16. I Promise

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To dance artlessly, without particular grace or skill but usually with enjoyment.


The harsh scent of alcohol had attached itself to our clothing, following us into the night as I struggled to keep my balance. My legs no longer worked as they should, I try to walk down the street but I sway unsteadily from left to right. Jimin is much more stable than I am, showing off his high alcohol tolerance as he guides me with an arm hooked under my arm. He leads me into an empty park, the benches stood lonely along the path as dim street lights lit up the park just enough to see my own hand in front of my face.

"You look beautiful tonight," Jimin shyly murmurs as we come to stop in the middle of a large patch of grass. "You can't even see me," I giggle, just about sober enough to still be aware of my surroundings. I squint at Jimin, trying to make out his face in the darkness, but all I could see were his eyes which glint under the moonlight.

All of a sudden Jimin's face is illuminated by the light of his phone screen. He'd never looked more ethereal as his sharp features contrast the bleak blackness behind him. He nibbled at his bottom lip as he searched for something on his phone before placing it down on the floor beside us. Music fills the air effortlessly, drowning out the hustle and bustle of the busy city far out of reach. "What are you doing?" I question, watching Jimin with a smile who'd began tapping his foot to the rhythm of the song.

"I'm dancing." As the song picks up, he starts to move his entire body to the melody that stretches into the silence. "I can see that, why though?" I feel myself sobering up as I listen to the quiet jazz music emitting from Jimin's phone. "You taught me how to appreciate art, so I thought I'd return the favour. I'm going to teach you how to dance," he grins, taking my hands in his own warm grasp.

"I thought you couldn't dance because of your injury?" I lift an eyebrow, a sudden concern stopping myself from giving in to Jimin's wishes. "You're very stubborn when you're drunk aren't you?" Jimin pulls me to his chest, not even allowing me to answer as he begins to dance more skilfully now to the music. My worn shoes tread on the rain-soaked grass as I move my limbs as best as I could against Jimin's. My movements couldn't be seen under the black sky and I was thankful Jimin couldn't see me trying not to trip over my own two feet.

We continue to dance and spin as the song nears to an end. I couldn't count on one hand how many times I had squished Jimin's foot under my own but he still smiled brightly as we ungracefully danced in the park. I felt like a small bird learning how to fly for the first time and I was enjoying every minute of it. The music stops but Jimin's arms tighten around me as I subconsciously lean further into his chest. The softness and gentle touch of his arm against my back sends tingles down my spine.

I stand frozen from fear and excitement as he leans in, our foreheads resting against each other. I close my eyes as my breath shakes. His lips brush against mine teasingly, "thank you," he mumbles, his voice low and soft. "For what?" I reply, my voice no more than a whisper.

"For making me the happiest man alive." He slowly prolongs each syllable, savouring the words. The next thing I know Jimin had slammed his lips on mine knocking the wind from my lungs. I was completely unprepared. Even after all the hours I'd spent thinking about what it would be like to kiss Jimin I hadn't anticipated how warm his lips would feel pressed up against mine.

For the first time in what seemed forever my mind was locked on the present, the worries of yesterday obliterating into nothing. His hands work their way around my body as I explore his perfect physique with my own. I had no time to react as Jimin pressed his tongue into the seam of my lips. I could taste the strong alcohol on his lips, perhaps the same alcohol which was driving him to become so suddenly bold with his actions. We pull apart and I open my eyes staring into Jimin's eyes full of wonder and lust.

Autumn Leaves / Park Jimin fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now