27. Word Of Warning

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The feeling of longing for something or someone who you love and which is lost.


Jimin's POV

"Why the fuck is he here?" My voice thunders over the loud bass of the music, anger flooding throughout my body. Hobi stared at me like a deer caught in headlights, a mixture of guilt and regret painting itself on his face. Just moments ago I'd seen Jungkook dancing with a girl I'd never seen before, and I wanted him out of my apartment and out of my life. Immediately I'd tried finding Autumn, but I hadn't been able to find her anywhere.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know. He'll just kick up a fuss if I ask him to leave." The fear in Hobi's voice as he responds instantly makes me feel sorry for yelling at him. "Fine, but you're keeping an eye on him until he leaves." I walk away without a response, still needing to find Autumn. Although my apartment was small, the number of bodies currently crammed inside of it made it difficult to see around the room. I feel a heavy tap on my shoulder, which fills me with hope that she'd finally found me. Yet when I turn around, I'm not faced with Autumn, but of all people, her ex.

"We need to have a chat." His eyes were red around his lower lash line, but they housed a dark appearance, one of resentment and rage. It looked like he'd been crying. His hair was a knotted mess and there was what appeared to be a wet patch on the sleeve of his jacket. "Where's Autumn?" I demand, ignoring his previous request. I didn't want to talk to the guy anyway, what was more important, was finding Autumn this very second.

"I'll tell you where she is, once we've had our chat." His voice deepened, losing all of its feigned friendliness. I consider starting a fight. One punch to the nose and he'd be out cold, but he knew where Autumn was, and that's all that mattered. I push my way through the crowds of people towards my bedroom, knowing he'd follow after me. As we make our way across the room I'm checking the sea of faces for Autumn, but it's like trying to find a single drop of water in an entire ocean.

"Are you and Autumn dating?" Taehyung questions the moment the door is closed behind us. I'd taken a seat on the edge of my bed, expecting him to do the same, but he remains stood up, increasing the height difference between us even further.

"Not yet," I begrudgingly answer. I'd never really known what me and Autumn were. Sure we acted like a couple, and I would consider her to be my girlfriend, but we had never officially put a label on our relationship. I hadn't feel the need to until now.

"Good, because it's going to stay that way." Taehyung lowered himself, leaning on his arms which came to rest on either side of my body, so our faces were now at the same height. A threatening smirk displayed itself across his face, but it never reached his eyes. His eyes remained pools of darkness.

"And why should it?" I had intended it to come out much stronger, more powerful, but my voice was merely just a whisper, and I suddenly feel pathetic for not being able to protect Autumn better. This made Taehyung chuckle lightly to himself, his head shaking from side to side with amusement. "If you really love Autumn, you'll let her be with the better man. So, I suggest you stay far away from her. For her sake." His words stab deep in my chest, my already pounding heart now hitting speeds that seemed impossible. This guy was a psychopath.

"Don't you dare touch her." I stand up, stepping closer to him, his words having done enough to rile me up.

"I've done the right thing by warning you what will happen if you don't stay away from her. It's up to you now whether you take my advice." Taehyung pushed his hands into the depths of his jacket pockets. He looks around my room meticulously as if looking for something before training his eyes back on me. "Well, if you've got nothing more interesting to say, I'll be heading off now. Last time I checked Autumn was using the bathroom." He shoots me a mocking smile before turning around to open the door. "Oh and please don't tell Autumn about this little conversation, it'll only upset her. Happy birthday Jimin." He chuckles quietly to himself, giving me a small wave before turning to leave me alone in my room.


Autumn's POV

I'd been looking for Jimin everywhere, but he was nowhere to be found. Moments ago I'd caught a glimpse of Taehyung's back exiting the apartment. I'd considered following after him in search of a better explanation as to why he'd suddenly confessed, but I spot Jimin walking towards me, a troubled expression on his face.

"What's wrong? I've been looking for you everywhere." Jimin's sudden change of behaviour worried me. First he completely disappears from his apartment and now he was acting like the weight of the world had been placed on his shoulders. Had something happened while I was in the bathroom?

"Nothing, it's just stomach ache. Have you by any chance seen Taehyung recently?" Jimin's question takes me by surprise. I'd suspected that he didn't even know Taehyung was at the party, so the fact he was asking where he was concerns me. Did he know that Taehyung had confessed? "He just left." I point over at the front door. Jimin's hunched shoulders visibly relax as he ruffles the back of his hair.

"I have something I want to give you." I change the subject, trying to brighten Jimin's mood and forget about Taehyung. I still hadn't given him his present yet and I couldn't wait any longer. I took hold of his hand pulling him into the kitchen space which was empty and much quieter. I reach for my bag pulling out a silver box wrapped with a silk white bow and hand it over to him.

"What's this?" He asked, checking the box out, before looking up at me with bambi eyes. "It's your birthday present, silly." I laugh lightly at his shocked face, slightly saddened that he clearly hadn't been expecting any gifts.

"You didn't have to get me anything. Seriously, you've done more than enough for me already." Jimin shyly rubbed the back of his neck, a habit I'd noticed that he'd adopted for whenever he was embarrassed. "Just open it," I urge excitedly. He carefully untied the bow, setting it on the countertop. Taking off the lid of the box he moved the delicate tissue paper out of the way. Slowly, he pulled out the silver maple leaf charm from the box. Jimin always wore a charm bracelet on his right wrist, I'd noticed it since the first day we met. I'd never built up the confidences to ask about the charms, but I knew they had to hold some significance.

"It's a maple leaf. It has a number of meanings to it, but I guess it's, well a reminder of me." I was slightly shy and embarrassed to say it out loud. I'd thought hard about what I was going to get Jimin, I wanted to give him a reminder that I was always by his side even when I wasn't able to physically. Jimin didn't say anything, he just stared at the tiny charm in his palm before bursting into tears. His sobs were loud and his whole body was shaking as he clutched onto the charm.

"Please don't ever leave me," he managed to breathe between sobs, his arms latching themselves around my body. I hold him in my arms, reassuring him that whatever happened, we'd always find our way back to each other.

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