35. Dirty Work

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An irresistible urge to do something inadvisable.


Hoseok's POV

It goes straight to voicemail every time I try and call her. I need to get hold of Autumn, it had to be Taehyung who sent Jimin the photos. I'd made my way to her apartment but she hadn't been home when I got there. I didn't know where else she could be, we were on a school holiday and she wouldn't be at work at this time. The longer I left it, the longer Autumn was subject to Taehyung's false pleads of love.

I hated listening to Autumn talk about Taehyung like he was the love of her life. All because I'd made the stupid mistake of falling in love with my best friend. I had no other choice, I knew I had to go find Jimin, whether I wanted to or not.


"Grow up and open this door right now," I yell, knocking frantically on the door of 55A. I'd been here for 5 minutes now, attempting to get inside to talk to Jimin. There were muffled voices on the other side that gradually got louder, until the door finally opened.

"I'm opening the door because Namjoon made me, not because I actually want to speak to you." Jimin gave me a hardened stare before stepping to the side to let me in. I roll my eyes, entering the apartment that looked like it hadn't had a deep clean in weeks. On the sofa sat Namjoon, his body already turned to face me. "I think it's about time you two sort out whatever has been going on between you. Anyone care to explain?" He looks from me to Jimin, before settling his eyes upon me, knowing it would be a much longer battle trying to get anything out of Jimin.

"Jimin is accusing me of sleeping with his girlfriend with no solid proof -" I begin but Jimin huffs out loudly and cuts me off. "First, she wasn't and isn't my girlfriend. Second, do you really not think those pictures are more than enough proof that you did?" Jimin fights back, directing his argument at Namjoon rather than me.

"I know who sent them." I cross my arms over my chest, moving to stand in front of Jimin so he is forced to look me in the eye. "Who?" Jimin asks, now looking mildly interested in what I had to say.

"Taehyung." Jimin seemed to think it over for a second, his eyes widening slightly. "So now you're trying to shift the blame on someone else?" The same dull expression for earlier makes its way back onto his face.

"Think about it, as soon as you and Autumn end things he's all of a sudden playing hero and declaring his love for her. How did he even know that you two were on bad terms?" I'd spent hours thinking it over. There were only a handful of people that it could be, and even less that would want Jimin and Autumn to break apart. Taehyung was the only logical explanation.

"He threatened me," Jimin said after a long stretch of silence. "Excuse me? he did what now?" I shout out in disbelief.

"At my birthday party, he told me to stay away from her. If I didn't, he would hurt her." Jimin stares off into space, seemingly in deep thought as my mouth falls open. I glance over at Namjoon who wordlessly shifts in place, all of us not knowing what to do or say.

"Why didn't you think to tell me all of this? She could be in danger Jimin. I've not seen her anywhere. I've tried calling her but it goes straight to voicemail, and she's not at her apartment. I checked." I was frantic now. I didn't know what Taehyung was actually capable of doing or what his plan really was. I grab at the ends of my hair in concern, wondering if I'd missed any of the signs that could tell me where Autumn was.

"I saw Taehyung this morning," Namjoon cleared his throat, standing to his feet. "Where?" Me and Jimin ask in unison, already more than prepared to go and confront him.

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