19. Dropping The Facade

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Naive innocence.

TW: Scenes of sexual assault.

My throat becomes dry as Taehyung looks up at Jin, an irritated look plastered on his face. The girl rolls her eyes at Jin before lecturing him about how it's rude to interrupt people. I had to get away before he saw me. I couldn't face Taehyung again, not even after all these years apart. I could feel myself panicking as I tried thinking of an escape route from both Taehyung and Jimin.

"I'm going to grab a drink real quick, I'll be back," I quickly shout at Jimin, simultaneously standing up and briskly walking towards the kitchen I had noticed earlier. It was quieter in the kitchen, only a few people who were stuck in deep conversation. Bottles of alcohol littered the island in the centre of the room. Memories flooded back to the times I had spent with Taehyung in this exact kitchen, the heartfelt words, the hugs and kisses, all of which was just a mask he wore to hide the lies he fed me.

I hadn't recognised the interior of the house as it had been so dark and crowded, but the kitchen was brightly lit and I mentally scolded myself for not recognising it sooner. I grabbed a can of beer laying on the kitchen surface almost downing the whole thing in one. The liquid left a warm, fuzzy feeling as it travelled down my throat. "Autumn?" I recognised the familiar voice, turning around to see Jungkook with a bottle of vodka in his hand.

"Wow, you look... hot," Jungkook said with a smile as his fawn eyes began undressing me. It wasn't until he noticed the glossy look in my eyes and the tears falling down my cheeks that he put down his bottle and gave me a tender hug, rubbing his hand up and down my back. "What's wrong?" He whispered into my ear. He was more muscular than Jimin which made it slightly less comfortable to hug him. I felt at home in Jimin's arms but it was quite the opposite in Jungkook's.

"Nothing. I'm fine," I managed to choke out, tears staining the fabric on his shoulder. "Come on." Jungkook released me from his arms taking a hold of my hand before dragging me upstairs to an empty bedroom. The muffled sound of music rang through my ears, now it was quieter my thoughts only seemed to get louder.

"If you don't tell me, Autumn, I can't help." Jungkook sat on the bed next to me, rubbing a finger up and down my cheek while searching my eyes for an answer. Any girl would die to be in my position now but all I could think of was Jimin's words of warning. 'Jungkook isn't who you think he is, Autumn.'

I could smell cigarettes and alcohol on Jungkook as he inched closer to me. If a person could be an oxymoron, Jungkook would be just that. His eyes were bright and innocent and his delicate, pouty lips could speak no wrong, but if you believed that facade you'd be a fool. Before I could protest he had taken a grip of my wrists pushing me down onto the bed. It wasn't long before his body was hovering above mine, his eyes dark and clouded by lust, believing that this is what I really wanted.

"I bet Jimin can't make you feel as good as I can." His lips moved down to my neck and nipped at the tender skin. I squirmed underneath him which led him to tighten his grip on my wrists. I let out a shout trying to get the attention of anyone close enough to help but the loud music made it impossible for anyone to hear my cries.

"Why do you love him? Why not me?" Jungkook breathed quietly into my ear, his words slurred and barely understandable. Jungkook's tongue licked at my skin as his fingers curled into my hair. My eyelids fall closed, accepting that in real life, there was no Prince Charming on his way to save me.

"Look at me. Now." Jungkook grabbed hold of my face, shaking it slightly to get me to open my eyes. He began taking off his shirt, presenting me with his incredible body before unzipping the front of my dress slowly. "Take it off." He demanded sitting back on his legs watching me with narrowed eyes. His hair was messily placed across his forehead, his bottom lip tucked under his top teeth.

"No." I refuse, instantly regretting it as he sighed, climbing back on top of me. "Either you take it off, or I will happily do it for you." He pulled down one of the straps followed by the other. I was terrified. I didn't know what to do. I complied knowing it was the better option than not doing as he said. He was a lot stronger than me, I didn't stand a chance.

"Make a sound and you'll regret it," he mumbled into my lips before kissing me again. The bedroom door flung open as a figure came running in. Upon seeing the scene in front of him he slammed his fist into Jungkook's face. The blow was enough to send Jungkook wailing onto the wooden floor holding his cheek.

"What the hell are you doing!" Jimin spat angrily as he kicked Jungkook over and over again as I laid on the bed watching, unable to move. Jimin was shouting curses at Jungkook as he held him down so he couldn't fight back.

"What the hell is going on in here!" Taehyung rushed into the bedroom pulling Jimin up off Jungkook who was still attempting to throw punches at him. Jungkook didn't move an inch, the only sign he was still alive was the slow rise and fall of his chest. I pulled the straps of my dress over my shoulders and zipped it back up as best as I could.

"Autumn, is that you?" Taehyung turned around to look at me and we connected eyes for the first time in 3 years. As if by fate I had ended up in a room with the boy I had once loved, the boy I loved and the boy who just wanted to be loved.

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