Chapter 2 [rewritten]

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Chapter 2; Friends?

Mikasa wore her father's oversized sweater the next day along with some grey jeans and black converse. She always wore her parents clothing to be reminded of them from time to time.

She pulled a strap from her navy blue backpack over her shoulder and pulled her long hair into a ponytail. While she stared into her reflection, she could see the letters for a college name on her sweater.

She smiled, remembering that this was the college that her father and mother went to when they met.

'I want to go to this college one day.' She thought.

"Mika! Hurry up or else you'll be late!" Her brother hailed from downstairs.

Mikasa skipped down the stairs and saw her brother seated on the living room couch with a pair of keys in his hand. "Ready?" He asked.

Mikasa nodded. "I'm ready." She answered

She followed her brother to their garage and sat in the passengers seat of his 5 seater car as Levi turned on the car engine. She felt it hum under her feet as the garage opened her her brother pulled out before he drove into the street.

Mikasa always rode to school with her brother. She couldn't take riding on the bus because of how little respect she receives.

She once got a power drink spilled all over her as a prank and needed to have Levi bring her some new clothing. Because he needed to bring her new clothing, Levi got late to a job interview that lost him a job.

Levi had been searching for a job because even though the two inherited money from their parents after their death, they still need more money. Therefore, Levi needed income.

"We're here." Levi said as pulled up into the parking lot.

Mikasa nodded and grabbed her bag as she exited the car. She thanked her brother for the ride before she walked up to the school entrance, swallowing hard.

'This is it. This is last semester before I graduate high school.' She thought, staring up at the school sign.

She took another gulp as she stepped forward. 'Only 6 more months... that's all I have to deal with.' She thought to herself, trying to calm down her thundering heart.

The hallway was littered with students and Mikasa kept her head low as she squished through the throng of people.

Some freshman spoke about sophomore year and some seniors discusses their choices for their tertiary school.

When she reached her lockers, Mikasa swung it open and took out a few books. She took a peak at her schedule before she shut her locker.

When she closed her locker, she saw Annie by her side. Her breath hitched in her throat in fear when she saw that Annie was also with her clique at her side.

"Hi Mikasa! It's so good to see you! How was your weekend?" Annie said with a strangely wide smile and a forceful cheery tone.

"G-Good." Mikasa spoke quietly.

"Oh sorry, I didn't hear that. Well, it's not as if I care what you did. I mean, you're just a stupid orphan by the way." Annie said. Hitch and two other girls who were by her side giggled.

Mikasa felt an unsettling feeling settle over her.

"S-Sorry." Mikasa said, even though she was confused as to why she was apologizing.
Annie snickered at Mikasa's response, But she wasn't satisfied yet.

She turned on her heel, purposing whipping her hair in Mikasa's face. Mikasa sneezed as Annie walked off with her clique, snicker at Mikasa.

Hitch felt as if she hadn't left her mark yet so she shoved Mikasa's book out of her hand before leaving. Mikasa bent down to the floor, struggling to pick up her books. Some students snickered at her as others completely dismissed her.

Is He The Right One? (Eremika Story) [REWRITTEN] | (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now