51. Black lace

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Something wanted or needed.


Autumn's POV

"So what your telling me is, we don't have a plan." I stared over at the others as we all huddled in mine and Jimin's room once again.

"We can't hide here forever," Hobi sighed, patting his hand on my thigh. I was still a little uncomfortable being around Hobi, but I didn't want to show him that, it wasn't fair on him. So instead I showed him a weak smile, trying to brush off the fact that his hand was currently resting on my thigh.

"We will be your personal bodyguards," Jungkook added, flexing his biceps jokingly at the same time.

"That sounds pathetic." I scoffed at the idea of having to have the guys around to 'protect' me.

"Have you got a better plan?" Jungkook lifts an eyebrow while waiting for my response. I stayed silent.

"You'll be staying at my place, I'm not leaving you alone in your apartment." Jimin's voice oozed with sympathy, I hated that everyone was pitying me, but I was also extremely thankful to have them.

"I'll stay with her. It's unnecessary for her to have to move all her things out." Yoongi joined the conversation, positioning himself between me and Jimin. "We've already decided she's staying with me." Jimin looked pissed. I knew he didn't like Yoongi, for obvious reasons. He had been doing a good job of hiding it though, until now.

"I think Autumn should get a say in that," Yoongi places the attention on me. I didn't like being placed on the spot, especially when I have to choose between Yoongi and Jimin.

"I really don't mind." It was the truth, I was more than happy to be with Jimin or Yoongi.

"That's settled then she's coming back to mine." Jimin shrugged his shoulders which only seemed to annoy Yoongi more.

"Who are you to control her like that?" Yoongi stepped closer to Jimin, he could be very intimidating when he wanted to be but so could Jimin.

Jimin rolled his hands into fists, "I'm not being controlling you're the only person with a problem right now." Jimin forcefully pushed his finger into Yoongi's chest, causing him to fall backwards slightly.

"Stop it you two." Jungkook took hold of Yoongi's shoulder pushing him behind his body, acting as a blockade before a fight broke out.

"Look here buddy, you can't just come waltzing back from the dead thinking you can claim what you want. Autumn is staying with me, it has already been agreed upon. Whether you like it or not I personally don't care." Jimin turned and walked out the door slamming it behind him, leaving us in silence. "Asshole," Yoongi muttered under his breath. I knew if I followed Jimin out of the door I would technically be choosing sides but I had to make sure he was okay. So with Yoongi's gaze burning a hole into the back of my head, I ran down the stairs in an attempt to locate Jimin.

"Hey Jimin! Wait up," I shouted, out of breath. It hadn't taken me long to find him, in fact, he had only made it halfway down the road when I had caught up with him.

"What are you doing out here? it's freezing." Jimin immediately took off his jacket, wrapping it around my shoulders. I smiled at his gesture, matching his footsteps with mine. "I wanted to make sure you were okay." I took hold of Jimin's right hand, shoving our connected hands into the jacket pocket to keep them warm. He grinned widely moving his body closer to mine so our arms brushed against each other as we walked.

"Since you're here, there's actually something I've been wanting to ask but never found the right time." I looked up at Jimin with a worried look. He noticed my change in expression and laughed. "There's nothing to be worried about if anything I'm the one who should be worried." That didn't stop my heart from beating at an insane speed. Jimin guided me down street after street as though he had a specific destination in mind. We came to a stop in a large but quiet park. It reminded me of the first date I had with Jimin, it was the moment I knew I was totally and utterly in love with the boy currently stood in front of me.

Looking up at the sky I noticed we were stood under a huge maple tree. It was just like the charm I'd brought Jimin for his birthday. I looked down at the charm bracelet he wore on his wrist, not a day passed when he didn't wear it, in fact I don't think I've ever seen him take it off. Grabbing hold of both my hands in his he took a deep breath. "I could have made this really cheesy and I may or may not have rewritten a whole speech in my head like a hundred times but what I'm really trying to say is, will you be my girlfriend?" I almost broke down into tears there and then. Without even a second thought I jumped up into Jimin's arms, latching my limbs onto his.

