57. Gone

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A sudden or unexpected reversal of circumstances; the point of no return.


Autumn's POV

I clamped my mouth closed as I felt Taehyung grind himself up against me. Keeping my eyes focused firmly on the knife, I began calculating my plan. I needed to be on top of him, once I had him trapped under me it would be easy to attack him. I just didn't know if I had the capability to do it. I twisted my body, grabbing hold of Taehyung's shoulders forcing him down on the couch so I was straddling his waist. The cushion moved slightly exposing the knife, but luckily Taehyung was too wrapped up in what I was doing to see it.

"Look who found their confidence," Taehyung laughed sarcastically. I let out a heavy breath trying to calm my anger, he was only making this easier for me.

"Shut up," I mumbled as I ducked my head down to kiss him. Reaching out for the knife currently behind Taehyung's head he grabbed hold of my arm bringing it back in front of me as he attempted to take my jumper off. For fucks sake. I sighed, giving in and letting him take my jumper off so I was left in my bra. He licked his lips, smiling as he looked over my bare chest. Before I knew it he had flipped me over so I was underneath him. No, this was not going to plan. My eyes widened as he pinned both my hands behind my head with one hand. Using the other he began to undo his trousers slowly. I wriggled my wrists trying to get him to free them but it only resulted in him holding them tighter.

"Don't get too excited baby girl, good things come to those who wait," he whispered lowly in my ear, nipping slightly at it. He released my arms so he could pull down his trousers. I immediately fumbled around looking for the handle of the knife. I felt the coldness of metal touch my hand feeling a rush of relief wash over me. Before I could pull it out from under the cushion there was a thud from the front door. Stopping both me and Taehyung we turned our attention to the the door. There was thud after thud as the door shuddered from the impact on the other side.

"Who the fuck is that?" Taehyung got up off of me, clearly pissed. My grip didn't once loosen around the knife. Taehyung reached the door flinging it open. My eyes widened when I saw who was on the other side. Yoongi and Hobi stood in front of Taehyung. I made eye contact with Hobi who narrowed his eyes as he scanned my naked chest. He then looked over Taehyung who was also half naked at this point.

"Look who finally turned up, took you long enough didn't it?" Taehyung smirked at Yoongi, "and you brought a friend with you, Hobi is it? Nice to meet you." He stuck out his hand in an attempt for a handshake. Hobi simply glanced at his hand. Taehyung retreated his hand a dark expression making its way onto his face.

"Let her go. It's me you want, not her." Yoongi moved further into the apartment but was stopped by Taehyung's outstretched arm.

"You're right, but actually we were just in the middle of something," Taehyung smirked. "Don't you dare touch her," Hobi pushed Yoongi back so he was up in Taehyung's face.

"Oh and why is that?" Taehyung spoke in a mocking manner. Hobi stepped further forward so he was only inches from Taehyung.

"Don't, Hobi," I choked out from the couch. I was terrified either Yoongi or Hobi would get hurt. He looked past Taehyung at me, sadness in his eyes.

"Oh I see," Taehyung laughed, standing back to look from Hobi to me, "I get it now. Don't tell me you love her too." He laughed again, "What a shit show." Hobi pummelled his fist hard into Taehyung's upper body repeatedly. His face clouded over with darkness and his eyes became animalistic, not an ounce of emotion in them. Yoongi grabbed hold of his shoulders in an attempt to stop him but his efforts were futile. Suddenly Hobi's fist slammed into Taehyung's face, blood beginning to pool around his mouth. Hobi stumbled back briefly to catch his breath before diving back at Taehyung. He didn't just want him dead, he wanted him completely destroyed.

Taehyung tried protecting himself, but Hobi was just too strong, powered by his emotions. "Is that all you got?" Taehyung smirked but the pain was evident in his eyes. There was blood on his knuckles and a bruise appearing above his left eye. The tears came hot and fast as they streamed down my face. I didn't know if I was crying because of the blood and cuts that painted Hobi's fists and face or because of the fear that radiated off Taehyung. Only I could stop Hobi but I couldn't do it, not that I didn't want to stop him but my body was frozen in place.

Then there was the last blow, a solid upper cut to Taehyung's jaw that sent him flying backwards. Then silence. His chest didn't rise and fall and his eyes remained closed. There was no words to describe the atmosphere. I'd just watched my best friend murder someone.

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