24. Orion's Belt

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The influence of the stars on human destiny.


I awake to sunlight flooding through my open curtains, almost blinding me as I blink my sleepy eyes open. Jimin had spent the night at my apartment as it was getting cold and I couldn't let him walk all the way home in just his pyjamas. I look over to my side, observing the crumpled sheets that told me he had already left. I was slightly disappointed he'd gone without saying goodbye. Swinging my feet off the bed I get up, stretching out my limbs, groggily making my way to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast. Smiling to myself at the thought of Jimin, I made my way into the living room. On the coffee table was a piece of torn paper. I pick it up, skimming my eyes over the words:

' Sorry I left without a goodbye, I had some things I needed to do. To make up for it I'm taking you out on a date tonight. Meet me at the Han river at 8 pm. Lots of love Jimin ( by the way you look adorable sleeping in my jumper )'

I grin widely, looking down at the grey jumper I was wearing, it was numerous sizes too big and it smelt like Jimin. After being unable to contain my excitement, I jump up and down on the spot, excited for what was going to be our first official date since London.


"I figured, what better way to admire the Han river, than actually being on it?" Jimin laughs, gesturing over to a small, but modern-looking rowing boat he'd already hired out for our date.  I laugh along with him, a touch of nerves running throughout my body as I hold onto Jimin's arm, his other wrapped tightly around my waist as he helps me lower myself into the swaying boat. As gracefully as I possibly can, I stumble over to the wooden beam that extended the width of the boat, acting as a seat. Jimin follows in-suit, clumsily climbing in to the boat to sit on the other side, facing me with a childish grin.

"Do you know how to row a boat?" The worker asks, picking up two large oars from the wooden boardwalk, handing them over to Jimin. "Nope, but I'm sure I'll work it out," Jimin chuckles, as he slots the oars into their holds, the ends of them disappearing under the surface of the water as they are submerged. The worker, who seemed to be around our age, didn't look impressed at Jimin's attempt of a joke, but still pushes the boat out onto the river regardless.

In an attempt to get the boat moving, Jimin waves the oars in the water, managing no more than to splash water up in the air. After five minutes of him trying, we'd gotten no further than a few meters from where we had started and the inside of the boat was coated in glossy water droplets. "Do you want me to try?" I try to say without laughing hysterically at the look of concentration on Jimin's face, and the awkward position of the oars in his hands.

"Go on then, Miss perfect." He hands the oars over to me, a cocky smirk on his face, clearly underestimating my abilities. I'd only rowed a boat a couple of times in my life, but any experience was better than Jimin's failed attempt. I dip the oars back into the water and begin rowing effortlessly against the strong current. Jimin's face falls into shock before he starts chuckling lightly to himself, "It's not as romantic when you're the one who has to row." His lips turn up into wide smile, a soft look of affection in his eyes as he looks at me before turning to admire the city lights that ran parallel to the river. "It's such a beautiful night." I look up at the stars trying to piece together the constellations that mapped the night sky. I'd had a fascination for astronomy since I was young.

"Look it's Orion," I said excitedly, pushing Jimin's head up to look at the sky, "see that row of three stars," I pointed up at the night sky, "that's Orion's belt, downward from the belt is another group of fainter stars, that's his sword."

"I didn't know you were into that sort of thing." He gazes up at the sky, eyes wide and mouth agape slightly in awe. I nod my head enthusiastically, searching the billions of stars for more constellations I could recognise. This carried on for what seemed like hours. I'd gone through endless constellations and was struggling to find anymore I could show Jimin.

"Do you believe things happen for a reason?" Jimin suddenly asks, taking hold of my hand in his with a gentle grasp, fixing his soft fawn eyes on mine. There's a pause of silence. A brief moment where my brain searches for an answer to his question. "What do you mean?" I question, needing more time to think. Did I believe in it? Surely life was too complex, too unpredictable to have already been planned out for each and every soul that walked the planet.

"Like we are meant to do certain things in our lives, and meet certain people before we die." He begins fumbling with my fingers, seemingly feeling shy at the question he had proposed. "If the question you're asking me, is whether I believe we were meant to meet from the very start, then yes, I do believe things happen for a reason," I smile, Jimin's eyes shining as bright as the stars that reflected themselves in them, at my response.

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