26. Nice To See You Again

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Things better left unsaid; matters to be passed over in silence.


"Hi." I relax at the familiar, friendly face before me. "Namjoon!" I exclaim slightly too loud, reaching over to give him a quick hug. I beckon him inside, taking the two plastic bags from his hands. The sound of glass bottles clinking together echoes throughout the apartment as I settle the bags down in the only empty space on the coffee table.

"It's great to see you again," he smiles widely, "I brought some drinks with me, but it seems like you have plenty already," he laughs, looking over at the makeshift table I'd made, at least a dozen bottles of alcohol lined upon it. I'd been unaware of how many I'd bought until I'd unpacked the shopping bags, but with still no idea of how many people were invited, I figured it may turn out to be a blessing.

"Do you know who else is coming?" I question, knowing it was a rather absurd question considering I was the one hosting the party. "I'm assuming it will be people from his old dance class," Namjoon responds, claiming a seat on one of the couches. I nod my head at the vague answer.

There's a brief pause of silence. "What do you study?" I enquire, suddenly realising I didn't know a whole lot about Namjoon. He didn't seem like the person who studied dance, but maybe I was being too quick to judge him.

"Biomedical science, and you?" So he's intelligent. I don't know why but that made him a hundred times more attractive all of a sudden.

"Fine art," I give him a smile, which he returns. As time ticked by, more and more people showed up. Namjoon had been right, most seemed to be old friends of Jimin who knew him from his dance class. Even Jin had turned up, who was now in an argument with Namjoon about who was the best dancer between them. Hobi had messaged me a couple of minutes ago to let me know he was on his way back to the apartment with Jimin, which had prompted everyone to hide behind whatever they could find. I held the birthday cake in my hands waiting for Jimin to enter the room, a sudden fear overcoming me that he wouldn't like the surprise. The sound of a key being turned echoed throughout the room and there were a few shushes before Jimin walked in.

"Surprise!" Everyone jumped up from their hiding places running to give Jimin a hug. Jimin's face washed blank with confusion, trying to take in what was happening with wide eyes. Every muscle of his body tensed before a bright smile crept onto his face. One after another, people wished him a happy birthday until there was no one left.

Locking eyes, Jimin walked towards me with a shy smile. "Make a wish." I urge as he gazed down at the lit candles towering from the cake. He glanced up at me one more time before closing his eyes and blowing out the candles. There was another chorus of cheers before music started blurting out of the speakers and the crowd of people surged to the centre of the room to create a dance floor.

"Did you plan all of this?" Jimin shouted over the music, pulling me into a tight embrace as I tried balancing the cake in my right hand. "Hobi helped as well," I laugh, my eyes finding Hobi who appeared to be in a fierce dance battle with Jin.

"Thank you, this really means so much to me." Jimin released me from his arms, leaning in to give me a quick peck on the forehead before being dragged off by one of his friends.

"Sorry, I'm late," a familiar voice yelled into my ear. I freeze up at the sound of the voice. A voice I'd hoped I would never hear again. I turn rapidly to see Jungkook stood behind me. My heartbeat quickened in my chest, trying to trigger my fight or flight response. Why was he here? Had Hobi invited him? "Nice to see you again," Jungkook waved much too innocently for the history we had. I force a small smile, refusing to ruin the party for Jimin who was on the other side of the room talking to some other friends. I knew he would totally freak out if he knew Jungkook was here.

"I think it's probably best you leave." I try to reason, praying he was only here to stir up trouble and would promptly leave when asked. Jungkook looked offended, his expression becoming sterner at my lack of excitement to see him. "I was invited, I have as much right to be here as you do." He crossed his arms in front of his body defiantly.

"You made it!" Hobi appeared beside me, high-fiving Jungkook with a joyful grin plastered on his face. Of course, Hobi would invite Jungkook. He didn't know about what had happened that night. I walk away from them, heading to the bathroom, wondering how I could have been stupid enough to forget Jungkook would undoubtedly have been invited. Before I could close the bathroom door behind me, a shoe wedges itself between the door and it's frame, preventing it from closing. I knew he'd been following me, but I hadn't expected him to approach me.

"Taehyung, you're not supposed to follow someone into a toilet. Could you please leave me in peace." I was trying so hard to maintain a happy mood for Jimin, but people were making it more and more difficult to do so. "I just wanted to apologise." He looked down at the floor, his hair falling in front of his face. I had to admit he looked amazingly handsome, he always did, but I was no longer interested in him romantically or even as a friend. An apology wasn't going to change that.

"Apologise for what?" I ask, knowing there was a lot he had to apologise for, and any apology was long overdue.

"Everything. For treating you how I did when we were together, for cheating on you, for not contacting you all these years. I didn't even know you were still in Seoul, I thought you'd moved away. I'm so sorry." His eyes are bloodshot when he allows them to finally look up to greet mine. I'd never seen him in such a vulnerable state before, and I hated that it broke my heart.

"I accept your apology, but it doesn't change anything between us, Taehyung." I couldn't let this happen a second time. I had Jimin now. Things were finally working out. "I understand. I just want you to know I still love you, Autumn, I always did and I know I always will." He doesn't give me a chance to respond before he'd left the bathroom, leaving me with my mouth wide open and my heart almost thumping out of my chest.

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