Chapter 1

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I smashed my hand on my alarm. The clock fell to the floor as I had hit it a bit too hard. Slowly my eyes fluttered open and I started looking around to the walls that were covered in my All Might posters. I glanced at the time from my phone, not wanting to pick up the clock. 8:30. Shit.
"I'm late!" I jumped up my bare feet hitting the ground with a loud thud while rushing to my drawers to grab my costume and uniform. The late-night had thrown me off.
"How many times did I hit snooze? Aizawa is going to kill me."I muttered to myself shaking my head to get the sense about me. My green curls almost matted to my head not really moving.
Maybe I could just skip? That probably wasn't a good idea. No, Ochaco would be upset. She had told me to stop skipping so much recently so better late than not at all. I let out a low groan stumbling. Maybe I could come up with a good excuse. If I explained the lack of sleep there was a chance I could get away with being late. Hopefully, Aizawa understood. I was only 30 minutes at this point. Using my quirk I could get to class in like 5 minutes. I had gotten a lot faster.
Shoving the costume into my bag I jammed my leg into my pants trying to hurry. This caused me to stumble immensely. Another annoyed groan escaped my mouth as I tugged my pants over my hips while stabilizing myself. I really needed to hurry.
I heard a banging on my door. It startled me with how sudden it was. Did he really send someone after me because I was that late? That seemed so unlikely. This was Aizawa we were talking about.
"Deku! Get your ass out here. Iida was freaking out because you weren't there and obviously your dumbass doesn't know how to set an alarm." That was a familiar voice. 
Why would he send him? Did he?
The beating on the door just got harder as a scrambled for the rest of my things. The last thing I needed to grab had just been slipped into my bag.
Just as I grabbed my bag the door exploded inwards off the hinges leaving scorches on both the frame and the door itself. It had landed just inches from me. I looked at it laying on the floor and noticed I had dropped my bag in shock. My heart was still beating out of my chest. Looking up I could see the two in the hall. 
"BAKUGO! YOU CAN'T JUST BLOW THE DOOR OFF!" a familiar female voice yelled with a panicked tone.
"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" he yelled back at her giving a menacing glare.
It was Ochaco Uraraka with Katsuki Bakugo.
The familiar round-faced girl that usually dawned a pink hero costume now wore a similar uniform to mine. The only difference was a skirt instead of pants.
Katsuki Bakugo. A childhood friend went array. He was still the most amazing person I knew with an awesome quirk though he didn't control it too well. His ashen hair and piercing red eyes glared at me as I stood there still halfway in shock. Even angry he was still so beautiful. Mean but beautiful. I let out a sigh trying to push the thought of him out of my head.
"I figured if he came alone he would kill you for how Iida responded to you not being there again. Hey, at least you're already dressed." She tried to lighten the situation with a slight giggle and a forced smile. Even the fake smiles were beautiful. She truly was a remarkable friend.
"Of course he's dressed. I wouldn't be surprised if he was planning on skipping to go hang out with his hero All Might." Kacchan rolled his eyes looking in my direction. 
Lately, it seemed like he was getting more and more aggressive towards me and I didn't know how to feel.
Why did he hate me so much? This was really starting to press on my nerves. The constant worry that I would do something to upset him and the torment would get worse.
"I just overslept. I had a late night. Aizawa caught me out walking around the campus and I got in trouble." I tried to explain but was quickly cut off.
"You know the rules! Why were you walking around? It's still dangerous out there!" Uraraka shouted looking visibly irritated. She had thrown her arms in every direction possible while speaking I'm guessing it was to intensify my reaction. Truthfully I didn't 100% know.
I let out a sigh "trying to clear my head. I guess. A lot has happened with in the last few months and as much as I love the dorms I needed some fresh air and I couldn't just sit still."I glanced down at my bag that was dropped on my bed from shock.
"That makes sense... I guess. I still don't like that you were out so late but I can understand that." She paused for a second then lifted her finger to scold "You still should have been on time though. Aizawa is probably going to be upset you were late. I'm surprised he even let us come to get you." She rubbed her temples then glanced back up at me.
"I'm surprised he sent you." I looked over to Bakugo
He rolled his eyes again then got a look of pure annoyance on his face.
"I guess he thought that if I came you'd either be there or you'd be dead. Either way works for me. Now let's go." He grabbed my shirt's collar and tugged me forward his eyes were intense. So intense and so beautiful. I needed to push that thought out of my head too. soon he just pulled me behind him tiring of my slowness. I swiftly grabbed my bag in the last moment before he tugged me out of the room. He let go after a moment of walking. This was slowing me down honestly. I groaned slightly under my breath trying to think of a way to get out of trouble. Usually, I could play off being sick but if I wanted to do that I should have sent one of my friends a message saying I didn't feel good not ignored them while I was getting ready.
