33. I Show You

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Relating back to feelings or ideas that people had in the distant past.


Jimin's POV

"I'm bored. What are we doing here?" We'd been walking aimlessly for half an hour now. Not once had Yiren stopped talking, but I'd stopped listening a long time ago, my own thoughts loud enough to drown her voice out. I couldn't stop thinking about Autumn and whether I'd made the right decision to freak out like I had. All I wanted, was to just go home and be alone. "So, entertain me then," Yiren fired back, clearly tired of my constant complaining.

"This was your idea to come out in the first place, you should be the one entertaining me." I retaliate, coming to a stop in the middle of the street. We'd walked long enough to reach the busier part of Seoul. However, at this time the restaurants were empty and clothing stores closed. The only thing that still seemed to have any sign of life was a small karaoke room on the corner of the street.

"I'm not sure you'll want to do what I've got in mind." She gives me a sly smile, tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear, softly nibbling on her lower lip. "How about I just show you." She took my face in both her hands squishing my cheeks together slightly, landing her lips forcefully on mine. Her lips felt awkward and wrong against mine, and her hands tugged at my hair so hard I was worried she'd pull it all out by the time she had finished. I don't pull away from her and instead try to convince my mind that it's Autumn. That I'd never seen those pictures, she hadn't thrown away the best thing I'd ever had and she was right here in my arms. Instinctively I put an arm around Yiren's waist, pulling her closer to me as I try to find a more comfortable position.

I feel eyes on me, but as I open my eyes, Yiren's are still closed. I pull away from her, breathing heavily. "Why don't we carry this on at my place," she giggled, pulling my arm to drag me along with her.

"We are not fucking." I crossed my arms around my body causing Yiren to trip over her feet nearly bringing her to the ground. Yiren laughed an obnoxious laugh, practically running back to her apartment tugging me along with her. I certainly was not sleeping with her, I had more self-control than that.


Autumn's POV

I watch with a broken heart as Jimin pulled her closer to him by her waist, her fingers continuing to tangle themselves in his hair.

"Come on." Taehyung took hold of my hand pulling me away from Jimin and Yiren who were kissing in front of me. It stung to watch, the breakup was still fresh in my mind. If it wasn't for Taehyung I would probably still be there waiting till they finished to give him a piece of my mind. The image replayed over and over again in my head all the way to Taehyungs house.

"Why did you take me here?" I query as Taehyung unlocked his front door, holding it open for me to enter. I wanted to go home, it was cold and I was tired physically and emotionally from the long day. "Why not?" Taehyung smiled, beckoning me into his house. I begrudgingly slip my shoes off, making my way into the kitchen alongside him as he poured himself a glass of water. I check my phone for notifications, shocked to find that my battery was at 2% and I had three missed calls from Hobi, along with numerous text messages telling me to call him back when I had the chance.

"Do you have a phone charger I can borrow?" I ask, watching Taehyung gulp down a glass of water in astonishing speed.

"Why?" He set the glass down on the side, before lifting himself up to sit on the countertop.

"I don't know, I was thinking I could use it to charge my phone or something." I roll my eyes. He was still an idiot. "There's one over there." He points over to a socket with a charger in it on the other side of the room, ignoring my sarcastic comment. "That's a lot of notifications. Someone's desperate to get ahold of you." Taehyung remarked, taking a side-eyed peek at my phone, trying to read the notifications himself.

"It's Hobi, he said he needs to tell me something." I shrug, watching my phone battery percentage increase much slower than I wanted it to. "So, you two are close?" He questioned, hoisting his body up to take a seat on top of the countertop. I notice he'd began playing with his fingers, something I knew he did every time he was worried about something.

"Yeah, I tell him everything," I admit, subconsciously smiling to myself. "Even about me?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow, studying me carefully as he waited for a response.

"Even about you," I laugh at his shyness. He nodded slowly, staring up at the wall in deep thought. He snaps out of it seconds later. Hurriedly, jumping down from the countertop, he enclosed my waist in his arms, hugging his chest close to my back. "You look tired, you should get some sleep. Sleep in my bed, don't worry I'll sleep down here. There should be some spare clothes in my bottom drawer you can wear," he grinned, pushing me out of the kitchen.

"I'll just wait until my phone has charged so I can call Hobi back. It seems important." I remove myself from his arms, walking back to my phone that was still not much closer to being charged.

"It's late, he's probably already asleep, if he calls again I'll let him know you'll call back later today." Taehyung ran his fingers through my hair, looking into my eyes.

I furrow my eyebrows slightly at Taehyung, but give in eventually. "Fine. You're probably right. I'm sure he's probably asleep at this time anyway. It'll have to wait." I give Taehyung a goodnight peck on the lips, making my way up to his bedroom and slipping into some of his clothes. The large grey hoodie was long enough to cover the tops of my legs so I don't bother with any bottoms.

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