41. Living A Lie

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To break a bond or binding promise.


Autumn's POV

I've been waiting for Taehyung for nearly an hour, I've tried calling him multiple times but he won't pick up.

"Are you ready to order?" A waitress appears at my table for the third time, a notepad and pen in hand.

"Not yet, could I have more time please." She nodded her head and walked away. Other couples sat looking at me, whispering to each other clearing judging me. I was beginning to get annoyed and I was pretty sure Taehyung had stood me up. I shoved the napkin back on the table and got prepared to leave. In the corner of my eye, I could see a figure walking towards me, thinking it was Taehyung I got ready to give him a piece of my mind. But it wasn't Taehyung. It was Hobi. Why the hell was he here? But more importantly, how did he know I was here?

"What are you doing here?" I spat, "You haven't called, you haven't texted. Nothing." It wasn't until he got closer that I noticed it looked like he had been crying.

"What? I have been, all week I've been trying to contact you. We drove all the way down here to find you." Hobi's smile faded, he looked exhausted. What did he mean by we?

Taehyung entered the restaurant flashing his cute, boxy smile at the waitress stood at the entrance. His eyes wandered over to me and Hobi, his smile faltering. He briskly walked over to us wrapping his arms protectively around me as soon as he reached me.

"Get off of her." Hobi pulled at Taehyung's arms trying to release them from me, but Taehyung was much stronger than he was.

"Don't talk to him like that." How dare he think he can ignore me for days then come walking back into my life when he feels like it. He even has the nerve to interfere with mine and Taehyung's relationship. I see Taehyung smile at me in the corner of my eye and he nuzzles his face into my neck leaving light kisses.

"What are you doing Autumn?" Hobi looks at me and I can see the sadness in his eyes, "He's the one who sent the photos, Yiren told us everything."

I try to respond but Taehyung cuts me off. "Can you please leave my girlfriend alone she clearly doesn't want to talk to you." Taehyung unwraps his arms from around me and pushes Hobi back, it was enough to send Hobi stumbling backwards.

"Girlfriend?" The voice was familiar, it sent shivers down my spine. Jimin walked up to the table we were at not moving his eyes off of Taehyung once. By now the commotion had caused a scene and I could see the waiting staff whispering giving us snobby looks. I look down to avoid their gazes.

"Autumn." Jimin places his hand below my chin lifting my head up to face him but I step back removing his hand off of me.

"I think you should leave, you've wasted your time coming down here." I tried to keep my voice as stable as possible. Seeing him here in front of me after so long was breaking my heart into even tinier pieces than it was already in. Jimin looked like he had also been crying, it killed me to see him like this. I wanted nothing more than to kiss his lips and pull him into a tight hug.

"I'm not leaving unless you are with me." Jimin stood his ground, his eyes were desperate, searching mine for any glimmer of hope.

"You lost your chance Jimin." My voice broke and tears ran down my cheeks. I deserved better than Jimin, I deserved someone who would take care of me. Our relationship was toxic, it would never work. Taehyung rubbed his hand up and down my back, the other one tightly gripping onto my waist.

"Please Autumn" now Jimin was crying, the tears flowing hot and heavy, "I love you." It felt just like the first time again, my heart thumping rhythmically in my chest.

"I'm sorry Jimin" I paused briefly "I don't feel the same way." His eyes widened as I listened to his shallow, rapid breathing. He looked like he was ready to collapse.

"That's a lie, you and I both know that." He was trying to deny it, he didn't want to believe the words that had just left my mouth and neither did I.

"I can't do this anymore, not with you." With each passing word, I felt my chest tighten and all I wanted to do was be sick. I was lying through my teeth, but I had to, I'd been lied to too many times. I knew I wanted to be with him, but I was terrified he would hurt me again, so instead, I was hurting him.

"What happened to us? What shit has he been telling you?" Jimin screamed at Taehyung who had a smile plastered on his face the whole time.

"I didn't need to, you've created this." Taehyung's voice was as smooth as velvet, he was surprisingly calm which only angered Jimin more. Walking towards him, Jimin lifted his fist in the air ready to attack Taehyung.

"Go!" I screamed, "get the hell away from us." Jimin dropped his fist immediately, shocked by my sudden outburst. He stared into my eyes, then suddenly turned and walked out of the restaurant without another word. Hobi who had been looking at the ground the whole time looked up, tears in his eyes. I watched as he trailed behind Jimin out of the restaurant followed by the eyes of everyone else who had just watched the drama unfold.

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