20. Broken promises

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A crossroad; a critical decision or turning point in one's life.


"Taehyung, the police are here. They've received noise complaints and want to speak to the owner of the house." The same girl from earlier appeared at the door with Namjoon trailing behind her, his eyes widening at the sight of Jungkook laid out on the floor with a bloody nose.

"I'll be down in a minute," Taehyung dismisses them as he steps closer to me, guilt and other unreadable emotions displayed across his face. "Are you okay?" Taehyung asks from the side of the bed, reaching out his hand to comfort me but instantly retracting it again, knowing it wouldn't be a good idea to get any nearer.

"She's never been better," Jimin said sarcastically eyeing Taehyung up and down. Taehyung turned to look at Jimin with daggers in his eyes.

"I'm sorry but who are you?" Taehyung's eyes narrow at Jimin, his body straightening up into a more threatening stance as he challenges him. "Jimin, and you are?" He tilts his head, folding his arms across his body, eyeing the close distance between me and Taehyung.

"Taehyung. Her ex," Taehyung adds in a quiet voice, slowly looking back at me as I try avoiding eye contact, his words stabbing at my heart. Jimin didn't respond, instead, his eyes tried to find mine, studying my face for any signs that Taehyung was lying.

"Taehyung the police said they'll start evacuating people out of the premises if they don't talk to you now," Namjoon complained, reappearing at the door, a worried look etched on his face. Taehyung let his head fall as a deep sigh escaped his lips before getting up to leave. He took one last glance back at me over his shoulder before going down the stairs leaving me with Jimin and a semi-conscious Jungkook.

"You left your phone on the couch." Jimin sat next to me brushing a few stray strands from my face. "I tried calling Yoongi. I thought you'd left the party but it went straight to voicemail." It was the first time Yoongi hadn't been there to save me. The first time I wasn't able to run into the safety of his arms. I nod trying to gather my thoughts and slow down my breathing. I sit up avoiding Jungkook who was slumped on the floor at the end of the bed.

"I'm taking you home." Without giving me a chance to argue with him, he carefully lifted me up into his arms, carrying me down the stairs effortlessly, earning a few looks from other partygoers who went by their night completely unaware of what had happened. He places me in the passenger seat of his car, locking my seatbelt around my weakened body.

"I don't want to go home," I spoke out quietly. I didn't want Jimin to leave me yet, I was scared to be left alone. He sat beside me in silence for a while tapping on the steering wheel. He put the car in gear and drove off in the opposite direction we had come from. Jimin gazed straight ahead as we drove down countless roads leaving the city lights far behind us. We come to a sudden stop in what would be the definition of the middle of nowhere. Tall hills surrounded us as Jimin silently took my hand and lead me along a rocky path. At times there was barely a path at all so he would hold me up in his arms before putting me back down again. Any signs of civilisation were a long way away as moss and lichen covered the rockery that took us further up the hill. As we reached the top of it my eyes opened wide as I stared off into the distance. My eyes traced the line of the horizon and the broad landscape that towered above it.

"I come here when I need time to organise my thoughts." Jimin broke the silence as he patted the rock he was sat on, signalling for me to sit beside him. The rock was hard and uncomfortable underneath me but I was too in awe of the beauty that surrounded me to care. "You broke your promise. I told you to stay away from Jungkook. You promised me," Jimin spoke up after minutes of nothing but silence and breathing in the fresh mountain air. His voice was calm, aiming not to start an argument with me, but I knew he was annoyed.

"Don't even go there, Jimin." An anger within me slowly builds up at Jimin's lack of empathy towards the situation. I was bound to be emotionally sensitive after what had just happened, this was a conversation we could've had at a later date. "What if I hadn't gone looking for you after you disappeared?" Jimin's arms flail up in the air, "then what would have happened?" Jimin looks devastated at even the thought of it, his eyes glossing over and a shaky hand brushed through his dark hair.

"I can't believe you're putting the blame on me for something Jungkook did." I was beyond angry at this point and it took all of my strength to stay calm and collected as I spoke.

"I'm not blaming you for what happened or what nearly happened. I'm saying you broke a promise. Now I don't even know if I can trust you," he rested his hand on his knee that was shaking up and down. "And Yoongi is more than a friend, isn't he? That's why you didn't ask him to come with us to the party."

"What do you mean?" I was confused. Why was he bringing this up now? Yoongi had nothing to do with the situation at hand. "It just seems like every time I ask about him you change the subject, or any time I invite him to come out with us he's always busy." He made quotation marks with his hands as he said the word 'busy'. It was clear he didn't believe me and now he was questioning everything I'd ever told him and everything we'd ever done together.

"I'm not hiding anything from you Jimin, Yoongi is just a friend, why don't you believe me?" I turn to face him now as he also turns to stare into my eyes, searching desperately for the truth. He looks like he's on the verge of tears, a chaotic blend of resentment and sorrow that was fuelling him further and further into a place of doubt and regret.

"I don't know Autumn. I feel like everything that has happened between us over the past month was all just a lie." His words cut deep, bringing tears to my eyes that I'd been fighting back this entire time. I wouldn't cry in front of him, but I was too blinded by my own emotions to realise the man sat next to me was just as broken as I was.

"What about you Jimin? You've lied to me too. I saw the medication in the cupboard. The empty alcohol bottles, the cigarette packets. Why are you pretending like everything is so rosy and perfectly fine when clearly you aren't. Don't expect me to open up and lay my life bare in front of you when you aren't willing to do the same." By now I'm shouting at the top of my voice, the loud thunderous tone echoing far and wide into the empty silence. I was no longer in control of my own body, years of bottled up torment flooding out from within me and projecting itself onto Jimin. At first an expression of shock flashes across his features before his eyes darken and fill with red hot anger. "How would you know about them?" His voice also raised now, almost shouting at me.

"I accidentally found them when I was looking for your carrier." My head hangs low, knowing he wouldn't believe me once again.

"Accidentally." He laughed, shaking his head not believing my words. "We're done, Autumn. I don't want to be with someone I can't even trust." He got up to leave but I wasn't going to let him have the last word.

"How can we be done when we were never even something in the first place," I scream this time, hurt he was willing to leave me after knowing what Jungkook had just done to me, knowing how fragile I was. My entire body ached, but nothing hurt more than my heart which was exuding a searing pain throughout my chest.

"Because we could have been something." He stopped for a brief moment. "We would have been something."

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