"Yes, yes, yes, a hundred times yes!" I shouted as loud as my lungs would let me, I wanted to tell the entire world how happy I was. I couldn't tell if the dizzy feeling was from the overwhelming sense of happiness or if it was from Jimin spinning my body around on the spot. He gently put me back on the ground but still not letting go of my body, "I love you Autumn," Jimin kissed me softly.

"I love you too Jimin."


I ran my hands through his hair, tugging at the ends. I fell onto my back as he pushed me on the bed before climbing on top of me. Our lips moving together in their own choreographed dance. I could smell the same intoxicating scent Jimin always wore. My mind was seconds behind my body that was merely acting in response to Jimin's touch. I gasped for air as our lips briefly parted, only for them to come crashing together again moments after. I pulled at Jimin's jumper, lifting it up and over his head as the jacket still draped over my shoulders fell away. I couldn't look away from him, unable to decide whether to focus on his eyes or his bare chest.

Jimin mirrored my own gaze, his eyes not full of lust but love. He tilted his head down to my lips which were now slightly swollen. He pecked them lightly as he lifted my top over my head leaving me in my black lace bra. His breath seemed to catch in his throat as he looked over my figure. Normally I would cover myself, embarrassed to show the exposed version of myself, but the trust I had in Jimin kept my hands firmly down by my sides.

"You're fucking beautiful," Jimin whispered as his tongue left wet stripes down my neck. Gently nibbling on the delicate skin I let out small, muffled moans, aware that Hobi and Jungkook were in the room next door.

I couldn't take it any longer, flipping Jimin's body over to fall off of me, I straddled his thighs. I knew I'd caught him off guard by his shocked expression which eventually turned into a small smirk. I took the moment to take in Jimin's form underneath mine. His hair was wet and stuck to his forehead, his lips a dark shade of red. Sweat glistened on his body, accentuating his collar bones. Fuck he looked good. A deep groan left his throat as his eyes fluttered closed. I hadn't realised it but I was slowly rotating my hips down on his thigh.

Letting my hands travel down his body I reached his belt. Undoing it slowly, I felt the cold metal of the buckle send shivers down my back. Jimin was impatient as his hands came down to mine, clearly trying to get me to hurry up. After finally unclasping the belt I unzipped his jeans, pulling them down off his legs. In an instant they were on the bedroom floor. Jimin weaved an arm under my body and I was flung back underneath him.

"I don't want you thinking you're the dominant one in this relationship," Jimin mumbled into my ear, his raspy voice causing a moan to escape my lips. His fingers which were caressing my cheek made their way down to my jaw and onto my neck, snaking down my naked chest and into my underwear.

"Shit, Jimin." I grabbed hold of his lower arm, wanting him to move, wanting to feel him in me. The butterflies in my stomach were now forming a hurricane, turning and twisting.

"Do you guys.." I whipped my head to the side as Hobi walked into the room. His eyes went from Jimin's hand currently in my jeans to the discarded clothes on the floor. Jimin pulled his hand out from my underwear, climbing off of me as I yanked at the bed covers in an attempt to cover my semi naked body.

"Shit, sorry, fuck, I should have knocked." Hobi covered his eyes, bumping into furniture as he tried finding the door again. Once he had, he ran out, pulling it closed behind him. I sat in shock, trying to come up with an excuse I could tell Hobi later, but there was no other explanation to what he had just witnessed. I was pulled out of my thoughts as I heard Jimin giggling next to me.

"Well that killed the mood," Jimin laughed whilst putting his jeans and jumper back on. I still couldn't move, I was finding it hard to find the funny side in all of this. Jimin walked towards me, a smile still plastered on his face. "Don't think this over just yet, I never leave something unfinished." He placed one last peck on my forehead before leaving the room, a smirk displayed on his lips.

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