54. Alive

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A dull ache of the soul, a sick pining, a spiritual anguish.


Autumn's POV

"What do you want from me?" I spoke tiredly. I was in a loosing battle, something I was used to by now but I hated the fact I was taking others down with me.

"Nothing." Taehyung sat down on the couch opposite me. He'd dragged me to an apartment block I'd never seen before, in a part of town I hadn't come across. I'd tried keeping a mental map of my way back in case I was able to escape but it's almost like Taehyung had known that's what I was doing. Winding down different paths, pulling me into side streets and under bridges, he had been deliberately trying to throw off my human compass. Now he sat staring at me, with those deadly eyes that I no longer fell deep into.

"Then why are you doing this? Why can't you just fucking leave me alone!" I screamed, finally loosing it. My heart hammered in my chest but not because I was afraid, no, I was no longer afraid of Kim Taehyung, just the smallest push away from beating the shit out of him.

"Yoongi's alive." He ignored my question. I sat in stunned silence. How did he know?

"I don't know what you mean?" I tried acting dumb, maybe he didn't know and he was trying to trick me into telling him. Yoongi had mentioned his past with Taehyung and that under no circumstances was I too mention him.

"You really do make things difficult for yourself." Taehyung sighed shaking his head, taking a sip from a rose tinted liquid in a crystal tumbler, "Where is he?"

"I don't know?" Play it cool Autumn, you've got this.

"Where were you going before I saw you?" He was interrogating me, trying to get me to slip up. Watching my every move I knew I had to be careful, he was clever, but thankfully I had watched enough crime fictions and documentaries that I've been prepared for this moment my whole life.

"Work." Short, simple answers, that's what will get me out of this. Not enough information for him to catch me out on, but enough for it to be plausible.

"How about you try again, maybe the truth this time." He moved closer so his body was almost off the couch, gripping the edge of it by his fingertips.

"I'm telling the truth," I was praying I didn't stutter. Taehyung got up and walked out of the room, returning seconds later with a laptop. My laptop. He positioned it on the table in front of me and switched it on as my mouth went dry. On the screen flashed all the photos I had ever taken and all the messages I had ever sent and received from my phone. Messages from Jimin, calls from Jungkook, videos with Hobi but most importantly photos with Yoongi. He'd seen it all. This whole time he'd known exactly where we were and he was just waiting for us to come back.

"Clever, to back up all your photos and messages to your laptop just in case you happen to lose your phone or smash it." His eyes glance over the smashed phone on the couch next to me. "Not so clever to leave your laptop in your apartment unattended with someone in it. Even stupider to not have a password for it." A smirk landed on his face, he knew he had outsmarted me. I kicked him hard in the shin again, aiming for the same place as earlier. A string of swear words left his mouth as he clutched hold of his leg.

"Why are you acting like I'm the bad one in all of this, Yoongi left you, he doesn't care about your feelings," he laughed venomously.

"He cares for me more than you ever did." I fought back, how dare he, after everything he's done.

"I took you in when everyone else had given up on you. Don't pretend like it's not true." It was true but it wasn't out of care or love for me, he enjoyed watching me suffer, playing my heart over and over again like it was some kind of board game. "You've only been told one side of the story Autumn, but no one stays around long enough to hear my side of things." For a split second I thought I saw an ounce of sadness in his eyes, a moment when the mask fell. But almost as sudden as it fell it was back up again, concealed by a cloud of darkness.

"Because you don't let anyone stay long enough," I replied. His eyes narrowed at my response.

"You left me Autumn, not the other way." His words were quiet, nearing a whisper. It was the truth and it hit like a bullet. He grabbed hold of my hair pulling my head back, to speak into my ear. "Don't look at me with guilt in your eyes, I don't need your sympathy, save it for someone who does." Letting go of my hair, he backed away, checking the watch on his wrist.

"Shall we see how it takes for Prince Charming to show up." I knew he was referring to Jimin. Taking a seat back opposite me, he began the staring contest again. That's when I realised what was going on. It's not me he wants.

"He's not coming, your plan doesn't work, there's no way he's going to know I'm here." Although I felt smug I was right, it also frightened me that I knew there was no way in hell he would find me.

"Maybe not, but Yoongi will."

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