37. Fight or Flight

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An extraordinary or violent emotional reaction to a small issue.

Autumn's POV

I woke up in Taehyung's bed, the memories of last night flooding back into my head. Groaning I turned over, snuggling into his grey hoodie. I closed my eyes for a few more seconds before remembering the messages I had from Hobi. Getting up I skipped down the stairs, the house eerily quiet. I found my phone on charge where I had left it in the kitchen. Unlocking my phone I went to my messages, but there was nothing there. No new messages or missed calls from Hobi since a few days ago. I scratched my head leaning on the side of the countertop. Had I dreamed of getting the messages? I tried calling Hobi, but it went straight to voicemail. Hobi always picked up no matter what so I was a little unnerved by it.

Checking the other rooms in the house it had turned out Taehyung wasn't at home. Making my way back upstairs I changed into some spare clothes of Taehyung's. I spent the rest of the day floating between clothing stores. I needed some retail therapy, it had been ages since I had last brought clothes. My phone rang at around 6pm, fishing it out of my pocket I assumed it was Hobi who had finally decided to call me back. To my surprise it was Taehyung.

"Hi," I spoke into the phone trying to hold all the shopping bags in one hand whilst I held my phone up to my ear.

"Where are you?" He questioned without a greeting.

"Just heading back to my apartment now, I went into town today to pick up some things." I came to a halt outside the bus stop, placing my bags down on the floor, relieving my hand of the heavy weight.

"Come back to mine, I've missed you today," Taehyung spoke sweetly through the phone. I was tempted but I needed to drop my bags off and I was missing the comfort of my own bed.

"Sorry Taehyung, maybe tomorrow." I saw the bus drive around the corner at the top of the street. Picking up my bags I stood up with others waiting to get on the bus.

"No, you're not going anywhere without me Autumn, don't make me come and get you." Although his words were demanding he kept the same sweet tone he had started the phone call with. I'd be lying if I said Taehyung's dominant side didn't scare me a little.

"Fine," I sighed walking away from the bus stop towards his house. Ending the phone call I put it in my back pocket feeling stupid for being such a pushover. Where had the strong, independent Autumn gone? After a quick 10 minute walk, I finally reached the house that had practically become my second home. Unlocking the door I made my way into the living room to see Taehyung on the phone. He looked annoyed dropping the phone on the couch after I heard the familiar beep of voicemail.

"Who were you trying to call?" I asked setting my bags on the floor before taking my coat off.

"Just a friend, sweetheart." His tone became sour and I decided it was a better idea to not ask any further about it. "Is there a special reason as to why you're wearing my clothes?" Taehyung lifted an eyebrow.

"Oh sorry, I didn't have a spare change of clothes." I rambled on.

"You look gorgeous." Taehyung walked over to me giving me a quick peck before taking my coat from my hands. I pulled him back in to kiss him again, lacing my hands around his neck. He smiled into the kiss, pushing my back into the wall so he could press his body closer to mine.

"Thank you." I blushed shyly, breaking the kiss. This was how things had been before Taehyung had started cheating on me, this was the Taehyung I loved. Maybe he really had changed.


Taehyung's POV

"What do you mean they know!" I shouted through gritted teeth. I slapped her hard across the cheek causing her to fall back, tears streaming down her face.

"I don't remember much, I remember Jungkook was there, and he was asking a lot of questions. He took me back to his place, and...." Yiren was crying her eyes out, struggling to form words her eyes full of hurt and worry. It was almost laughable.

"Shut up, I've heard enough," I cut her off, I wasn't interested in how it happened. "What am I supposed to do now, huh?" I got close to Yiren as she tried backing away from me, shuffling on her feet. Grabbing hold of her hair I yanked her head forwards. "You've ruined any chance you might have had with Jimin you dumb bitch."

She would have to be punished.

"Don't touch me ever again," she screamed, thrashing her body around to try and get out of my grip.

"Who are you to tell me what I can and can't do?" I crouched down beside her where she was heaped on the floor. I noticed a line of bruises that travelled up her thighs, more dotted her upper arms. I was certain it was Jungkook who had left them.

Locking her arms up above her head I got on top of her preventing her from moving with the weight of my body. She screamed again, moving her body around whilst I laughed at the sight in front of me. I muffled her screams by kissing her roughly, shoving my tongue into her mouth as she tried biting down on it. Grinding my hips down onto hers I felt her body stiffen and the look on her face told me she was holding back a moan. Taking both of her wrists in one hand I used the other to travel up her blouse. I detached my lips from hers and moved them to her collarbone, sucking lightly on the delicate skin.

"Beg me for it," I whispered into her collarbone, feeling her body shiver. Yiren didn't respond. I moved my hand down from under her blouse and into the fabric of her jeans, slowly teasing her. "Do I need to repeat myself?" I moved over to her other collarbone, leaving another hickey in a line of symmetry across her chest.

"Taehyung, please," she breathed. I smirked at how easy she was. I'd won this little game in a matter of seconds.

"Please what?" I teased unzipping the front of her jeans.

"Fuck me." Her eyes clamped shut as she freely let out a moan, opening her legs wide giving me access. Her breathing was uncontrolled and all over the place, her chest heaving up and down. It amused me that I had such an effect on her.

"No. I don't fuck with sluts," I moved my hand from out of her jeans and let go of her wrists. Getting up from her I walked out of the apartment leaving her a mess on the floor.

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