Chapter 31 [rewritten]

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Chapter 31; Dinner

"You see why she doesn't tell you stuff now?"

Those were the first words that dribbled from Petra's lips when Levi walked into his bedroom. She sat on his bed, her disgusting tea on the bedside table, and she stared at him her eyes are narrowed. She gave him a look of both agitation and disappointment.

"What?" He asked back, confused as he shuts his bedroom door.

"You don't consider her feelings. She's happy with him, can't you see? She was so desperate trying to defend him too." Petra said, crossing her arms.

Levi cocked a brow, reciprocating Petra's action and crossing his arms too. "What are you suggesting?"

"Levi, how dense can you be? She loves him." Petra said simply.

"No," Levi shook his head, "that's ridiculous. He-"

"He didn't post the video, Levi." Petra cut him off. "Listen to your sister. He said that didn't do it, and Mikasa believes him. Give him a chance and hear him out. If not for him then for your sister." Petra insisted.

Levi stared at her, then sighed and shook his head. He prepared to protest, but then the memory of Mikasa desperately trying to defend Eren flashed through his mind and he held his tongue. He thought for a bit longer about this, then looked up at Petra again and nodded slowly.

"Fine," he muttered begrudgingly, "I'll listen to him. But, I still don't have any intention on forgiving him just yet."

Petra exhaled, drawing her hands back to her side and leaning back against the bed, bracing herself on her hands. "That's fine. As long as you at least talk to him."

Levi slowly made his way over to Petra, sitting down beside her. She didn't move closer to him, nor did she shift away. She just sat there.

Levi sighed. "Babe, please don't let this ruin your mood. Has your headache gone down at least?" He asked, reaching up to caress her cheek. She shied away from him and he dejectedly lowered his hand.

"I'm going to take a cold shower." She said in lieu of responding to his question. She stood up, gulping down the last of her disgusting tea and pulling a face before she began to walk away. "After that, I think I'll go home. I have work tomorrow anyways."

Levi nodded, gaze lowering to the floor as he frowned. "Right."

"Talk to Eren?" Petra said questioningly.

Levi stared at her then pursed his lips together and nodded slowly. "Yeah. I will."

Petra smiled. "Thank you," she said before she left his bedroom and padded down the corridor into the bathroom.

"I'm sorry that he did that."

"It's okay."

"No, it isn't. He yelled at you and I couldn't-"

"Hey, calm down. It's alright."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, of course. If I was under the impression that some douche fucked my little sister and posted the video online, I would be pissed too."

"Thank you for being so understanding. I just... thank you."

"No problem."

Silence settled between the two teens after that, and Mikasa shifted to get comfortable in her bed before she spoke into the speaker of her phone again.

"What was he saying?" She asked. She was asleep for most of the argument so she couldn't imagine what Levi might've said to Eren.

"He mainly just told me off. Yelled at me and threatened to get a restraining order." Eren admitted with ease.

Is He The Right One? (Eremika Story) [REWRITTEN] | (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now