63. Jimin & Autumn

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4 months since Taehyung's death

'A large number of harmful drugs and substances were found at the apartment. With the information received from eye witnesses accounts and forensics, we have been led to believe first degree murder was intended.'

I read over the words again and again but no matter how many times I read them they don't seem to be going in. I'd never thought one day I would be reading a police report about my own possible murder case. I think back to the box in the carrier bag that Taehyung had brought that day - "Don't look so scared," he laughed at me "you'll find out what's in there soon." Shivers flood down my back and I have to put the piece of paper on the desk in front of me. I rest my head on the desk, even though he's dead he still manages to haunt me.

"Are you okay?" Jimin enters our bedroom, taking a seat beside me and rubbing my back up and down, creating shapes with his fingers. I nod my head as I lift myself up from the desk to latch my arms around his body.

"It's okay to say no. You've been through a lot, even the strongest of people have to crack at some point." He kisses the top of head, moving his hands to play with the ends of my hair. I smile into his shoulder, I really don't know what I did in my past life to be able to call Jimin mine. The moment was suddenly put to an end though as I felt a sickening feeling in my stomach. I jumped up quickly, accidentally knocking over the chair in the process and ran to the bathroom. Quickly flicking up the seat and kneeling beside the toilet, I was sick. It wasn't long before Jimin came in running after me to pull my hair back from my face. After I was finished emptying my stomach I sat back on my knees as tears fell down my face.

"Hey, hey it's okay." Jimin smiled pulling me into another hug, " It'll all be worth it in the end."

I smiled gently, rubbing my stomach. My eyes wandered to the positive pregnancy test still on the bathroom counter. We had both been so overjoyed when we found out we were going to be parents. A lot of people would say we are too young to be having children, but me and Jimin were ready. We had been trying for a while and I'd almost lost hope until that morning.

"What are we going to call the baby?" Jimin questioned with a look of deep thought on his face that made me laugh.

"I don't know, it depends whether it's a boy or a girl." I shrugged getting up from the bathroom floor.

"If it's a boy can we call it Jimin Junior?" Jimin said happily, clapping his hands and jumping up and down on the spot.

"No way! That's terrible," I laughed at Jimin's pouted face.

"It's a great name! Have you got any better suggestions?" Jimin crosses his arms still pouting. I'd not really considered baby names yet as such.

"I have one name in mind if it's a boy," I spoke walking out of the bathroom as Jimin followed. I knew he wasn't going to agree with the name but it was worth a shot.

"What is it?" He lifted an eyebrow.

"Yoongi" I turned to face Jimin as his face fell. He didn't look too taken by the name.

"Not a chance in hell is my baby going to be called Yoongi." He shook his head in disapproval. It was the exact response I'd been expecting.

"If it's a girl, can we call her Hope?" Jimin asked all of a sudden, taking me by surprise. "Hope?" I turn to give him a quizzical expression, "Why?"

"Because I want our child to grow up to be strong and beautiful just like her mother. Hope was the only thing that kept me going through my darkest times and she'll be a reminder that no matter what you mustn't ever loose hope." I smiled, "I like that name a lot."

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