38. Road Trip

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A dungeon with a door only in the ceiling; a place you put people to forget about them.


Taehyung's POV

I gripped the steering wheel tightly, driving way over the speed limit. I had to get to Autumn before any of them did. Pulling into my driveway I jumped out my car running into the house frantically. On the couch I found Autumn still silently sleeping, I sighed a sigh of relief resting the weight of my body on my knees as I regained my breath. She was just where I had left her last night after I'd made her come back to mine. She'd caught me trying to call Yiren but luckily she knew better than to ask questions. I kneeled down beside her shaking her shoulder lightly to wake her up. She didn't stir, remaining in whatever dreamland she was currently in.

"Autumn, wake up baby." I shook her shoulder harder this time her eyes slowly fluttering open.

"Hmm," she hummed, closing her eyes briefly.

"Sweetheart, I have a present for you, but you need to get up now," I spoke calmly in the most innocent voice I could muster up but the truth was I was panicking, we needed to get out of this house.

"What?" She looked at me, rubbing her eyes. She was adorable when she'd just woken up and it took all of my energy not to pin her down there and then.

"Get up and washed and then I'll tell you what your present is." I hauled her up over my shoulder, carrying her up the stairs. "You've got precisely 10 minutes to get dressed and brush your teeth, there's a spare toothbrush under the sink in the cupboard." I left her in my room walking back down the stairs.

"Why do you have spare toothbrushes lying around?" She shouted down the stairs making her way into the bathroom.

"Take a wild guess," I smirked even though she couldn't see it. I didn't know if the whole innocent girl thing she had going on was just an act or if she really was that dense. I sat on the couch, tapping my foot on the ground watching the minute hand tick by on my watch, we were running out of time. What I had planned was only a temporary solution whilst I thought of a more permanent way of getting rid of Jimin and his friends.

"I'm ready." Autumn came into the living room smiling. She was wearing my joggers and a plain white t-shirt she had tucked into them. I smiled at her, admiring her features before snapping back to reality.

"We're leaving." I took hold of her hand leading her out of the house locking it behind me and getting into my car. "Leaving?" She looked at me with a puzzled expression whilst buckling up.

"I thought I'd make up for all of our lost time. We're going on a little trip together." Putting the car into gear I sped off down the road keeping my eye on the clock.

"Where?" She stared at the side of my face, her eyebrows knitted together.

"You'll have to wait and see," I took my hand off the steering wheel momentarily to pinch at her cheek. If only she knew.


Jimin's POV

"I can help you." I stared at Yiren stood before me, her eyes were red and she was sniffling every now and again.

"Do you think we are stupid or something?" Hobi strode towards her, I'd never seen him so intimidating before. "You're telling me it took you this whole time to figure out Taehyung was just using you?" I watched as Namjoon closed in on her, moving to stand beside Hobi.

"I was desperate okay." Her hands were shaking and so was her bottom lip trying to fight back sobs.

"We don't need your help." Jungkook leaned on the kitchen countertop. I wasn't sure why he was still here, I'd expected it to be the last time I saw him after we finished at the club but he turned up at my apartment this morning asking to let him help.

"I wasn't talking to you," Yiren snapped but looked like she immediately regretted it as she cowered into the corner.

"What use is she too us? For all, we know she could still be on his side and this is a setup." Jungkook seemed anxious he shifted from leg to leg not finding a comfortable position to stand in. I watched as he shifted his eyes onto Yiren, a vacant stare that broke within seconds.

"Please. I have more information, you won't get Autumn back without it." Yiren looked at me with large, puppy eyes that begged me to take her in. That's what she was, a stray dog that was looking for a home because her previous owner had kicked her out.

"If you mess us around even once, I swear to God Yiren, your life won't even be worth living." That was a promise I would definitely be keeping. Jungkook laughed in disbelief, shaking his head. I don't know what happened between Jungkook and Yiren in the past, I hadn't asked and to be honest, I didn't care, but whatever it was Jungkook was certainly holding a grudge.

"What more do you know?" I questioned, ignoring Jungkook, I didn't need his cooperation, if he didn't like it he had every opportunity to walk out the door.

"This morning, Taehyung came to my apartment, I told him what happened in the club." She briefly looked over at Jungkook. "He said something about moving Autumn out of Seoul for a while. He made a phone call to his brother, asking him for a place to stay in Daegu." Yiren rambled, eyes darting around the room as she retold the story.

"Are you fucking kidding me! When I get my hands on that asshole," Hobi practically screamed, he grabbed hold of his hair pacing the room. He came to a stop in the middle of the room and connected eyes with me, I knew what he was thinking. "We're going on a road trip."

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