56. Game Plan

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A kind of melancholic trance in which you become completely absorbed in vivid sensory details.


Autumn's POV

Taehyung had left the apartment a while ago, I didn't know exactly how long as the only way to tell the time here was the rise and fall of the sun from the frosted window. I'd taken my time to wander around the apartment, trying to find clues to where I was or who owned it. There were no pictures anywhere, no family photographs or anything, in fact the whole room lacked character. When I'd arrived here for the first time I had noticed how unused the apartment looked. Everything was clean and tidy, not a spec of dust, as if it was waiting for a guest. Outside the window were other apartment blocks, clearly occupied as little trinkets littered the window shelves and the dull glow of light could be seen from under the blinds that were permanently closed.

I watched for hours out of the window, waiting for someone to open the curtains so I could signal for help, but it never came. I heard the front door unlocking and it wasn't long before Taehyung appeared in the small, box room. He'd left earlier this morning after sleeping on the couch opposite me. I hadn't got much sleep, aware of how vulnerable I was if I did.

"I brought food." He placed a small plastic carrier bag on the table in the centre of the room. Glancing over at it I ignored it, continuing to stare out of the window.

"What did you mean when you said Yoongi will know I'm here?" The thought had been racing through my head all night. There was a long silence, only the sound of distant traffic could be heard.

"This is my brothers apartment. My dead brother." The lack of emotion in his voice was scary. How could someone speak about such a sensitive topic with no emotion at all? "In fact he was murdered just about where you are stood now." He laughed lightly as I felt shivers flood down my entire body. I moved away looking towards the floor imaging a body lying there, cold and unconscious.

"Have something to eat." Taehyung changed the subject beckoning towards the bag. I wasn't very hungry but I didn't want to defy him, he was stable at the moment and I didn't want to change that. I looked through the bag full of various snacks and a mysterious box at the bottom of the bag. My hand reached for it but before I could get to it Taehyung had taken the bag off of me and taken out whatever the box was.

"Don't look so scared," he laughed at me "you'll find out what's in there soon," he continued to laugh as he left the room briefly before coming back, throwing a chocolate bar at me.

"So you and Jimin are official, congrats." I was confused at first then realised he could see all of my messages. I cringed at the thought of him reading through mine and Jimin's texts. "Thanks," I muttered, aware he was being sarcastic with me.

"I can't wait for the wedding. Prince Charming finally getting to marry his princess, how adorable. I'll keep an eye out for the invite," Taehyung said in a mocking tone.

"What makes you think you'd be invited?" I rolled my eyes.

"Every fairytale needs a good old-fashioned villain," Taehyung answered with a wink. It was hard to look at him and think I could blindly love someone like him. What hurt the most was that deep beneath the tears and trauma there were some of my happiest memories. It hadn't been all rain and thunder with Taehyung, it makes me wonder why he'd never stayed, but a heart that cold isn't capable of love.

"I'll be back sweetheart, one second." He got up from the couch and left. I'd come to the realisation that no one was coming, this princess was going to have to save her own ass. I needed to distract him, if I could just get out of the apartment I was free, but it was easier said than done. He came back into the room, focused on something on his phone. I take a deep breath, my plan was risky but it was all I could think of. Here goes nothing.

"Tae, my neck hurts." I deliberately used his nickname, knowing that he loved hearing it. I moved my head from side to side stretching my neck out for extra effect. Taehyung looked over at me slightly taken aback. His eyes narrowed, knowing I was up to something. I had to play this well.

"What do you want me to do about it?" He lifted an eyebrow, putting his attention back on to his phone. I sighed under my breath trying to think of something.

"Could you like massage it or something?" I began circling my thumb over the skin of my neck, biting my lower lip slightly. Take the bait Taehyung, for goodness sake. He seemed to think it over before placing his phone down and getting up.

"Turn to the side." I followed his command, shifting my body to face sideways on the couch so he could fit in behind me, his legs either side of my body. I moved my hair to one side to allow for easy access. I felt his hands graze my neck, they were warm and delicate. His long fingers began pressing deeply into the skin on my nape. He swirled and circled the skin on the back of my neck. I lost myself for a second, his touch bringing a large amount of pleasure to my body. Gathering up all the courage I had, I took a deep breath before letting out a light moan.

"Taehyung, right there. That feels so good," I sighed in the sexiest voice I could, dragging out the syllables of each word. It's a good job he couldn't see my face because I was currently in disgust of what I was doing.

"What are you doing Autumn?" Taehyung asked from behind, the confusion clear in his voice. He stopped moving his fingers briefly but I tugged at them to get him to move again. I turned to face him, putting the most sincere look on I could muster.

"What do you mean? I'm not doing anything, the massage is definitely working, why did you stop?" I said in a sweet innocent voice. He glared over at me before continuing. I gave it a couple of seconds before continuing my plan trying not to be obvious.

"Thanks Tae," I let out another moan, "I can already feel all the knots disappearing."

"Okay I'm done, you should be fine now." Taehyung got up from behind me and walked back to the couch. I tried to hide my smirk at how hot and bothered Taehyung looked.

"Oh? Can we stay in that position a bit longer?" I asked shyly, nibbling on my lip. Widening my eyes to give him the puppy eyes I fiddled with my fingers. Taehyung glanced over, his eyes soft but also lust filled. For the second time he crossed the room to sit behind me in the same position as earlier. I smiled gleefully, proud of my acting skills, what could I say though I learnt from the best. I laid my head back onto Taehyung's shoulder, shuffling my body backwards so I was almost sat on his lap. I smiled gently to myself as I let my eyes glance over the sharp blade of the knife I had stashed behind the sofa cushion. How stupid he was to leave me unattended in an apartment with a kitchen stocked with knives. He let out a low hiss as I deliberately brushed against his crotch.

"Sit still," he growled, grabbing hold of my hips hard pushing them down so I couldn't move. "You're turning me on," he whispered into my ear. I let out a small giggle, this was only the beginning.

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