"Don't you think the door was a little overkill? It looked like he was about to come out." Uraraka sighed breaking the silence "the principle is going to kill you for that."
"No not even for a second. He should have been expecting way worse since it's me who came to get him and he made me wait." He paused "and anyways it got him out faster didn't it? They won't give a shit if we get back fast enough."
"Didn't you ask to go get him?" She smirked and let out a chuckle. "Something about wanting a rival to have the same chance as you? Don't try to blame this on Aizawa or Iida. You like him don't you?" She whispered to him though I almost couldn't hear. She was never really good at whispering though. Ochaco was dead wrong about him liking me. There was no way that he liked me. It was so far off that I didn't really think he would react well. There was a pause then she spoke louder "you're still going to get in trouble. They won't overlook that. It's damage to school property." It slightly sounded like she was cooing the last sentence which made me chuckle under my breath.
"Shut it or I will fucking kill you round face." He hissed at her. His reaction was kind of strange for someone who didn't even want to be around the other. "Those assholes won't do shit." He quickly changed the subject back to property destruction then snapped his head around glaring at me. "The fuck you laughing about you damn nerd?"
I shook my head quickly retorting with "nothing."
"Better hope it was nothing." He growled under his breath.
Did he actually want me there? No. That couldn't be it. She definitely just misunderstood the situation. I was starting to misunderstand for a second myself luckily I snapped back into reality. He couldn't like me and if he even slightly did it was only as a friend.
I inhaled deeply looking around the halls. All the seats of the common area were empty as usual at this time of day. Classes were in session so the only people that would be out here would be someone who was skipping or sick. The walk that could have taken me five minutes tops with my quirk. It really seemed to be dragging on. What had it been 10 minutes now? We were only halfway there. I looked over to Kacchan who was glaring at Uraraka. She must have really pissed him off. It seemed like he was blushing a little but still angry. It made no sense to me. why was he blushing? Could it be? No. Not a chance. His face was probably red from anger. Did that happen often?
You could almost see the fire in his eyes as he glared at her. It was pretty scary. We may have known each other since we were kids but I don't think I will ever get used to that anger. I just wanted to see him happy. Since I started getting more powerful I couldn't tell if that made him angrier or possibly just excited for a challenge. 
As we approached the classroom he whipped around and glared at me getting about an inch from my face.
"Deku. Don't be late again or else. I don't know why you've been slacking off but if I'm going to beat you, later on, you need to be on top of your game. It's no fun if you aren't actually trying." He paused then smirked at me " Slip up and I'll be glad to watch you die." He snapped at me before turning into the doorway of the classroom.
"Don't worry about him too much. I honestly don't think he'd ever actually kill you."  Uraraka whispered to me as she walked by. She let out a small giggle as if she knew something I didn't. 
Actually, kill me. That's the best wording she had. Also was there a reason for the giggle? With what he said a giggle didn't seem like it was appropriate.
"Midoriya. Do you have a good reason for being late?" He let out a loud yawn staring at me with intensely heavy eyes. Eraserhead was eyeing me and all I wanted to do was run but I didn't.
I shook my head "I apologize Mr. Aizawa. After our talk last night I still couldn't sleep when I finally got to sleep I guess I hit snooze a few times while I was still out." I sighed trying not to make eye contact even though he was still glaring. The sad thing is I didn't remember falling asleep or pressing snooze at all. The insomnia had gotten worse. I could only sleep for maybe an hour or two at a time. Maybe I was fearful or maybe I was just stressed. To be honest there was no telling
"That's no excuse. Regardless of sleep, a hero has to be able to get their job done. No matter what. To make up for the hour you have lost and the time you caused your classmates to waste you will stay after class and train extra. You've missed too much lately as it is. So you will be making up for that too with an essay. I could have easily not sent anyone and let you get further behind but they volunteered and luckily you have many friends who were worried in this class."
He was right. A good hero is always there regardless of the amount of sleep. I needed to work on that. I glanced around the room wondering who besides Ochaco and Tenya. Ojiro was quiet and didn't say much to me. Mina was constantly talking with someone and I doubted even noticed I was gone for the simple fact she was probably talking to Kaminari. Aoyama looked like he had just been doodling with a very shiny looking pen. It wouldn't surprise me if the only reason he didn't seem to care that I walked in was because he was drawing with that. It was probably some bright sparkly color. Tsu, on the other hand, had a slightly concerned look on her face. It wouldn't be too far fetched for her to worry about me. She often did. I drew my attention back to where I was walking. Maybe with a bit of work, I wouldn't need to have so much sleep. That would make me a bit like Aizawa. Maybe? At least a little. it was embarrassing to be late but to have so many people worry that they actually came to get me. slowly trudging my way to my seat I tried to avoid all further eye contact. My face flushed of all color as I sat down still deathly exhausted. I was irritable and really didn't know if I could deal with today.
