64. Epilogue

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"Jin, do not let Namjoon hold my baby!" Jimin yelled running over to Jin who was passing the baby to Namjoon. The rest of us giggled as Jimin took her safely back in his arms.

"Guys foods ready," I shout, immediately attracting the attention of everyone in the room. They all turn at once to run into the dining room, where a whole table was crammed with food for the celebration.

"How many people are you expecting? You could feed the whole street with this much food," Jimin giggles, placing a peck on my lips. I smile, looking down at the baby in his arms. Her eyes shine brighter than any sun I knew, just like her fathers. Hope, truly was the perfect name for her. Jimin wraps her in a fluffy pink blanket, gifted by Jin, as she cuddles into his chest as he gently rocks her to sleep. Jimin slides his small pinkie into her open hand, her tiny fingers curling around it. I have to look away from the two of them, knowing if I watched any longer I'd end up crying at how cute they were.

"Can I babysit Hope some time?" Jin asks as he devours the food in front of him at an outstanding pace.

"I'm not sure about that," Jimin says sceptically as Jin pouts. I laugh at Jimin's response, he was certainly the over protective father type, honestly it was extremely adorable.

"Oh course you can Jin," I smile, resulting in a little cheer and whoop from Jin.

"What about me?" Namjoon questions watching Hope sleep. "That is a definite no," Jimin jokes playfully. The sound of the doorbell rings through the apartment, stopping all conversation.

"Oh, that should be my gift," Hobi cheekily winks, standing up from his chair.

"Gift? You didn't need to buy us a gift," I insist, waving my hands around. This was only supposed to be a small celebration to commemorate Hope's birth.

"It's just something small, don't get too excited," he laughs leaving the room to open the front door. There is shuffling and some hushes from the corridor as we wait for him to return. A few seconds later he peeps his head around the door, "are you ready for your gift?"
I nod my head excitedly before Yoongi and Jungkook step out from behind the wall. My first reaction is to scream. I drop my cutlery, pushing back my chair to run over to them. I pull the two males into a tight group hug, causing them to groan. It had been months since I'd last seen the both of them.

"I've missed you both so much," I choke out, feeling the tears brimming in my eyes.

"So have we," Jungkook smiles as we pull away. His eyes attach onto Hope who was sound asleep in Jimin's arms. "Omg she's so cute," he squeals running over to her. He squishes her cheeks gently, looking down at her with affection. "It's uncle Jungkook," he whispers as she begins to stir from her slumber. As she wakes up she reaches out her arms to Jungkook trying to touch him. As if even possible his smile widens even more. Jimin lifts Hope up for Jungkook to take from his hands. A look of fear flashes across his eyes before taking Hope in his arms, cradling her.

"Look Yoongi," he smiles bringing her over to me and Yoongi.

"I don't really like babies but she's cute I guess," Yoongi smiles, brushing his pinkie over her cheeks. Hope laughs clutching onto Yoongi's pinkie which causes him to blush.

"It's been too long," Jin and Namjoon get up to properly greet Yoongi and Jungkook who was still holding Hope.

"So what have you been up to?" Namjoon asks as I pull up two extra chairs to the table for Jungkook and Yoongi. I was thankful I'd made a lot of food.

"I've enrolled on a music programme and Yoongi is helping me compose," Jungkook beams. It reminded me of
the times Yoongi used to play the piano for me. Those times were long gone now.

"That sounds great," I say, passing some plates over to Yoongi and Jungkook. Hope begins to cry and scream at an unbearable tone from Jimin's arms.

"I think she needs feeding again," Jimin sighs getting up from the table to make his way into the kitchen. I excuse myself and follow him. I grab a baby bottle from the cupboard trying to take the lid off the top of the bottle that seemed to have become stuck. Jimin laughs watching me struggle with the bottle. "Sometimes I don't know who's cuter, you or Hope," Jimin continues to giggle.

"I think you'll find the answer to that question is me," I pout.

"Of course it is," Jimin leans forwards placing a kiss on my lips. I pull him closer by the back of his neck, careful not to squash Hope who was still in arms. "I love you Jimin," I whisper between kisses.

"I love you too Autumn."


A/N: Thank you so much to everyone who has read to the end! I really appreciate all the votes and comments on the chapters, so an extra special thanks to those who have. I feel like I kind of lost my way with this fanfic, it certainly didn't end as I had originally planned but oh well.

I just wanted to say I am in the process of writing two other bts fanfics! They are very different from my usual style but I'm really enjoying writing them and I hope you'll give them a read. Again a massive thanks, I hope you enjoy and continue to support any of my further works :)

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