10. Hidden Secrets

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To find healing by the process of forming scars.


As I reach the apartment block which resembled any other in the district, it was apparent that it was in desperate need of some home improvements. The metal stairs leading up to Jimin's apartment twisted in a perfect spiral but each step was a different height from the last, making it extremely difficult to judge how high to lift my foot.

55A. I check the address saved in my phone one last time to make sure I was in the right place. The door was scratched with chipped brown varnish. It had a brass door handle that had been dulled with age and fingerprints. I knock quietly on the door, sending sound waves through the otherwise silent apartment block. I stood there for what seemed like minutes until I decide to knock again, this time louder and faster. Soon enough the door opened with a creaking noise to reveal an eager looking Jimin. "You're on time," Jimin smiles as he pulled me into his apartment. The apartment was dimly lit, the only light source coming from the long windows that showcased the city lights outside. Two worn couches stood facing each other on a hand-woven rug, the room lacking much furniture. It was clear Jimin had never properly decorated. A small photo of what seemed to be his family sat on a stained coffee table in the middle of the room.

"Make yourself at home." He gestures towards one of the couches, rushing over to fluff one of the cushions before I sat down. "Can I get you anything to drink? or something to eat? we can get takeaway if you want?" He nonchalantly asks, seemingly pretty calm and relaxed, not one bit nervous by my presence.

"I'll just have some water please." I politely answer, giving the apartment room another glance over, looking for anything I had missed.
Jimin walked up to what seemed to be a makeshift kitchen at the far end of the room. He grabs a glass from one of the cupboards, his other hand reaching out to turn on the tap. When he turns the tap on the water doesn't flow out of it calmly but instead splutters out in chaotic bursts. This doesn't seem to phase him though as he fills up the glass tumbler before handing it to me. "So where's your suitcase?" I ask taking a sip of the water before placing it down on a coaster on the small coffee table.

"It's in my bedroom, I'll go grab it. Could you get my carrier from the far-right cupboard over there." He signals towards the kitchen aimlessly as he walks into a back room. I pick myself up from the couch, wandering into the kitchen space. Although I was turning 21 in a few months I still struggled knowing my left from my right. I took my chances, walking to one end of the kitchen before bending down and opening the cupboard.

I scan the contents of the cupboard before widening my eyes and shutting it abruptly, glancing over my shoulder to make sure Jimin hadn't returned yet. In the cupboard stood rows of small plastic containers. Names of anti-depressants labelled them: amitriptyline, perphenazine and triptafen, a compound of the previous two. Above them stood a few half empty bottles of alcohol and several packets of cigarettes. Jimin didn't seem the type to drink and I had never smelt smoke on him before. I start to replay all of my run in's with Jimin, trying to see if I'd missed or overlooked something, but there was nothing to suggest Jimin was struggling.

"What are you doing?" Jimin huffs out as he struggled with his suitcase, dragging it to the middle of the room, clothes haphazardly hanging out of it. "Oh, I was just doing some..." I look around trying to think of an excuse.

"Yoga" I shouted out before going into the downward dog position, forgetting I was wearing a skirt. Jimin's eyes fluttered around the room as if not sure where to look before falling into a fit of laughter.

"I don't know why you're doing yoga in my kitchen but I'm enjoying the view." He continues to laugh, a smug smirk starting to appear. I lower my butt from the air standing up awkwardly as Jimin makes his way towards me. I back up until I feel the hard countertop press into my skin. His muscular arms surround my body and I feel his warm hand begin to trail up the back of my thigh. The moment is ruined as I see something small and furry run into the room. I scream pushing past Jimin and jumping on to the couch. "What the hell was that!" I shout, holding up a cushion in defence.

"That would be Seojin." He laughs.

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