"Serves you right Deku. Wasting everyone's time like that." Bakugo said just loud enough for me to hear him from his seat. It didn't seem to me like he was teasing in any manner.
I jerked around and glared at him "You know you didn't have to come to get me. I was coming anyway. Better late than not there at all." Pausing for a second I gritted my teeth. "So don't blame me for you coming and blowing my door down to bring me to class when I was already up. I was about to leave. If I wasn't then I wouldn't have been dressed" I narrowed my eyes at him slightly.  There was a laugh.
"Are you serious? If I wouldn't have come and got you. You wouldn't be here yet and honestly, you probably wouldn't have even come. Don't even try to tell me you were coming. You use to be on time for everything. If you arent here on time it's better not to come at all dumbass." Bakugo snapped back at me.
I groaned slouching down in my seat. I couldn't deal with this stupidity today.
"Wait you blew his door up? You really thought that was necessary? Also, Bakugo stop cursing in class. It's not necessary either." Aizawa sighed rubbing his temples. 
"Completely unnecessary..." I muttered to myself referring to the door incident laying my head down on the desk.
"How the fuck else was I going to get his lazy ass out of bed?" 
"Stop cursing bakugo." Iida pressed from the back of the classroom almost standing to get his point across which kacchan obviously wasn't paying attention to.
"He was already up Bakugo!" Uraraka whined
"So there was absolutely no reason you needed to blow up his door? Which I remind you is school property. A simple knock would have sufficed?" Aizawa prodded looking over at me.
"Well, he wasn't answering!" 
He wasn't listening to anyone but that really wasn't out of the usual for him.
Was he actually arguing with Mr. Aizawa? Why was he getting so cocky about this? Honestly, after we got into the fight a few weeks back you would have thought he would have been smarter about how he was talking to him but no. I gritted my teeth once more. The arguing continued though and something was wrong something just snapped. 
"That doesn't mean that I wasn't about to run to class myself! I was getting dressed when you started knocking. Have a little freaking respect. What if I was naked you freak! Honestly, you slowed me down anyways." I slammed my hands on the desk.
"Slowed you down?" He laughed "not a chance. You're slow as hell anyways you wouldn't have even made it. Probably would have just given up."
"Well, it can't be helped. Midoriya. Did he do damage to your room causing you to be later than you already were going to be?"
"Yeah and almost killed me with a flying door. If I wouldn't have had to stay at their pace I would have run here and been probably 15-20 minutes faster. No offense Ochaco but you walk really slow. The dorms are far but using my quirk I could have gotten here way faster."
I looked over to Uraraka who didn't really look upset but she did look a tad embarrassed. I only felt bad about that.
Part of what I said was a bit of a lie. It didn't almost hit me but it came pretty close I had been moved back just enough. There was more shock than anything else. Just blowing it off the hinges was enough to get him in trouble.
"Then that's that. Midoriya you will write the essay and bakugo you will do 2 hours of training in his place. Not for making him late but for property damage to the school." Eraserhead paused turning to me  "Honestly Midoriya you should probably train as well to make up for the lost time. One hour should do it."
A hand shot up in the air "Mr. Aizawa do you think this will actually prevent future destruction by the class including bakugo. It doesn't seem likely.  It may make things worse having them train together. "
It was Iida. With his multitude of questions.  He was right though. It wouldn't make things easier but with Aizawa, things were never easy. This wouldn't sway destructive habits by Kacchan or anyone else for that matter. 
"It doesn't matter if it's going to make things worse. They have to learn to work together and they also cant be destroying the school. Midoriya cant be missing class so much. This serves as a reminder to those of you who think that you can skip or be late or DESTROY PROPERTY." 
It seemed like he was more upset that bakugo blew off my door than me being late. It was honestly really surprising to me that he was so upset about me being late in the beginning.
"How long does the essay need to be?" 
He let out a long sigh "until the point is across. No less than a full-page though. Over how missing out on training can affect you in battle in the long run. " 
I nodded and jotted it down on the notepad I pulled out of my bag. 
"Now then let's get started fully since everyone is now here."
Today was going to be a long day and it had only just started.

Dont Tell Me What To Do. Midoriya X Bakugo Where stories live. Discover now