36. Vodka And Coke

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A dull ache of the soul, a spiritual anguish.


Jungkook's POV

I manoeuvre my way through the sea of bodies crammed inside the club. The strobe lighting coats the room in neon pinks and greens. You can't see the dance floor at all, from wall to wall people dance to a mix of 90's classics. I make a beeline for the bar, fixing my eyes on Yiren. A silk, baby pink dress grips tightly to her frame, the material slipping off at her shoulders. Jimin had set the bait earlier today, texting her to meet him here at the club.

"I'll have a vodka and coke please," She spoke loudly over the music to a smartly dressed bartender. His eyes wandered up to mine, giving me a slight wink, I smiled back at Jin.

"It's on me." I land myself on the barstool beside Yiren to face her, my legs spreading apart to trap her between my thighs. She looks visibly uncomfortable to see me again, her hand coming up to nervously play with a strand of hair. "Oh Jungkook, hi," she awkwardly laughs looking down at the bar, "it's been a while."

"It certainly has," I smile as Jin returns with her drink, setting it down on the alcohol sodden bar in front of her. I push a banknote towards Jin which he happily takes. I knew even if this was all a set up, I wouldn't be getting my money back.

"What have you been up to these days?" She questions downing the drink almost in one, as if it was a shot. She was failing to hide that she clearly didn't want me here, but I assumed it would only take a few more drinks before she was happy to have the company.

"Nothing much. You?" I answer short and sweet. That's all it needed, it wouldn't take much to get Yiren to crack eventually. "The same old," she brushes off my question, eyes noticeably darting around the club looking for a potential escape route.

"She'll have another vodka and coke please," I call over to Jin as she tips that last few drops of alcohol in her cup down her throat. I wasn't going to get anything out of her while she was still sober. "Oh, no it's fine. I really should get going." She waves her hands in front of her face, simultaneously shaking her head. Yiren looks over at Jin with pleading eyes, desperately asking for help. Yet help was the last thing she was going to get from him.

"My treat." I slap another note down on the bar, which Jin pockets immediately before moving to make her drink. "Why are you being so nice to me?" Her face gave it away that she was in the middle of an internal conflict. I knew she wanted to get as far away from me as possible, but her siren eyes that repeatedly flicked down to my outstretched thighs was telling me otherwise.

"I don't know what you mean?" I smile innocently, "what are you doing here all alone, anyway?" I quiz, deciding now was the time to end the small talk and begin the interrogation. "I'm waiting for someone," she answers, knowingly trying to give me as little information as possible. She didn't trust me.

"Who?" I slowly move closer to her, my legs tightening around hers which I'm sure I feel shake slightly. "Just a guy," her eyes avoid mine, looking behind me as if she was unaware of my presence.

"Name?" I demand, becoming increasingly impatient with her reluctance to give up the information I needed. She became silent for a second, debating whether it was a good idea to tell me or not. Her fingers begin to fidget in her lap, a tell-tale sign she was nervous.

"Jimin." Her voice is quiet, like she was hoping I didn't hear her response. I recline back in my seat a little, happy to have made my first breakthrough. "Never heard of him," I lie, leaning an arm on the bar to look at her with my head tilted.

"Really?" Her eyebrows raise, seemingly surprised that I hadn't recognised the name. I shake my head in denial, repositioning my body so I was even closer. "Nope. So how did you meet?" I question with a smug smile. It wasn't part of the plan but I loved watching her squirm in place, tightly shutting her legs together as if it would help.

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