8. Your Lips

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Something that makes you forget grief or suffering.


The bakery was a little store in the run-down part of town. The gold lettering above the door was peeling off and the floor inside showed the wear of decades of footsteps. Inside the bakery, it was airy and bright, each table had a small potted plant placed in the centre of it. It had a modern yet rustic charm. I lower my body onto an empty chair stood by the shop window so I could watch the world pass by. It wasn't very busy inside the small bakery but enough to give it an atmosphere. My foot taps rhythmically on the floor, bouncing up and down at the anxiety of today. I stifle a yawn as exhaustion washes over me. I hadn't got much sleep last night, my mind too occupied with constructing scenarios of the day ahead. All preparation scatters my mind and my brain becomes static like a television that has lost its signal as Jimin steps into the bakery. He was dressed casually; denim jeans, leather jacket and a white t-shirt. My teeth tug nervously at my lower lip as I get up to greet him.

"You look nice." His eyes crinkle into half-moons as he pulls out my chair for me to sit on. I could feel every single pound of my heart in my chest, the hairs on my arm stood to attention and chills tumble chaotically down my spine. It was a simple compliment, more out of politeness than anything else. Of course I'd put in the extra effort to look presentable. I'd applied a fine powder to my face along with a few sweeps of mascara. The thin, gentle line of kohl surrounding my eyes making them seem brighter than usual. "Thanks, so do you," I smile, getting as comfortable as I can in my chair.

"Have you packed for London yet?" His eyes glanced up and down the plastic menu in his hands carefully taking in each written word.

"Not yet, I don't really know what to pack. Is it warm in London?" I'd never been to England before, in fact, I had never left the continent of Asia. It hadn't exactly been a dream of mine to visit Europe, but now it was actually happening I'd never been more excited for something in my life. "I don't think so," he answers, clearly in deep thought. The start of an awkward pause begins as neither of us knows what to say. "Moving on to more important questions. Are you hungry?" He chuckles lightly before putting down the menu and resting his face in the palm of his hands, leaning slightly into the table. He was gorgeous.

"I think I'll just order a drink," I spoke skimming my eyes over the menu. Jimin frowns slightly before giving me a small nod. As if on cue, a waitress makes her way over to our table, beaming with the enthusiasm of someone new to the job. Pen and notebook in hand, she was classically beautiful. She had large hazel eyes that held serenity. Her cheekbones were high juxtaposing her small button nose. There was an undeniable symmetry to her face, emphasised by her long, charcoal hair that had been pulled back into a tight bun. Yet Jimin doesn't even give her a second glance as he began ordering off the menu, signalling to me to do the same.

"Just a hot chocolate for me." I smiled as she quickly scribbled down on her notebook before turning on her heels.
I felt Jimin's knee touch mine under the narrow table, but rather than quickly pulling away to avoid the contact he seemed to lean his leg further into mine.

"So about this project, what were you thinking?"


The clouds that struggled to withstand the weight which the rain held soon gave in and rain poured down over Seoul as we left the bakery. The water washed over my skin so strongly it felt as if I was stood under a waterfall. The sound of pitter-patter was disrupted by the loud boom of thunder as we ran to shelter across the slippery pavement. The day had begun dark and overcast but within seconds the flood gates of heaven had opened. Jimin's icy hand took hold of mine as he pulled me under a small veranda. His hair was wet, crazily draped over his forehead. I wonder if he knew how much he drove me crazy, how much I wanted to run my fingers over every inch of his skin. I wonder how it would feel to kiss away the droplets from his lips and feel his lips smile against mine. How the world itself would cease to exist as the rain washed away all of our unseen pain.

But I had realised early on, some stories just don't have a happy ending. So when the rain finally subsides and we go our separate ways with a quick goodbye, it feels like the rain starts to pour down on me all over again.

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