39. Controlling

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A state of mind consisting of pure sensation of emotion without cognitive content.


Autumn's POV

I was woken by a kiss to my shoulder. Rubbing my eyes open I looked up to see Taehyung sat in the drivers seat of his car. "We're here." I groaned in annoyance. The apartment block in front of us appeared to be newly refurbished, the light coloured bricks were offset by jet black framed windows. It was more like a hotel than anything else. Unbuckling my seatbelt I got out of the car to follow Taehyung into what seemed to be a reception area. He silently guided me into a silver lift that took us up to the forth floor. Taehyung knocked on a large, heavy door, painted the same colour as the window frames.

The door was opened by a man in his late twenties. He looked like he had just woken up, a pair of grey joggers hung loosely around his waist was all he wore. He was strikingly handsome, perfect features that reminded me of someone but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Autumn, meet my brother," Taehyung smiled, gesturing towards the man in front of me. My mouth fell open as I stared up at the man who was still waking himself up. Now I saw it, he reminded me of Taehyung.

"Hi." I awkwardly stuck out my hand unsure how to greet him. Nerves immediately flooded over me. Taehyung had spoke about an older brother before but never gone into details, he didn't speak much about his family life. Taehyung had two older brothers, the eldest had died many years ago from an injury to his head. The offender had fled the scene and was never found.

"Hi, I'm Junsu," he flashed a bright smile. Junsu had a warm aura, he made me feel welcome and safe, something I didn't always get from Taehyung. "Make yourself at home." He stepped to the side allowing me to walk into the living room. I looked around at the vast, open space listening to the conversation between Taehyung and Junsu behind me which seemed sort of awkward.

"You have an amazing home Junsu." I put on my politest voice, wanting to set a good first impression. Truth was I was pretty impressed by the interior, it was tastefully done, following a particular colour scheme of greys and browns. A grey sofa was positioned towards a light, oak coffee table that was placed on top of the softest looking carpet I had ever seen.

"Thank you, can I get you anything to eat or drink?" Junsu asked walking into the kitchen. I tore my eyes away to stop drooling over his perfect physique, I'm pretty sure Taehyung had noticed it giving me a glare before walking off to what I assumed was a bedroom.

"No, I'm fine thanks. Would you mind if I took a shower though? Taehyung denied me of one this morning" I laughed lightly.

"Go ahead, bathroom is down that corridor on the right" he pointed to a small hallway, "there should be some towels in that bedroom, just ask Taehyung." He flashed a smile, it was boxy, just like Taehyung's. I made my way down the corridor to the bedroom I had seen Taehyung enter. I knocked lightly, opening the door and peering into the room.

"I'm going to take a shower," I said to Taehyung who was sat on a double bed. He had been glued to his phone these past days but I knew Taehyung was pretty popular, he had a lot of friends that he liked to stay in contact with.

"I was just about to have a shower, we could shower together, you know to save water." He put his phone down on the bed and made his way over to me pulling me into a kiss. It was soft at first, but as usual it slowly turned rougher and more demanding.

"I'll wait. You take a shower first." It wasn't the fact I didn't want to save the planet from its inevitable death, I just didn't want to shower with Taehyung. I wasn't in the mood and I was still pretty annoyed with him. There was no way Taehyung was capable of taking a shower with me without it ending with us fucking.

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