15. The First Date

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Beauty is more than skin-deep.


Night had fallen fast upon the streets of London. Only an hour ago the sky had been painted with red and orange hues, now it was just a black canvas, a scattering of stars across it. My breath was visible under the streetlights that lined the city, Jimin walking beside me. In the evenings we were permitted free-time, which had been met with cheers from the other students as Mr Kang gave his finally warnings to stay with at least one person we knew and to be back at a reasonable time. Jimin had messaged me to get dressed into something warm and within minutes he was knocking on my door and dragging me out of my hotel room.

"Why didn't you invite Jungkook?" I question as we walk side by side, weaving our way through other tourists who were also out exploring the city. I wasn't asking because I wanted Jungkook here with us, but I felt bad for leaving him out of our late night adventures. Jungkook was too upfront and too touchy for my liking but he was a good guy.

"You want Jungkook tagging along on our date?" he laughs. I didn't respond, last time I had embarrassed myself thinking he actually meant a date when it was just a couple of friends hanging out. "That wasn't a figure of speech." Jimin held onto my hand tightly. It took me a while to finally close my fingers around his, my hand looking tiny in his palm. I hadn't been on a date since I broke up with Taehyung, resulting in me being single for the 3 years that followed. The smell of food flooded the streets as we walked past numerous cafes, bars and restaurants.

"I'm so hungry," I complain, holding onto my stomach. I hadn't realised how hungry I was until I peered through the windows of small restaurants and fast food chains, the food all different but making the pain of hunger worse. "Come on, I had a look online at places we could eat. It's just around this corner." Jimin pulled me away from the window, continuing down the street as I sulked before Jimin pulled me into what looked like a typical English bar.

I looked around at the busy tables. An old couple ate side by side as a group of young men perhaps in their thirties collapsed into a heap of laughter. Businessmen in grey suits sat with stern expressions discussing a potential business deal. The noise level was high and so was the smoke level but that didn't seem to bother Jimin. He lead me to an empty table, letting go of my hand to pull out my chair for me as he had in the bakery. He sat down opposite me before taking hold of my hand again resting them on the table. The menu was long and full of different dishes, some I had never even heard of. I giggled quietly as Jimin also gave the menu a confused look.

"Can you read English?" He asked worriedly. I laughed at him in response before nodding. "Hey, there's a reason I didn't take the foreign language class," he chuckled. After deciphering the menu for Jimin our order was taken by a man in his late fifties.

"Can I get you something to drink with that?" The waiter asked Jimin tapping his pen on the notebook. I quickly translated for Jimin before he pointed to something on the menu and asked for two. The waiter walked away before returning with two glasses of an amber coloured liquid. Placing one in front of me and one in front on Jimin he left. "What's this?" I picked up the glass eyeing the golden glow of it.

"Just drink it," Jimin stated before taking a big gulp of the liquid before slamming the glass down on the table. I give the unfamiliar liquid a quizzical stare before raising the glass to sip it, feeling the burn on my tongue and throat as I cough uncontrollably. "Is this your first time tasting alcohol?" Jimin looked at me with a shocked expression.

"Alcohol!" I gasp over the noise of the bar. Jimin laughs wholeheartedly at my shocked expression. "In that case, here's to a good night ahead." Jimin lifted his glass clinking it with mine before finishing off the liquid and ordering another. I think it's safe to say this was just the beginning of a long night to come.

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