Today is the day

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(Y/N) P.O.V 

Today was the day. You were going to finally see them again. 

After years of being part of the League of Villains you had finally left them. Starting out on your own as a villain and there were only two people you wanted to be with you, to build your empire with you. After months of planning, waiting and watching you were going to be reunited with them for the first time since the Vanguard Action Squad attack. You raised from your bed, taking note of how the sun pooled into the room through the gap in the curtains. Looking at your desk across the room you see the maps, the photographs of the hottest heroes in Musutafu and the sharpened knives and pins you were preparing last night. As you lay back on your bed you think back to the first time you saw them. 


Standing on the side lines, out of sight and behind Shigaraki you watched the attack unfold. You were not the quickest or the most experienced in hand to hand combat, your quirk meant that you were the most valuable when you could see the enemy from a distance - with time to act if required. You watched as the UA students made their way to the central plaza to stop the Nomu. An angry ash blonde who seemed to use an explosion quirk, a green haired male, a red head with sharp pointed teeth and a heterochromatic eyed male who seemed to use an ice quirk. You felt a rush when you saw the ash blonde jump into action and pin Kurogiri to the ground, the sound of him hitting the ground was mesmerising and the power in the blonde's grip excited you. You recollected yourself and saw the heterochromatic eyed male freeze half of the Nomu, he was so calm and measured. They were complete opposites but as a team they were dangerous. 

Seeing the battle unfold you pulled out a knife from your belt, you were poised and ready to use your quirk when the Nomu finally broke free. You hesitated and waited, Shigaraki had given you clear instructions not to reveal yourself or do anything until he gave you the signal. The fight continued, All Might destroyed the Nomu by punching him out of the USJ dome. That is when the other heroes arrived, we were done. The mission was a bust. As Kurogiri opened the portal trying to focus on protecting Shigaraki you ran towards it and managed to sneak through the gate. As you turned around you saw the ash blonde staring at you, as you stepped through you bit your bottom lip and winked at him. Disappearing through the gate.

~flashback ends~

You let out a sigh. The confusion on that blonde's face gave you a real thrill and that is why you started watching him from the shadows. Him and the other male. You were roughly the same age as the UA students so you decided to attend an open day at the UA campus to be able to see him, Shigaraki was not pleased when you returned cooing over the photos you had taken of UA or the sneaky pictures you had taken when you saw the students outside on the training field. But you did not care, you knew that Shigaraki was just upset that he did not have your full attention. 

You left your bed to get ready, you headed to the ensuite attached to your room. As you removed the oversized white t-shirt and your underwear and entered the shower you looked over the scars on your body. You stroked over the small but deep scar on your left hand, it ran horizontally across all 4 of your fingers. You then touched the large scar on your left shoulder. Those scars were special, they were from the night you finally came face to face with the two males in the forest during the attack of the Vanguard Action Squad. 


(Y/N) P.O.V

Find Bakugou and take him back to the bar. That was the instruction. I moved through the forest, keeping an eye out for the ash blonde when out of nowhere he rushed towards me. He grabbed me by my neck with his left hand, his face hovered inches from my face. He was snarling and had small sparks coming from his right hand. 

Bakugou P.O.V

I grabbed the villain by the neck using my left hand. I studied her face and something was so familiar about her lips. The villain wore a mask covering the top half of her face, all I could see was her (E/C) eyes and her (H/C) hair. And of course her lips, those lips. She was dressed in a skin tight outfit, it was black with silver markings all over it that looked like veins. I refocused and stared at her, small sparks coming from my right hand. 

(Y/N) P.O.V

I felt so powerless at that moment and I liked it. Shaking myself out of the moment I had to distract him. I moved my right hand and removed a knife from my belt, when he went to look down at my hand I pushed my lips against his. It worked like a charm, he was distracted. I took the opportunity and sliced the knife horizontally on my left hand across 4 fingers at the joint where my palm and fingers joined. Activating my quirk as the knife sliced through my skin. 

Bakugou P.O.V

As I managed to shake myself out of the kiss I felt a searing pain in my left hand. I pulled my hand away from her neck and held my hand close to my chest. How had she managed to cut my hand? It was against her neck? Did she move the knife that quickly? In that moment of pain and confusion she ran. I had lost her. I fired an explosion from my right hand in the direction she ran but she was gone. 

(Y/N) P.O.V

That was close. I ran and scrambled up a tree, breathing heavily. Then I saw Todoroki. I had watched him during the sports festival and I now knew that ice was not his only quirk. I held my breath, hoping he would not see me. As he ran under the tree the blood from my left hand dripped onto his cheek. My wounds heal quickly as part of my quirk but in that moment I could not concentrate to accelerate the healing. He looked up, dammit. Think (Y/N). I locked eyes with him and stabbed the knife I was holding into my left shoulder. He huddled over grasping at his shoulder. I jumped from the tree and ran, meeting with the rest of the squad who had achieved what I could not. We left through the portal with Bakugou. When we arrived back at the bar, I went to change out of my outfit and left the bar. I needed to recover and heal, I needed quiet and I needed darkness for optimum healing. 

~flashback ends~

You finished in the shower and moved to your room to get dressed. Thinking about Bakugou and Todoroki you started to hum, dancing around your room and getting ready. You put on a pair of skinny black jeans with rips in the knees, some black boots and a t-shirt with your favourite band's name on it. You added a leather jacket, sorted your (H/C) hair in the mirror and put on dark makeup around your (E/C) eyes. Smiling at yourself in the mirror you thought to yourself 

'Today is the day that I seduce them, today is the day that they start to want me as much as I want them'

The Voodoo Villain (Bakugou x Fem Villain Reader x Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now