52. Kim Taehyung

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Wicked, villainous, despicable.


Autumn's POV

Much to Yoongi's displeasure I was staying at Jimin's apartment for the next month. Hopefully by then things will have blown over with Taehyung and we could all move on with our lives. Of course Yoongi hadn't gone down without a fight. He'd stormed out of Jimin's apartment about an hour ago.

"This is the safest option. It'll be good for us as well." Jimin landed himself next to me on the couch with a thud, lifting me up in the air briefly.

"I know. I just feel bad for Yoongi, you didn't have to go off on him like that, he's only trying to help." I thought back to the argument that had occurred as soon as we had reached Seoul this morning. It had taken hours for Yoongi to finally back down and leave.

"If he really wants what's best for you he'll realise soon that this is it." Jimin ran his fingers through my hair, instantly relaxing me. He always knew exactly what to say, it was one of many reasons why I loved him. I leaned my back into his chest whilst watching a random drama on the TV. It was moments like this that I lived for. Everything was so peaceful and calm, it's like nothing had ever happened with Taehyung and it was just me and Jimin alone on this planet.

"I'm bored, how about we sort out this unfinished business of ours?" Jimin left a light kiss on the skin behind my ear, feeling his body press up closer to mine. He rubbed his growing erection on the back of my thigh, letting out a small whimper. I flutter my eyes shut, allowing my body to rock against Jimin's. "Autumn," he whispers my name. I can hear the desperation in his voice as he gently takes my hips in his hands. He buries his head in my neck as his breathing becomes rough and rapid.

As much as I try and get into I can't. I don't know if it's the mental exhaustion of the past few months or if I'm simply just scared. I know once me and Jimin go there, I'll be completely in love with him and it scares me he doesn't feel the same, that he won't be able to deal with the emotional baggage I come with in another few years to come. I'd thought about it since the first time we almost slept together at the hostel and a part of me is glad we were interrupted. I'm just not ready yet.

I moved away from him, turning to Jimin who was clearly disappointed and a little confused.
"I'm sorry Jimin, I'm just not in the mood." I lied, looking down at the ground, fumbling with the sleeve of my jumper. I didn't want to tell him I wasn't ready yet because I didn't want him thinking I didn't trust him or his feelings. Of course I did, this was a problem with my own feelings.

"It's okay," Jimin spoke, getting up from the couch and making his way out of the room. I instantly felt bad, I started to make my way across the room to follow him and apologise but a text notification from my phone stopped me.

'Sorry for leaving earlier, can we meet up? This is Yoongi by the way.'

I smiled at the message, it would be a good idea to get out the house and spend some time with Yoongi. I also felt slightly awkward around Jimin after what had just happened. I quickly typed my response and called out to Jimin through his bedroom door. "Hey Jimin, I'm going out." I waited at his door for a response, there was movement and then the door opened.

"Where?" He questioned leaning against the door frame.

"I'm meeting Yoongi at the cafe I work at," I replied walking away from Jimin to put my shoes and coat on that had been moved to his apartment along with some of my other belongings.

"You're going alone? I don't think so Autumn. I'll coming with you." Jimin pulled his coat off the coat stand but I stopped him putting it on.

"I'm fine, I can go by myself, it's not that far away." I tried giving him the puppy eyes, hoping he would agree straight away.

"I don't want you out there on your own, what if Yoongi doesn't show up?" Jimin looked annoyed, brushing my hand away and putting his coat on.

"So this isn't about me going out by myself at all, you just don't trust Yoongi," I scoffed, rolling my eyes. Jimin was going to have to get used to Yoongi being around because there was no way I was letting him walk out my life a second time.

"This has nothing do with him," Jimin spat out. I was taken aback by his tone of voice. I stared over him debating whether it was wise to start an argument or just let him walk me there. I knew however if I did let him he wouldn't leave me alone with Yoongi.

"I know you're only doing what you think is best for me but you can't be there next to me 24/7 Jimin. You're being completely ridiculous right now. You're not coming with me." Jimin didn't say anything, instead just cocked up an eyebrow. He pushed his tongue into the side of his cheek and and laughed in annoyance. Taking off his coat, he hung it back on the stand and walked back to his room. "Go then. I'm sorry for caring about my girfriend." Jimin slammed the door closed. He was just being selfish, he'll realise it sooner or later. Without another word I left the apartment, making my way to the small cafe.

My scarf fluttered in the wind, whipping itself onto my face every now and again obscuring my view. It was pretty desolate on the streets, probably due to the heavy snowfall Seoul had experienced in the past days. I moved at a slow pace avoiding any especially icy parts of the path. I hummed to myself quietly as I checked my phone for any new messages from Yoongi or Jimin. I sighed at my phone battery that was about to die, I mentally scolded myself for not charging it earlier. It wasn't long before the screen switched itself off and turned black.

"For fucks sake" I muttered before I slammed head first into something hard. I was knocked to the ground, landing harshly on my butt. I let out a pained groan, observing my phone that had landed next to me. To my horror the screen was completely smashed, shards of glass littered the pavement around it. An outstretched arm entered my peripheral, offering me its hand. Without a second thought I grabbed hold of it, hauling myself up and dusting the snow off my coat.

"So where have you been hiding all this time?" My body froze, and not because of the icy weather. Should I run? No, that would be stupid, I couldn't outrun him and the ice would probably stop me before he did.

"I don't want to talk to you." I pushed past Taehyung, shoving my hands into my coat pocket. I walked as quick as I could possibly walk whilst maintaining a solid balance.

"I don't know what I have done wrong?" Taehyung caught up with me, "oh and you forgot your phone." He held out my smashed phone that I had accidentally left on the street. Without glancing up at him I took the phone from his hands placing it into my pocket.

"You know exactly what you've done, don't pull that trick on me it won't work." Jimin was right, I shouldn't have gone alone. I had no way of contacting anyone, no one knew where I was and no one was around to hear me if I screamed.

"Why are you being like this?" Taehyung responded in a confused voice that was clearly fake. I'm surprised he hadn't gone to acting school because he's certainly got a talent in pretending to be someone he isn't.

"You played me Taehyung. Again." My voice darkened and even I was surprised I could stand up against Taehyung. The old Autumn wouldn't have dared go up against him.

"I would never do that to you, whatever you've been told it's not true." Taehyung tried changing tactics, knowing it wasn't going to be as easy to fool me this time. He tried taking hold of my hand but I moved it away quickly.

"Leave me alone!" I shouted pushing him away from me with as much force as I could muster up. Taehyung grabbed hold of my arm with a tight grip, his teeth clenched. I screamed as loud as I could trying to catch the attention of anyone that could hear. I thrashed my body around trying to get him to release my arm but he only held on tighter. Pulling my body into his he covered my mouth with his hand, muffling my screams. I tried biting his hand but he had it so firmly wrapped over my mouth I couldn't even open it.

"Don't make me do this Autumn, I really don't want to have to hurt you." I kicked his shin hard, he faltered, but only for a second. "Fine, if your going to act like a 4 year old, I'll treat you like one." He dragged me into the back streets, a darkness set on his face. This was it, Kim Taehyung had finally won.

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