34. My Type: Submissive

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Secret, hidden, dark; it can also refer to hidden feelings i.e gloom, sorrowful.


Taehyung's POV

"So how was last night," I arched an eyebrow up giving her a smirk whilst reading over the small menu in my hand. We were in a large cafe on the other side of Seoul so we wouldn't be seen together.

"He wouldn't fuck me," Yiren scoffed playing with the rings on her fingers. She was an attractive girl I had to admit, but she was too clingy and annoying for my liking.

"I don't blame him." I place the menu down on the worn table, glancing over at a waitress who was scribbling an order down on her notepad at the far end of the room. My eyes scan her body, working their way up from the trainers on her feet to the long curls on the top of her head. Taking in all of her curves, she certainly had a great figure. She was innocent and naive, I could instantly tell she was shy by her mannerisms. Autumn was the same. I was attracted to those type of girls; submissive.

"You need to keep your side of the deal. You told me you'd get Jimin to like me back," she pouted at the table. "Sweetheart, I'm not Cupid," I laugh, unable to believe she was really stupid enough to think Jimin would ever fall in love with her. "It's not my fault you can't wrap him around your little finger. You need to keep your side of the deal too, Autumn nearly missed your little stunt with Jimin if I hadn't stalled," I voice out with clear annoyance in my tone, a warning not to mess things up again.

"It's harder than you think to get someone in a specific place at a specific time without them noticing, you know," Yiren huffs out in an attempt to defend herself.

"Would you like to order?" The waitress from earlier interrupts our conversation with a wide smile that reached her bright eyes. She wasn't from around here. The cute accent gave it away. "I'll have a flat white and a custard tart," Yiren responds not even sparing the waitress a glance, much less interested by the pretty woman than I was.

"Could you tell me what this is." I pointed to the menu, focusing my eyes on her exposed chest as she lent down to look at what I was pointing at. Yiren gave me a disgusted look that I brushed off. I noticed a small name tag hanging from her apron, 'Areum'.

I nod my head enthusiastically as she spoke, despite not listening to a word she was saying. "And what would you recommend, Areum?" I attempt to flirt with her. She notices it, a dusky pink blush making its way on to the top of her cheeks. Her mouth opened slightly, unsure how to answer me under the intense eye contact I maintained with her while waiting for an answer.

"Well, I like the custard tarts" She answered finally, copying Yiren's order and taking the safe route. "Great. I'll have one of those then." I peel my eyes away from the waitress to train them on Yiren who didn't look best impressed with me.

"I'll be back with your order shortly," the waitress chimed before walking off in the direction of the kitchen, my eyes following her, taking in the view of her hips swinging side to side.

"You're an asshole," Yiren shook her head.

"There are better things you could be doing with that mouth of yours than using it to insult me," I retort, sending Yiren a dirty look. She scoffs at me, looking around the cafe to avoid having to make eye contact with me. "I only asked you to meet me here because we have a problem," I carry on, getting to the real reason of why we were actually here.

"What is it?" Yiren rested her head on the palm of her hand using, the other to scroll through her phone. "More like who is it," I sneer thinking of the one person who could single-handedly ruin my entire plan. Yiren peered up at me, her eyebrows knitting together in confusion. "It's Hoseok, a friend of Jimin and Autumn. He thinks it's me that sent Jimin the photos."

"How would he know, I thought you covered your tracks." Yiren put her phone down giving me her full attention, aware that if Autumn found out it was me she would lose any chance with Jimin.

"I don't know, he was trying to call Autumn last night, so I replied to his messages from her phone. He thinks it's me that took the photos. I've blocked his number so he shouldn't be able to contact her again." I recall the events of earlier this morning. After I had sent Autumn up to bed I waited for her to fall asleep, carefully and quietly I slipped into my bedroom where she was sleeping and used her fingerprint to unlock her phone. It was the one time I was grateful she was a heavy sleeper. I went through her photos, her text messages and the calls she had made in the past month. I blocked any number that wasn't mine.

"Couldn't he just meet up with her?" Yiren asked, stating the obvious. "She's not going to believe him over me without any proof, and he doesn't have any," I shrugged. I wasn't worried about Hoseok, he wasn't a threat to me, but if he decided to become one, he would be dealt with accordingly.

"Okay, and what if he tells Jimin?" Yiren questioned further, suddenly acting much smarter than I had anticipated. "Jimin won't even go anywhere near him, let alone listen to what he has to say. There's no reason to worry about that." Yiren nodded her head in agreement as a waiter walked up to our table with our order.

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