pick You Up At 7

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Pleasing to the eye.


The remainder of the London trip was largely uneventful. By the end of the trip, Mr Kang was on the verge of insanity and the majority of us had succumbed to jet lag. We'd been back in Korea for 3 days, today marking the first day back to university since the trip. Jimin hadn't turned up to our lecture, leaving me to deal with the project by myself, not that I minded. My phone buzzed on my bed and I smiled as a goofy picture of Jimin flashed up on my screen. He had set it as his contact picture when he stole my phone from me during the flight back home.

"Why weren't you at uni today?" I quizzed him as soon as I answered the call. "I forgot," he nonchalantly answers, the sound of traffic and crowds of people also audible in the background.

"How do you forget to go?" The boy amazed me. I knew he had a laid back attitude but this was something else. "Easier than you think actually, but I didn't call you to get a lecture about my attendance. There's a house party happening tonight and you are my plus one," he announces excitedly. I internally groaned, knowing that even if I tried to reject him he would physically drag me there if he needed to.

"Do I have to?" I almost cry out, mimicking the whiny voice of a child who was throwing a tantrum. "It's not up for discussion Autumn, you're coming with me. Send me your address, so I can pick you up later," he demands from the other side of the phone. I sigh loudly, voicing my annoyance to Jimin. "You can invite your friend if you want. What's his name?" Jimin paused briefly, "Yoongi?"

There was no way I was inviting Yoongi to the party. There was no point anyways he would most definitely say no.

"Sure," I lie. "Great, I'll pick you up from yours at 7, see you then!" He ends the call not allowing me to argue with him. I had just over an hour to take a quick shower and get ready. I send my address to Jimin as I run into the bathroom, stripping off my clothes before jumping into the shower.

30 minutes later, my room is covered with clothes I'd thrown in a haste, looking for something that was practical for a party. This was my first time attending a party since I'd dated Taehyung and I was dreading it. Loud music, sweaty bodies, alcohol, cigarette smoke, I couldn't think of anything worse. My eyes come to land on a small red dress in the back of my wardrobe. I reach up for it, instantly recognising it as I laid it out on the floor in front of me. I'd bought it a long time ago to wear on a date with Taehyung, but never got the chance to wear it. The dress had thin straps that crossed at the back, the neck low enough to show some cleavage but still giving enough coverage that I didn't feel totally exposed.

I slipped the soft, satiny fabric over my shoulders. It clung to my hips and waist making me look thinner than I really was. I'd put on a bit of weight since I'd bought it so the dress was slightly tighter than intended, but still flattering none the less. I brushed back my hair before applying some powder to my face along with mascara and a dark red lipstick to match the dark crimson of the dress.

There was a knock at the door as I stood up onto my feet, taking a long look around my apartment, sighing at the mess it was in. Ignoring the chaos, I opened the door to a smiling Jimin. "Hey, are you rea.." Jimin's voice trailed off as he stood looking me up and down, his mouth wide open in shock. I felt a blush creep up on my face as I pushed a strand of hair from out of my eye. Maybe the dress was too much.

"How about we forget the party, I've got something better in mind," He said in a low voice after he had managed to composed himself. He lent forward kissing my lips before stuffing his hands into his jeans. He wore a pair of tight, skinny black jeans paired with some black boots, his leather jacket and a white t-shirt. Part of his hair was pushed over to one side exposing his forehead. He looked incredible. He places continual pecks on my lips, pushing me back into my apartment.

I break away from the kiss as Jimin pouts. "We are going to the party." I smile, grabbing my phone and locking the door of my apartment behind us. I had spent way too long getting ready for no one to see me like this. Walking out of the apartment complex to his car, I notice him trying to make hidden glances at me with a loving smile. "So, where's your friend?" He questioned as I got into the passenger seat of his car. "He couldn't make it," I lie as I buckled up and Jimin started the engine.

"That's a shame, I was looking forward to meeting him." A frown made its way on to his face, but he didn't ask any more questions. We drove for some time in silence the only noise coming from the gentle roar of the cars engine and the hum of music coming from the car radio. We pulled into a street packed with cars poorly parked along the curb. As I got out of the car, Jimin took hold of my hand walking down the street, leading me to a large house with music blaring out of it. The house looked like all the rest in the dark but it had a slight sense of familiarity. Jimin knocked loudly on the door as we stood in the cold. The door was opened by a boy our age who smiled as he saw Jimin, his deep dimples showing.

"Jimin you made it!" the boy pulled Jimin into a warm hug. "And who is this?" he smiles in my direction over Jimin's shoulder. "Autumn," I grin, the boy radiating a comforting aura that I was immediately grateful for.

"Namjoon," he says shaking my hand.

"Come on in, it's freezing outside." He stepped to the side allowing us to filter one by one into the house that for the night, had been converted into a nightclub.

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