32. 3am

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Delusions of happiness.


Jimin's POV

She had a hickey on her neck. That was all the proof I needed to confirm she has a romantic relationship with Hobi.

"You're ignoring me again." Yiren clicked her fingers in front of my face, breaking the trance I was in. She stares at me, shuffling into a more comfortable position on her bed. I look away from her intense glare, instead focusing my eyes on the walls of her bedroom which had been painted a sugary pink colour that certainly did not reflect her personality. "What were you saying?" I wasn't really interested in what she had to say, and by my tone of voice, she knew that too.

"You've been all weird since we saw that girl in the shop. Who is she? Your ex? Your girlfriend? Oh my god am I like your side hoe?" She squealed.

"Why are you so bothered about who she is?" I was tired of Yiren's attitude. I had called her over earlier because I needed someone to help me pick out a present for my sister. Namjoon was out of town, Jin was 'busy', and I was no longer friends with Jungkook or Hoseok.

"Because, I want your full attention on me. What does she have that I don't?" Yiren maneuvered herself onto my lap, her legs enclosing mine as she positioned them on either side of my legs. Picking up my hands, she entwines our fingers. I look down at the charm bracelet on my wrist, the small maple leaf still dangling from it sending a wave of sadness rushing over me. I wonder if she ever misses me? If she ever regrets leaving me how she did? I think the worst part is that I'm not even mad at her anymore, I'm just mad at myself for letting it happen.

"I think it's time I left." I attempt to get up, trying to remove myself from under Yiren before she tried anything else. "Could I convince you to stay?" she teased in a forced seductive voice, clasping her legs tightly around my torso as she began to run a finger along my jaw before guiding it up to play with my lower lip.

"I'm being serious Yiren." It takes all of my force to push her off of me and onto the bed. I stand up quickly so she couldn't drag me down with her. "You know, you playing hard to get right now is turning me on even more," she giggled, flattening down her top before leaning up on to her elbows. Her phone vibrated in her pocket, immediately diverting her attention away from me. I watch as she reads the message from her lock screen before looking up at me with a smile.

"Let's go on an adventure!" She exclaimed, running out of her bedroom to the front door. I follow after her, relieved I could finally leave her apartment. As she reentered my sight, I observe her as she slipped on a pair of black converse before grabbing her keys.

"It's 3am, Yiren," I grumbled, checking the time on my phone with tired eyes. "And your point is?" Her hand came to rest on her hip, waiting for me to agree to go out with her. The truth was, I didn't want to go on 3am adventures with Yiren, I wanted it to be Autumn that I was spending my time with, but I had to get over her. I needed a distraction from her, and Yiren was the answer to that.

"Whatever." I put my shoes on, walking out of the door with a giggling Yiren behind me.


Autumn's POV

'Are you awake?' I read my message from Taehyung, my eyes still half-closed as the brightness from my phone screen makes my eyes sting.

'Yeah, what do you want?' I reply back, letting my head fall on my pillow, while my eyes fall shut again. The vibration of my phone causes them to open a second time.

'Open your front door.' I drop the phone down, sighing loudly into my pillow. What was he doing at my apartment at this time of night? I fling the covers off my body, instantly regretting it as I feel all of the warmth leave my body as the wintery frost fell over my legs. I carefully tread around my apartment, my hands extended out in front of me so I didn't knock anything over in the darkness.

"Get dressed we are going out," Taehyung said as soon as I opened the door. He was wearing a light denim jacket with a grey jumper, ripped jeans and white converse. His glasses were planted on the bridge of his nose and his hair was freshly dyed blonde. I had always told him he looked great in his glasses even though he was embarrassed to wear them and he knew I had a thing for his blonde hair. Staring a little longer than was necessary I walked back into my apartment to my bedroom. He followed me in sitting on my unmade bed.

"I don't remember leaving that many hickeys." A small smirk displayed itself on his face as he watched me change into jeans and a hoodie. I ignore his comment tying my hair up into a ponytail before taking my phone off charge.

"I seriously can't believe you're dragging me out at 3am. Where are you even taking me at this time?" I ask as we walk down the streets of Seoul, our shoulders brushing against each other as we walked. He merely gave me a smile as a response, refusing to answer my question as he guides me down small alleyways lined with market stalls.

"Remember this place?" We come to a stop in front of a karaoke room, my lips turning up into a smile by instinct. When we'd been dating, we used to come here often. Taehyung had a great voice and a passion for singing, and while I couldn't sing, it was always fun to go along with him anyway. Taking hold of my hand he leads me into the building that hadn't changed at all in the past 3 years. Making our way into the room at the far end, I sit on the cushioned bench as Taehyung closed the door behind us. Neon lights flashed from the ceiling of the room, lighting up our features in a frenzy of greens and purples. Recognising the code Taehyung had inputted into the karaoke machine without a second to spare, I knew immediately what song was about to play. It was our song.

"Let's get this party started!" Taehyung screamed over the music as he bobbed his head up and down aggressively as the music flowed out of the speakers. I got up taking the microphone from Taehyung before yelling the lyrics to the song at the top of my lungs, all tiredness having completely left my body. Taehyung nearly fell to the floor in a heap of laughter at my sudden adrenaline rush, but managed to pick himself back up before he missed his cue to sing. We passed the mic back and forth throughout the songs, dancing non-stop until we were completely out of breath.

"Mic drop," Taehyung yelled before dropping the microphone on the floor turning to walk away. It was his signature move he did it every time we finished a song, it never got old.

"I think it's time when toned it down a little bit." He turned to face the karaoke machine, typing in the code while I sat down on the bench, still breathing heavily. A soft melody filled the room, the atmosphere taking a complete 180. It was a song I hadn't heard before, but I instantly knew I liked it. Taehyung spun around to face me, singing the song with raw emotion, not needing to read the lyrics off of the screen. I close my eyes, listening to his voice wash over me which left goosebumps traveling up my arms. The song soon came to an end as I opened my eyes again to see Taehyung stood a few inches from me.

"I love you, Autumn. Don't ever forget that." They were the words I had always wanted to hear for years. I so wanted to be angry at him, but for some reason, I wasn't anymore. Maybe at the back of my mind, I was hoping he hadn't done what he had on purpose, maybe I hoped he was telling the truth and he was a good guy who had made mistakes. I don't know what it was, but whatever it was, it had a stronghold of me, freeing my mind of any sanity I had left.

"I love you too."

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